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Salut from a western europe sativa lover !

Onuma Sativa

Active member
Salut everyone !

Yeah, so i've decided to register after a few years lurking around. Which is something of a small event in my life because i never register anywhere.

(btw, this NepJam puts a nice silly smile on my face but doesn't help me focusing on writing : 20 minutes for 41 words... not the best yield, but i'm having a good time)

A bit of my growing history, for those interested.

I've been growing on and off for the last 25 or so years. Indoors and out ; some soil, some hydro, fluorescent, small HPS, CFL, now LED ; i've used bottled organic and mineral nutes ; total bondage and free growing... a bit of everything.
I've had problems with pH (both ways), with cold, with rot, I've fought spider mites, i've broken the light cycle of my blooming plants, i've tried to grow under 15°C...
So as you can see, i'm not a noob grower, and i'm neither an expert. I still learn something each grow.

Currently, after reading a lot of plant and soil biology (not only cannabis related), i have this indoor setup : 90 cm x 90 cm ; 200W homemade COB setup ; homemade soil mix ; water, sometimes with a bit of human urine when i feel like it. I've been able to get a hair over 200g of prime quality sativa buds there last autumn, quite happy with this first indoor grow in a few years. And first time LED.
And outdoors, i can have a few plants in some good lively no-till ground, temperate climate, until no later than the end of october.

And now, how did it begin ? The growing passion, i mean.
As my names suggests, I'm a sativa girl. The story starts at the very end of the 90's when i've been lucky enough to try some tahitian Pakalolo. Instant love ! That's been my first grow, too, because there were seeds in the weed, and i knew what seeds are good for. Here is the picture : 2x 15w fluo tube and less than 5L pot with bad soil mix to try and grow some untamed tropical sativa... As you can guess, i've harvested mainly internodes :) and also a bit of some very fluffy and small flower clusters that i cannot decently call "buds". But those flowers were certainly full of perfectly formed trichomes, the smell was incredible (flower/fruity, if memory serves). And the quality of the high... was unheard of among my smoking friends (used to morrocan import hash - bad to fairly good - and at best some 90's Dutch exportation weed).

Since this harvest, i've never been able to have growing conditions that would allow me a serious sativa run. Never untill last year ! Finally ! So as i'm typing this, i have a few tens of grams of these ACE genetics reaching their 4th month of curing : Ethiopia x Malawi ; Guawi ; Honduras x Panama ; Panama x BH ; Panama x Malawi ; Golden tiger v3. So far, the GT3 has the closest vibe to my distant memory of Pakalolo. But they're all good.

And i think i'm done typing for the moment. I have some guawi to vape for evaluation.


PS : i feel bad creating a thread without a few pictures, so here are some for your enjoyment. A lovely auto zamaldelica that i've had the pleasure to grow in summer 2022. This girl surpassed all expectations... i've always been used to autos growing no more than a few tens of cm, well, this one took much longer than but had the good taste of waiting 1m60 before throwing her first pistils. As for the effect, the autozam is totally to my taste : not an instant hit when i vape it, the magic happens a few minutes later, like "hey, i think i'm high ! oh yeah, i'm certainly high, no doubt !" with a big smile. Excellent match with guitar playing / thinking while watching plants grow in the garden / masturbation / cooking.

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