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Sammet's Sensational Sensimilla Shindig



Sammet said:
:wave: Here we go.

Day 65 Flower

BB Cheese

Hungry girls :D

Now the Sweet Tooth have gone, there's room for some new girls.

Remember this Green Spirit mum? (Dec 27th)

Well here are the Green Spirit clones

Green Spirit Day 1 Flower

Here's an old photo of the Oasis mum (from January 1st)

She was harder to LST than the Spirit so I decided to just let the clones grow straight without training. Also I ran out of 11L pots so I've got one of the Oasis clones in a 15L pot.

These clones are genetically identical and are both the same age and height. Lets see how much extra yield I get from the extra 4L of soil. :D

Oasis Day 1 Flower

And now for the pre-chop shots....

Sweet Tooth Day 65 Harvest

Here's one - the cola is about 18" long (photos with flash)

And saving the best for last...

Root shot!!!

(Trim photos later, going to watch a movie, have bag from the volcano and get trimming these girls) :wave:

Sorry, but this deserves a repost on the new page.
once again, amazing Sammet!!! you really know what a plant wants..



Registered Medical Patient
fuckin beautiful harvest and amazing pics Sammet...ur a pro for sure, no doubt 'bout it...I cant wait to see the rest..Those Cheese look like they are really fillin out in the last few weeks of growth, they are gonna reward u with some ultra-dankity dank I bet!!!Congrats. BBL


- Z


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
yep..thats some great growing sammet ,postcard quality
im def intersted in that sweet tooth for my garden


Sneak attack critical
Sammet said:
Complete and utter badassery...

Sammet, you never fail to impress and inspire. Enjoy vumping those buds, dude, you earned it!

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sammet again."
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Active member
Those are some really huge and nice looking buds ! Nice job & great harvest !

They should make scratch & sniff monitors soon !

:joint: :wave:
Right up there with the very best of them mate, truely inspiring stuff, shit hot photos and your fingers must be so green they glow in the dark. Can't imagine what they look and feel like in the flesh, I'm out the front door sniffing, you can't be far away from me....na must have good scrubbers.
Keep showing us how it's done man.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
m@rg, panopticist, greenhead, khaleel, pccdrom, hydroflower and High Lowlander - Thank you all for checking in. Here's the BB Cheese, day 69 flower. I think they've got about another week or two.

Wow Sammet,
I'm soooo envious right now!! Why? Because u'r ladies are already blooming, close to finishing??And looking absolutely drool-inducing drop-dead-gorgeous.:kewlpics:
And mine are just little babies right now!! :puppydoge
Pfffft, that's what you get for posting before reading............ENjoy the harvest once again..:D
Are you gonna post a smoke report on that Sweet Tooth?
Wishing you sweet smoking on that Cheese! :rasta:
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Med grower
ICMag Donor
Cheers High :wave: Do you have your own grow thread yet? What are you growing out? It'll be a while before I harvest the Cheese yet, and the smoke report for the Sweet Tooth will come after a little curing :D But the Oasis and Green Spirit will budding up shortly too.
Hey Sammet!
Nah i don't have a thread up yet, been abit too lazy!:smile:
Maybe i'll get my lazay ass in gear inna few minutes, but there's really not that much to see just yet.
There's plenty to report though as i've already managed to muck up three seeds!!:cuss::bashhead:
I really need to learn how to curb my impatience! :pointlaugh:
I've gotta question for ya, but it's bit of a personal one, can i ask via PM?
Looking forward to the Oasis and Green Spirit!!
:wave:, Low


Grower of fine herbs...
Sammet, dude your kicking ass around here man:headbange look at the size of those colas man, making horses jealous and shit hehehehehe... Looks like that BB Cheese is going to be a very tasty lady, had no idea she was so sativa.. Your doing an awesome job. Cant wait for the next round.. Ill be around.



Med grower
ICMag Donor
NK - I didn't either, I thought they'd be the size of Sweet Tooth! Cheers for the kudos mate.

Thanks Amish Farmer, High Lowlander. :wave:

Here's some drying shots of the Sweet Tooth (after 4 days hanging in the dark) - it's about another 4 days before they go in the jars. The stems don't snap yet.



Registered Medical Patient
:wave:YUMMMMMMMMM!!!Dude, that is lookin to be some sweet, sweet candy...congrats on a great pull...Peace

- Z

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