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s60 and mataro blue

how much what ??

the pump was 50 sheets and the airstones were 10 of the queens head for 3 stones , they were off the bay mate

Nice one bruvva, I've got a couple of 6" flat airstones and they're a shade to big for the bottom of the bubblers!

On a side note, I'm thinking of building my own dwc setup, but I'm struggling to find REALLY big black buckets with lids in the uk. I'm thinking 25-35 ltrs. Anyone got any ideas?


im trying to gain a bigger understanding of pk booster and why it works but i think ive got it worked out after speaking to cheesey lol he like yourself said use superior potash

superior potash = 9/18 which is hammerheads old formula

canna pk13/14 = 13/14

canna flores base nute = 4-4-11

canna coco base nute = 4-4-3

by adding the superior potash to the coco base nutes it will bring it in line with the same feed that im using canna flores + pk 13/14

forget vitalink it dont even get close to these ratios mate

then the stuff you add extra like carboload or budcandy or even cannaboost and headmasta helps transport the nutrients around the plants quicker in the form of sugars, pretty much like giving kids sweets (they go fuking crazy )

i think ive just gained a massive understanding of how plants work

all plants will have a basic npk growing value just to make them grow then when you start tweeking them values your increasing certain traits

so the key thing is finding what nutrients essential in making buds swell ?

well it deffo aint nitrogen as this is used in veg so it can only be p-k so by reducing the n and increasing the p-k your onto a winner + the added sugars will help transport these nutrients around the plants quicker hence the need for bloom boosters

hope this makes sense lol feel free to correct me if ive got it wrong


i took the sour out today to give her the once over and snapped a couple of pics,she wont be out of the room now untill harvest, i think the pics give you an idea of her overall size

indica x sativa ???





Marijuana Enthusiast
Looking wonderful skotty, at this point how would you compared the sour60 to the maxi you grew.. I remember this point during my sour60, i didnt think it was possible for them to mature into ripe buds in 30ish more days, they do some hardcore bud forming from day 35 and on..

Top growing skills mate :tiphat:


Looking wonderful skotty, at this point how would you compared the sour60 to the maxi you grew.. I remember this point during my sour60, i didnt think it was possible for them to mature into ripe buds in 30ish more days, they do some hardcore bud forming from day 35 and on..

Top growing skills mate :tiphat:

i cant really compare mate to be honest cause there is lot of things ive done different this time that i didnt do with maxi, certain things i can honestly tell that are different like the smell, the sour is nowhere near as strong as maxi

ontop of that maxi didnt kick in to stretch untill day 35ish and this could of been sooner had i done things different, also maxi was well under fed in the flowering stage with p and k had i got the balance right she would of pushed 5 oz dry easy

honestly do not under estimate the power of maxi she is a true yielder if you are an above average grower, obviously the mistakes i made last time will not be made this time as i learn fast and there is deffo no room for failure this time round

ill do to the sour what should of been done to maxi

my whole nutrient plan has been laid out for a 70 day grow i know its called sour 60 and meant to finish in 60 days but i like my trichs to be cloudy just turning amber so im shooting for 70 days, this is the plan but what ever will be wil be

ive been looking at getting some max gom seeds but they seem to be selling out pretty fast lol alot of places are outta stock or now only sell in packs of 5, seriously have a go with her and see what results you get, she wont dissapont

cheers for dropping in always a pleasure


Marijuana Enthusiast
Keep in mind, i remember seeing in that thread where danzig said he was redoing sour60 some of the big phenos were more like sour70 lol, so it may take 70 days anyhow, BUT you have the swiftness of DWC on your side ;) And indica DOM strains usually finish quicker...

Damn... sounds like i need to get me some MAXI !


Active member
Yeah skotty awesome plant!beautiful and very healthy!I think to buy some s60 and try in my outdoor garden this year.

I can give you the news that the gnomo(kannabbia)is a true auto,it started to flowering at day 18.If you want skotty I can post a picture when the cycle is finished:wave:
Mate, that looks the nuts!! I like the way you try different techniques with each grow. Think I may get some of these seeds! You decided on your PK13/14 schedule yet?


easy geez

yeah start small and finish big lol intorduce pk at 5ml then increase to 7.5ml then to 10ml etc etc untill close to harvest, by doing it this way im not gonna miss that all important craving the plants get for extra potassium and phosphorus

nah my choice has always been canna nutes mate i just wanted to try a little something different with the vitalink max and im using up what i have left

fuk sour 60 mate to many phenos get some maxi gom serious heavy yielder bruv deffo worth cash and there feminized seeds


Yeah skotty awesome plant!beautiful and very healthy!I think to buy some s60 and try in my outdoor garden this year.

I can give you the news that the gnomo(kannabbia)is a true auto,it started to flowering at day 18.If you want skotty I can post a picture when the cycle is finished:wave:

get a diary up mate cause we all love to see autos being grown in here :good:


day 34

sour standing proud @ 33" tall just which is about 83-84cm, wasnt expecting her to this big but hey ho

she is currently dialled in @ 1.3 ec ph 5.9 and being fed bloom feed, pk 13/14 @ 7.5ml and carboload im gonna try and keep her feed consistent this week and she's drinking about 1ltr or more a day

starting to get very early signs of bud formation which is all good but her smell still isnt all that powerfull, probably cause im used to the hum from the ak47 :dunno:

anyways here is a little montage of how she's looking, i have no idea about the sativa leaves, im guessing deffo indica x sativa pheno what ya reckon?









Looks shit hot mate! She is a big girl! Reckon she's gonna get a lot bigger too! What's the expected time for flowering on this?


Active member
holy fuck bro, everytime i get in here to check i get stunned by their growth.. everytime lol

It's really hard to imagine how that one is gonna look once its budded up, new s60 record incoming here....

im defenetly gonna try out some dwc action soon.. man compare my plants with yours, around same age... pff,

keep it up bro i like what ur doing :smoke:


Marijuana Enthusiast
My three biggest sour 60s were around 33 inches at the end, i suspect yours will be closer to 3 feet..


hey 20!4 i cant see her getting much taller. What was your biggest yield

hey 20/4 you was bang on about the plant i stand corrected, i just re measured her and she's standing just under a meter tall 38"

ffs dont these things ever stop growing upwards, ive had to angle my light just to give her room,

do you wanna take a guess at my final yield while your at it lol

ill have to get someone to hold the tape measure while i take a pic as i cant stand back far enough lol dayuum

so much for her being indica dominant