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Rust Spots - Fungus?


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
hempys .... ok , so you really don't have to worry about the runoff . but , yeah make sure you get plenty of it every watering so the salts don't build up in the rez in the pot . & especially don't let them get dry at all !!! thats when salts really accumulate .


Active member
hempys .... ok , so you really don't have to worry about the runoff . but , yeah make sure you get plenty of it every watering so the salts don't build up in the rez in the pot . & especially don't let them get dry at all !!! thats when salts really accumulate .

Didn't know that last part... damn dan.. such awesome tips from this little thread haha.. You the man!!



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
yup , salts only accumulate & crystalize when they dry out , so if you keep the medium wet & feed enough to push the remaining salts out , there should never be a problem with build up :tiphat:

i use coco which is a salty medium to begin with , so i'm accustomed to making sure no salt build up happens !

Oh & by the way , you should try coco hempys ..... you'd be amazed at the difference in growth rate in coco compared to perilite/vermiculite mixture !!! even hempy himself switched over after awhile :biggrin:

this is one of my coco hempy runs a couple years ago .
from this .....


to this in 30 days ....with alot of topping & training during that time which slows them down




Active member
Nice.. yeah man. Next round Im gonna switch it up. I just went for the most simple with my first chem run. I read of coco being a tad more finicky so I played it safe for the first run.. but shit.. compared to my soil grows... I can pretty much see them grow now... went from seedlings xplanted 9/20 to 21" sour bubbles (notorious slow veggers) and 9/26 xplanted lifesavers to 23" today. I'm kind of amazed.

What system you running these days dan?


Active member
funny we brought that up today..

okay nvm.. not sure when i xplanted the LS, must have been shortly after.. those are SB.. mutant in the back right is no longer a mutant.. actually very nice looking


blurry and sideways but you get it.

topped once.. few weeks back


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Looking good Trich !!!! :tiphat:

I'm running coco DTW now , with a hempy run thrown in every now & then , but i haven't seen much growth differences between the 2 styles , so i pretty much stick to DTW now .plus no perilite to deal with , auto fed with drip rings .



just put these in 2 weeks ago . its a temporary spot while i build out my basment grow rooms . we just bought this place & i'm still getting set up . heres my basement build photo album .



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
As of 2 days ago .....

first time growing the train wreck & it kinda got away from me when i wasn't looking lol





Active member
Damn that's a stretchy lady. That's an awesome setup you got going there Dan. How does dtw coco differ from hempy in terms of maintenance. Besides not having the tiny reservoir. I have been considering dtw for next round. I kinda feel like the tiny Rez at the bottom of the hempy is more of a novelty or a safety net for if you can't water.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
yeah , Hempys were designed so you didn't have to water everyday , the rez was just that , a rez for them to feed on for 2 or 3 days . with the addition of coco to the scenario , you could feed them everyday & the plants responded better to it . so folks started feeding them everyday even with the original mix cuz the plants responded better to fresh nutes & 02 everyday ,rather than every 2 or 3 days !

the only real difference is the runoff , with DTW , you HAVE to get rid of it right away !!! salts build up otherwise . & with my trays on the floor cuz of the lack of headroom , i have to be there every night to suck out the runoff with my shop vac . if the trays were up a foot or so , i could put a catch tray under the big tray & wouldn't have to empty it every day . depends on how big the catch tray is , or if you can run it to a drain ..... even better .

i even set up drip rings on my hempys when i used them , just made feeding every day that much easier . didn't have to worry as much about the runoff with those either , but it did raise the RH in the room , especially at lights off .


Active member
thanks for the explanation. Seems like coco hempy will be the option for me next run.. with work there are days here and there that I can't water, or hang around to wait for runoff

with the addition of coco to the scenario , you could feed them everyday & the plants responded better to it .

that is the only part I didn't get. I would think that coco holds more water than the original mix, and having to water less frequency to avoid over watering. For the first several weeks with the perl/verm mix i watered every day. Now i go 2-3 days.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
coco is a unique medium in that once the roots are established in the coco , you can't overwater it . it takes what it needs & dispells the rest (runoff ) . but if the roots aren't established enough to take up all that water , they can suffocate in the wet medium like if it was soil .

the original mix , the vermiculite is what holds the water , in a 3 to 1 mix like hempy suggests its only good for about a day before it dries out , thats why the rez was needed to hold more water . a coco hempy used in the traditional manner will hold water longer than the original mix , but can be watered many times a day because it only holds what it needs . i hope i'm explaining this so you can understand it lol . i get it , but i'm used to coco , where your not .


Active member
Boom.. science! Quite an interesting medium.. You explained it clearly. I understand, but I'll have to really see it in action. I'm sure there will be a slight learning curve.. there always is.

Definitely gunna browse the coco boards.. got another month before I'm looking at the next round.

Thank you dan.. you have been unbelievably helpful sir!