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s.a.g.e & cinnamon grow

hello peoples this is my first grow report and im hoping itll go well. Ive just got a
digital cam that i borrowed off a friend and have taken shots that id like to share but i dont know how to post them (anyone tell me how?). Anyways, ive got 2 s.a.g.e in veg at 3 weeks (show you once i know how to post them) and im going to clone them, and while there vegging im gonna grow cinnamon which
have just sprouted. im just hoping the 2 in veg are females (s.a.g.e) but im not too bothered , i like the experience of growing. Im using a 400w and a grow

The s.a.g.e is growing very nice, though this is only my second grow, i think the s.a.g.e is growing very quick, though they may be male.They look a bit female and i know you cant really tell, but they seem to have level/horizonal leaves if you know what i mean, and i read somewhere that mostley females grow like that
(if you dont know what i mean then dont worry). I really want to show the pics cos you pros know your stuff and id like your comments but juss dont know how to post any pics,damn.)Anyways ,ill keep you updated .
thanks Erin, how do you get them on this page though?, or is it not possible.

but thanks again, ive been waiting to do that for a long time.
does anyone know how to get there pictures up on this page like everyone elses.
if you want to see my pics just check out my gallery, thnx
hi guys. i thought id post a few pics at 3-days flowering, i know its only three days but i was bored and decided to post some pics. These are the s.a.g.e
and were vegged for 4-5 weeks, i was going to vegg for longer but couldnt wait. Ive been looking hard at them and can see 1 definate female(i think) and
the other -
ones got 1 tiny little hair on it and also i think maybe a male flower, but it could be a pre-flower..well im hoping its a pre-flower.They smell kinda weird, like damp
clothes or as people say-a car tire smell(no its not my clothes)but the other thing is that when i ordered my grow tent, the pricks gave me the wrong size-
frame polls, so i had to build it all wrong and fill in the gaps with clothes to prevent light leekage, as you can see in some pics. Ive also got feminized-cinnamon on the go at 1 1/2 weeks in veg, and there doin fine.

this is the s.a.g.e with what i think is female, yet could hav male flowers, but im
sure there juss pre-flowers ( hav to wait an see) but there is 1 definate little female flower shoot coming though.

these are the other pics;

this is the definate female, and smells the better of the two. Its also the smallest, i cant wait to try the s.a.g.e cos ive heard so many good reports on it.

okay ill report back with more pics and info ever 2-3weeks.

oh and by the way ,this strain(s.a.g.e) is a reall gem to grow so far. They take very little water and grow qick!! and respond well to topping them like
ive done. Sorry i cant show a reall close up of the little female flower hair but my digi-cam is no good at close- ups.More/better pics coming soon ,..hopefully. :joint:


Active member
On the earlier baby pictures, did you trim off some burnt serrations? Some of the leaves look kinda funny like that...
they got that yelow from being too close to the fluoro, but i left it and now there doing fine. Well i think its cos thaey were too close, is there other reasons for yellowing?
There in a bigger space now though, so hopefully no more yellowing, but other than that there fine. Yes i did cut off the yellow( just a minute ago) .
thanks for you comments clowntown. This is only my second grow and i cant do half as
good as you professionals and what ive seen on this forum, but im poor and cant be dealt
with dealing with dealers all the time, so im growin me own!
Its like getting in touch with nature and all that stuff, only you get a reward at the end of it, the way God intended. No im not a relgious nut i juss think thats the way God intended. *light a fat joint*


Active member
Hey, now... I wasn't trying to talk down your plants! I was just curious if they had funny shaped leaves or if you had trimmed. I'm new at this myself.

I used to trim burnt tips and whatnot, for a couple of reasons. First, I'm really OCD (j/k). Second, if I trim off the burns then I will know if whatever adjustments I've made is still continuing to burn them, or if it stops. If it's continuing, I'll trim off the extra burns and re-adjust. It's a lot easier to spot this way for me.

Good growing and nice selection of genetics.