Yeah...I suppose I would just resort to some more lame attempts at comedy, especially after I made a complete ass of myself and showed that I am a perfect example of the leftist mentality at work.Ride'em Sarah! You show those dino's who's boss!
You know, there will never be any substantive work done on getting the taboo off of MJ unless folks like Sarah Palin do take up the cause.
But, you people don't want some right wing idiot fixing it for you, aye?
Ok, seriously now Hoosier, do you really believe that if sarah palin was elected president, it would help MMJ/legalization?
Because I think it would be the same as bush, and reagan before him, some new version of "Just say no"!
Probably more like "Dinos don't do drugs" so neither should you kids!
And BTW - what kind of grades did this marxist with ID problems get? Oh thats right, he has hired three law firms whose sole job is to prevent those grades (and his ID) from ever seeing the light of day. Did he even go to college? Prove it, and prove it exactly how everyone else must prove it, with transcripts. What if that was Palin hiring three law firms to hide her entire past?Ok, seriously now Hoosier, do you really believe that because a marxist was elected president, it would help MMJ/legalization?
Let me fix this and you explain.
Ok, seriously now Hoosier, do you really believe that because a marxist was elected president, it would help MMJ/legalization?
And BTW - what kind of grades did this marxist with ID problems get? Oh thats right, he has hired three law firms whose sole job i to prevent those grades (or his ID) from ever seeing the light of day. What if that was Palin doing that?
Marxist, lol, and with 3 law firms preventing people from ever finding out about his grades, where did you get the info?
And I see your a "birther" too, nice, what are people like you doing on an MJ board in the first place?
Shouldn't you and hoosier be protesting at a planned parenthood clinic?
Or trying to get Catcher in the Rye removed from a public library somewhere?
what are people like you doing on an MJ board in the first place
Are you denying that or you just don't know? Now answer the questions if you can, if not go away. The jokes are lame and old, so if thats all you have, I'm not interested.
Also, why should I be out protesting an abortion clinic? Explain.
Because your hero sarah says you should
"In November 2006, then gubernatorial candidate Sarah Palin declared that she would not support an abortion for her own daughter even if she had been raped."
"even if she had been raped"
Wow, thanks mom
Colors revealed, your a Goddidit, come on over to the religious and spiritual forum if you would like to discuss your belief in creation myths further.And you seem to be big on evolution. You do know its an unproven theory don't you? No species has ever been observed or proven to evolve into another species. Its exactly AS unproven as creation theory. It never ceases to amaze me that people cling to evolution and hate creationism. Both of you are working with the exact same amount of proof. None.
Your as bright as she isAnd since you brought up her beliefs, are they relevant to this thread. !
And BTW - what kind of grades did this marxist with ID problems get? Oh thats right, he has hired three law firms whose sole job is to prevent those grades (and his ID) from ever seeing the light of day. Did he even go to college?
For Hkush
Back 2000 years ago, when they all lived together like sarah and you believe, jesus loved to go dinosaur riding!
OMFG! This post can't be real.
Obama graduated at the top of his class at Harvard, Magna cum laude, and was editor of the Harvard Law Review.
There is zero dispute except from people like yourself who also think Palin is smart.
Where did I say I believed that? A guy living in the sky that no one has ever seen and is magic, as told by the marxist last week is a more credible story? Explain.
The difference here is that sarah actually believes the crap, Obama on the other hand pretends to believe in the crap because he's a smart politician, and as such, realises the sad fact that there are many people like sarah and yourself who believe the nonsense and allow it to effect who they vote for.
You really can't see that?
Hmm.. so one is a liar and one isn't. Yes, I can see your dilemma in choosing which person is better. Lies are the bread and butter of the left.
What else is he lying about? Or is it just that?