so i got the skinny on the "fire" cut from pnc back in august 2010, not the real deal.... pissed yet again about misrepresentation. however, i'm told he has the real deal now so another 1000 mile round trip should be no prob...... argh! i think we have a whole tray of to differently sourced fake fire cuts. these best produce more than smoke. poop on a stick.......:/ whats next artificial vagina??? oh yeah, nevermind
@ The PNC topic- You guys have to realize before you go to PNC. This is a place that deals with Thousands of cuts. "Thousands".
when dealing with numbers in these amounts, statisticly speaking there are bound to be anomolies(PM, Mislabled cuts, non-uniform health). Thats not to say they suck. Ape provides a valuble service to a large portion of the community. But people need to deal with PNC with a portion of understanding. when dealing with numbers like this , things are going to happen. So, try to remember that when going there. I no longer shop there , but I am glad they are there.
Personally I think he needs more space or less stock where he is now...
Huh??? How do the growers for the nurseries do it? Why do all these "Better boy" tomato clones come out the same from so many different nurseries and not just one shop? How does Monrovia do it? It can be done... Its called proper management... Everything you mentioned is controllable... Quality control is a major part of proper management... I have done thousands of clones at a warehouse and kept perfect control, because I kept things organized... It can be done... I know this for a fact
I respect and appreciate the service they do but there is certainly room for improvement too! No point in just giving up and not making progress when they could go from good to awesome.