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Safety info from Parrot Owners


Active member
The link you provided just reaffirmed what I said in my previous post. The difference between hemp and marijuana is based on how much THC there is, and sometimes what the ratio of THC to CBD is.


ok man your right . but wouldn't you agree that since the chemical make up is different between the two (hemp and marijuana) that the plant would have different effects on animals. i.e A bird can eat hemp and not marijuana due to the difference in thc/cbd levels. yes marijuana and hemp are of the same genus( plant family) but no they have different genotypes ( different expression of family traits as a whole group). Its like saying all humans are the same, yes they are but they are not all african there are many races, so like a race, one genotype of cannabis is hemp. Its related to marijuana but doesn't have the same expression


Chocolate is toxic too.

Parrots love fruit and nuts...those are always appreciated. Any toys need to be really strong since Parrots are notoriously destructive.


Active member
ok man your right . but wouldn't you agree that since the chemical make up is different between the two (hemp and marijuana) that the plant would have different effects on animals. i.e A bird can eat hemp and not marijuana due to the difference in thc/cbd levels. yes marijuana and hemp are of the same genus( plant family) but no they have different genotypes ( different expression of family traits as a whole group). Its like saying all humans are the same, yes they are but they are not all african there are many races, so like a race, one genotype of cannabis is hemp. Its related to marijuana but doesn't have the same expression

Stems are the issue here. They contain negligible amounts of THC, which is why I'm arguing about this in the first place. I am not and would not advocate feeding cured buds to animals, especially ones so small such as parrots.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I just find it interesting because I've seen parrots eat entire joints without any lasting ill effects. Temporary effeects were quite amusing though :D

And I've yet to see anything that makes me believe you're signing a death warrant giving a parrot stalks. The problem listed on every page I've found is "LARGE AMOUNTS OF THC", which stalks simply don't have.

Technically, there is a lethal dose of THC for humans too, you just need to consume something like 1500 lbs of MJ in under an hour. So, "LARGE AMOUNTS OF THC" are technically toxic to humans as well.

Personally, I'd just thoroughly clean the stems. THC is contained in the resin glands, which can be easily removed from the stalks. Simply give them a scrub in ice water, just like you're making bubble hash. The minute amount of trichs, that probably would go unnoticed by the bird anyway, will become brittle, and the agitation will knock them off the stems. WALA, THC free hemp stalks!

Bonus - the water will make the stems pliable, so you could twist them together to make it even more solid for the bird to gnaw on!


My gf's parrot takes hits off the pipe quite regularly. He also loves munching on the leaves of the mother plants when taking some cuttings. We haven't seen any ill effect.


I own several birds. I live in an apartment, and they have all been exposed to pot smoke, often enough as they are at the other end of my living room from my smoking area. Nobody has died as a result of it. I have a parrot - green cheeked conure as you see in my avatar, a canary and several finches, who generally are much more sensitive to air toxicity. My parrot is a fiend over the stuff. He knows how to inhale the smoke from a pipe or doobie and reaches for it in the air, wiggling his tongue around trying to taste it. He goes after the leaves of plants, and snatches a nibble ( half a fan leaflet- not a large quantity) whenever he can. He eats small scraps whenever he finds them on my coffee table.

I've read many times in lists that cannabis is toxic to birds. But it is supposedly toxic to dogs, cats, horses, etc. I've yet to see evidence that this is true in small quantities, though I can imagine an african grey getting into a pound of weed would probably not fair so well. I wouldn't fair so well either. My parrot doesn't seem to react to eating bits of leaves, but he does get snuggly and sedated when he's gotten a chance at smoke and really gets relaxed and happy.

I'm sure your friend's bird would love the taste of the sticks, but I don't think you should give them any, I can guarantee they will be eaten down to dust, and quite likely in a hurry. There is no telling what a large quantity could do to it, and in its best interest, a meal of cannabis is most likely not a good idea. There are many other options that are non-toxic- maple trees of all kinds, apple wood, willow. Just make sure that they are completely untreated by chemicals and have been cleaned properly- I usually remove the bark on larger branches and inspect carefully for fungus, etc on little ones, and always, always wash very well as wild birds could have come in contact with the branches and they carry diseases that our captive friends are not immune to. I take branches from wild bush area where I know there will have been no spraying. The smaller twigs from wild apple trees are a really good choice if you can find them. But make sure you know it is indeed an apple tree and not something like a walnut or oak, which are toxic. Natural or vegitable dyed leather, or rawhide purchased from a pet store is another option that will be equally enjoyed.


Active member
yeah dont give birds those stems they are harmful, Pot is harmful/deadly to birds and parrots in particular.

thats nonsense. i gave my black headed caique and double yellow headed amazon HASH cookies before. at harvest time, Sweetpea the amazon will not leave me alone until i give her a fresh bud she munches on
I don't agree with the bolded statement. Marijuana, cannabis, hemp, whatever you want to call it, is all the same plant. There are differing amounts of psychoactive chemicals, depending on the strain, but hemp is just an extremely low THC version of marijuana.

What is involved in the processing of hemp besides drying that makes it change from toxic to safe?

We're not talking about feeding pounds of bud to parrots, we're talking about giving them dried stems. Completely different.

whats different is everything is boiled for one


New member
I know this is an old post but I just wanted to say weed stems are perfectly safe for bird and both my birds quite enjoy them :)






Well-known member
My patient has had a parrot for many years. When we trim at her house, the bird will climb down from her cage, march across the floor, straight to the stem pile. There she will sit and chew up the stems. She doesn't eat the stems, just shreads them.

Done this for many years. A parrots beak never stops growing. So they never stop chewing. To the OP I'd say go ahead and let her at the stems.