hybrid vigor. dubi also says the oth phz is better in hybrids iirc.So, I don't see any great advantage with the Haze, but people still grow it and also breed with it, so I am sitting here waiting to hear them chime in and explain why it is worth the trouble
i'm wanting late flowering, high yielding, potent, bag appeal, hardy plants for od commercial grows in the hot/humid se usa. anything that comes in before 10/15 is susceptible to bud rot due to the heat and humidity. the mate paired with something like phz needs to get the harvest in around nov. 15 or a week or two earlier/later. after that the lumens are so low that good bud doesn't have enough golden sunshine to develop full potential.
phz in hybrids with the right mate is a good choice imo for potent yet mellow warm euphoric type high effects. the green haze could be used for more of the up, speedy trippy type high effects.
I like the gypsy nirvana aka mafate zamal over the fermented fruit zamal like from soa.
zamal is also awesome in hybrids. they (zamal late flowering type hybrids) literally get as big as a one story house and even taller. use these in hybrids for the up, euphoric type highs, to trippy electric high effects.
for huge yields zamal and haze can get enormous. both seem to me to be hardy when flowering late (after summer heat and humidity) and before the sun gets too low to drive good bud development).
when dealing with most sativa landraces I think in terms of hybrids ( ingredients).