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sativas from ghana


very nice phil, wish you best of luck with that. cant promise you miracles, only thing i know of this strain is that its straight from ghana, from a local ganja bush man. i know pato is growing it to in chile.


Whats the daylight hours in Ghana like?

Im thinking about growing some of the Jahwi's Joy beans in my micro-cabinet that phil is talking about.


I know of 4 strains from Ghana, Esbe's Jahwi's Joy, the Accra Skunk zamalito talks about, an unkown seedline a friend in London has that he obtained from a friend who went to Ghana and a cut (may exist in seed from too) that was grown by some rastas in Bradford back in the 90s that I nicknamed Black Star after the famous Ghana football team and cos it had almost black dark foliage. The London seedline produces plants that look very like traditional Jamaican sativas and I reckon it shares the same S. Indian background as Jamaican sats. The Black Star was a very narcotic smoke, the kind of weed that caused you to spend all afternoon staring into space nodding slowly to dub reggae, those rastas loved that cut and said they had had it for years.
W.Africa Weed Menu.....Hmmmmmm

W.Africa Weed Menu.....Hmmmmmm

:rasta: I saw this thread and had to say hello.
Hello :jump:

Good subject Jin.

Thought i could add my 2penny's worth.

I have visited Senegal and Gambia, for at least 13 years.
You could say i have family there.

The majority of the Ganga comes from cassmas area. But only when you vist this place you can you sample top smoke. Basically 'cos you can visit the farmers home.

Last time i went, and visited cassmas must of been 5 years ago. There was still tention, (long story short) Ganga/independence from North Senegal (i think).

Wonderful Weed of W.Africa. :rasta:


Jahwi's Joy, landrace Sativa from Ghana.

9 weeks, 12/12 from seed, under 2x55W compact fluoros.

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Hey jrw - got an update for us? Just cracked 10 Jahwis Joy for outdoors, so we'll see how they go outside around lat 55 N.


Szslack said:
Hey jrw - got an update for us? Just cracked 10 Jahwis Joy for outdoors, so we'll see how they go outside around lat 55 N.
They'll veg until the end of september. And they wont be ready to chop until next year!
It's a waist of good seeds.
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jrw said:
They'll veg until the end of september. And they wont be ready to chop until next year!
It's a waist of good seeds.

Thanks for the heads up - guess I'll make new indoor plans then... :D


Well-known member
Hey jrw,

Any further update on your Jahwis Joy from esbe, I would really appreciate some insight into this strain and it's characteristics:)




RC_Colas said:
Hey jrw,

Any further update on your Jahwis Joy from esbe, I would really appreciate some insight into this strain and it's characteristics:)



Harvested and smoked long ago :D

An awsome and fun plant to grow...



Dr. Narrowleaf
Hej jrw!

How's the high on these and what kind of feeding do they like? I'm considering popping a few.


Thule said:
Hej jrw!

How's the high on these and what kind of feeding do they like? I'm considering popping a few.

Only had this one female, so not a very big data fundament.

The high is less creative and energetic that I expected. On the other hand, I consider the effect of cannabis to be very relative to a lot of other factors than the actual smoke, which opens up the possibility, that my very expectations of a VERY sativa high made it feel less sativa.

I grew her in organic soil (blood, bone and kelp) at 1/3 recommended strength. She got VERY pale in the end, and here in my next run, with other strains though, I have upped the amounts to 40%.

Good luck with the Jahwi Joy's - I had a blast growing them. Tall, lanky, easy to bend, fast growing and good yields. Note that I grew her under a mere 110W compact fluoros...
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