It was the cigs.
smoking is particulate matter whether or not carcinogens are involved is moot
No it's not. Smoking marijuana is the exception because the smoke is harmless. Do you not comprehend this?
Your whole post is total bullshit but you can believe what you want.
Truth. You run from the truth so what would you know weatherman.
You provide no facts other than your baseless opinion.
Marijuana smoke contains cancer eating compounds in the tar and there are plenty of facts to back this up on the web. Go search it yourself.
It's an expectorant also.
There is no Polonium in marijuana.
Quit comparing tobacco smoke to cannabis smoke. There is no comparison.
it was the cigs , i implied that.
you're preaching to the choir, preacherman.
i've stated many times on these forums that cannabis heals cancer not causes it.
look to my profile where i prove what i say with pictures of my personal experience with dread of that shit.
why do you think i quit cigarettes? why do you think i quit smoking joints when i've loved it for 50 years? why do you think when a knee-jerk will suffice?
you're barking up the wrong tree.
particulates in smoke irratates my bronchia, not that you would care or give me credence not in what i believe but in proof.