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Safe addy--How?

i like ordering it to a motel. i pick a lowend hotel to send the package to, when i think its going to come, i stay for a night. pay cash, they usually will ask for ID if your paying cash( i know this cuz i worked front desk for a while), so when they ask me for id, i say i dont have it on me.. if they insist, slip em a 20 or whatever.
front desk clerks usually dont give a fuck, especially in low-end hotels, and as long as you dont look like your going to trash the place they will usually let it slide. family run motels are the best imo.

btw, same name on my room as on my package.

o ya, and after u stay night there, if package isnt there by checkout. have the clerk call you when it does arrive, give him 5 or 10 bucks or he wont do it. i usually promise a tip after i get it too. i use same clerk whole way through, so you dont get asked ID when you pick up the package.. i rarely ever asked for ID if i was giving a hotel guest their package, only when manager was there.

*always ask for the AAA discount
know anybody that works in receiving?

I've seen all kinds of things come from everywhere in the world. I deal with a lot of customers that are age 18-30, and i know Ive seen some illegal packages come through. If these people/companies dont get their packages, I could get fired by mine, so it must be delivered.

Any package with a name that doesn't match up with a name in our database goes into a bin that i look at at the end of each day. Anything i want that doesnt have tracking or can be easily denied just gets "lost in delivery" If you knew someone like me, you could have seeds ordered endlessly.

The only time the dogs came was when the DEA tipped off the local police that a package was coming in from a house they were watching for steroids. The dog sniffed it and they determined it wasnt anything like pot, coke, heroin etc. but said it contained materials and pills for making injectable steroids(how that stuff works i have no idea). Cops told us to call them when the customer came in; we intentionally didn't, and gave the guy his package. The cops were pretty pissed, as was human resources, but noone got in trouble for an "honest mistake."

so if you know someone like me, ask them. I'd do it no problem for a friend.


Active member
Any package with a name that doesn't match up with a name in our database goes into a bin that i look at at the end of each day. Anything i want that doesnt have tracking or can be easily denied just gets "lost in delivery"

Is this for USPS and do "packages" include envelope types?

If so,
when you hear of someone not getting their seeds and also not getting green tape, as far as I can tell, this is why.

Using a made up name will not work in some cases (unless you have something worked out) and it's usually the seedbank that gets a bad rap when nothing arrives.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
this is absurd to keep this going

A. send seeds to your house
B. send them to P.O. box
C. send to friends house
D. someone said to get delivered to post office
E. someone said motel deliver

I pick sending to my address over telling anyone
Is this for USPS and do "packages" include envelope types?

USPS, Fedex ground and Express, UPS, formerly DHL, outside freight carriers. It includes packages, letters, flat manilla envelopes, 6 x 9 envelopes.

If there's tracking, something is harder to take, but Ill just spot a substitute driver working one day, sign a fake name and delete it from our system.

"Noone here by that name, guy mustve delivered it to the wrong place"

I never screw anyone out of their stuff, I did have a good system where donated books from a publisher were coming through by the boatload. I took a couple boxes and made a quick grand on Amazon.


Send it under a different name. This way if the shipment ever gets compromised, you can just deny it and thats the end of story. I talk from first hand experience. Someone sent me a quarter oz. in the mail. Next thing you know the Post Office is calling (not sure how hey got our number) saying a package arrived to be delivered to our address that reeked of herb. They asked me if a knew the name it was address to or who sent it. I just told them I have no idea what or who they are talking about. They apologized for the call and that was the end of it.

Fact is, anyone can send you anything in the mail without your consent or knowledge. As long as you don't acknowledge or admit anything, they can't hold you liable. Can you imagine how easy it would be to set people up if this weren't the case? I know a couple people I would like to see vanish for a while :)

However, if you have very frequent shipments coming in to the same address, that's a different story. They will allow the packages to arrive several times in order to establish a pattern to build a case. In this case I would change addresses frequently.

Hope this helps.


again, LE has to PROVE you ordered the package to get you.

if i order seeds by money order, to a friends address, under a false name. neither me or the receiver (friend) can get popped. customs may seize the seeds, but nobody can get popped - came under false name, no way to track a money order purchaser.


Active member
if i order seeds by money order, to a friends address, under a false name. neither me or the receiver (friend) can get popped.
The only problem with that is the mailman might not deliver because often they mark a box with the recipient's name and won't deliver mail not addressed to those recipient. That's the policy in my area so it's difficult to get mail delivered to a different name unless you notify the post office of the name and that it's ok to leave mail for that name in your box. So in doing so it creates some suspicion.

What I'm curious about is if they do discover seeds heading to your address whether or not you get tagged in the system so that as an example you are traveling under passport that shows up or if you happen to get pulled for a traffic violation that shows somehow in a police report when they run your license. I certainly hope not but just wonder.

Old Soul

Active member
The only problem with that is the mailman might not deliver because often they mark a box with the recipient's name and won't deliver mail not addressed to those recipient. That's the policy in my area so it's difficult to get mail delivered to a different name unless you notify the post office of the name and that it's ok to leave mail for that name in your box. So in doing so it creates some suspicion.

You can avoid this problem by starting a pattern with the fake name you want to use. Start sending a few letters here and there to your house addressed in the fake name. Once they see that they get mail there every so often they will not question delivering the package. Hope this helps.


just send it to your mom and dads house if there around or a bro or sis :2cents:

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