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Russian/Ukrain brides????


Freedom Fighter
arcticsun said:
oh my god american arrogance haha. who do you think bought all your fucking sour loans you sorry sons of bitches? 50 years from now your daughter might be a damn mail order bride to russia!

all wanting money.. they will kill you when they get their citizenship.. i fucking resent that type of generalization. are you guys out of your minds? russia is one third of the world landmass almost have you any idea how many cultures.. how many chicks are over there? how many countries border to russia? .. and then how many to USA.. 2?

look at it this way, if the american economy goes to shit and somewhere else takes over as the trading center. .. like if i dunno the poles melt down and the northwest passage become travellable and the siberian tundra melts. could this happend? absolutely not! .. or? who could be capable of tipping the american economy, its all so.. american isnt it? or... could .. wait mby the european/russian OWNERS descide to take it all back and make USA into a giant sweat shop? nah prolly not. well its conveniently placed between 2 oceans, where can you go? mexico? oh wait.. canaadaaa! tadaaa, oh damn another colony. shit!

they want your citizenship .. lol, well it would be the best deal you ever made your kids would have russian/american passports and could travel freely on 50% of the worlds landmass and very very few can do so today. lol they'll leave you as soon as they get their citizenship-whats that 2-3 years? how many marriages last that long anyway? fucking citizenship and egocentered bullshit, guys you are gonna sail your own boat unless you realize we dont want that shit citizenship of yours anymore over here in europe, fuck that.. we get social security over here- have fun! you are yesterdays news, just another old norseman colony ..we moved on, i say enjoy your mailorder brides while you can!

those broads want the exact same thing as YOUR ANCESTORS! half of them went west, the other half went east. you had your turn.

the american dream, the stuff that feeds the shitsling!

arcticsun said:
oh my god american arrogance haha. who do you think bought all your fucking sour loans you sorry sons of bitches?


arcticsun said:
i fucking resent that type of generalization.

Homie...you shouldn't get all bristled up over Generalizations...then make them-- :bashhead:


oh please there is more then one person sporting this attitude, fucking 3 pages of americans ragging on other nations. they will kill you, they are all after your money. they only want the citizenship.

do you want me to make a quote train of all of these?

im just laying down some facts, hell if i care if you take offence, do as to others!

there are no russian chicks in this thread apparently, loads of american dudes tho, i wonder why?

please dont go all .. what? who? me?

i think there is a word for it.

cant believe this thread has lasted this long anyways! i stand by my statements, those that dont feel hit by them dont need to take offence.

im sorry if what i said was a bit harsh, but god this is the international canna mag forum, have some respect please! u got a bit of the old what goes around comes around and you descerved it kali mate. if you wanna play spindoctor wordgames with me fine! dont go telling me eastern european women are this or that or i will blatantly and without shame generalize your whole country and stow you in a booth! international u get it?

sosry hehateme19 mate, i am abit harsh, you are right about that!


Resident pissy old man
A lot of doom and gloom here. It is evident that most of you know nothing about Russian women or the culture there. During the entire history of the Soviet Union, women have gotten the short end of the stick. Sexual harassment was very common and they couldn't complain about it if they want to keep their job. Many Russian women are professional people,with degrees. Many speak English and a couple other languages. They are quite European in their attitudes. Many got married young and have a kid or two and their husband ran out on them. Alcoholism is a very common problem there as the economy is very bad. Drugs are starting to hit as well.

These women are like any other. They want a better life for themselves and their children. Will some of them screw you over? Sure, just like the women here in the States. Will some make very good wives? Absolutely!As was stated earklier, some of the Russian and Ukrainian women are very beautiful. Not all look like the peasant woman who slings her tractor over her back and walks home at the end of the day(though some do). Usually, it is best to travel to russia and engage one of the agencies there. they introduce you to a number of Russian women and you can date and get to know each other. Sometimes,it works out,sometimes it doesn't.

Personally, I would rather hire a $500 hooker 10 times,as after the first year you don't get that much sex anyway. A hooker gives blowjobs, but once a girl gets married,she gets lockjaw!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
great thread topic NOKUY,
I don't feel the need for marriage but have been thinking of just using one of these services for correspondence with a few english speaking gals. would be interesting as a penpal relationship with someone younger than myself.......

gtg, the pain is great tonight.


dude i live right by the russian border, i totally took offence to what has been said in this thread.

im trying hard atm to not offend anyone further but its just not possible i think. this thread is abit fucked up imo, i take offence to this.

learn your history, russia and america was both colonized by scandinavian wartribes. its come ci - come ca!

same people, same history, basically same culture. yet you try hard as hell to alienate them.. big mistake!


Registered Med User
I think Id go for a phillipino if I was gon do it. Do they have jamaican mail order brides? Some bad bitches over there!


hellyea brother now you are talking :D id love me a jamaican womans touch in my garden. that'd do the trick imo!


god, i had me looking u the women, and russia has some beautiful women.....

yeah im def gonna have to travel there and meet some of these FINE ASS ladies!


Freedom Fighter
arcticsun said:
oh please there is more then one person sporting this attitude, fucking 3 pages of americans ragging on other nations. they will kill you, they are all after your money. they only want the citizenship.

do you want me to make a quote train of all of these?

im just laying down some facts, hell if i care if you take offence, do as to others!

there are no russian chicks in this thread apparently, loads of american dudes tho, i wonder why?

please dont go all .. what? who? me?

i think there is a word for it.

cant believe this thread has lasted this long anyways! i stand by my statements, those that dont feel hit by them dont need to take offence.

im sorry if what i said was a bit harsh, but god this is the international canna mag forum, have some respect please! u got a bit of the old what goes around comes around and you descerved it kali mate. if you wanna play spindoctor wordgames with me fine! dont go telling me eastern european women are this or that or i will blatantly and without shame generalize your whole country and stow you in a booth! international u get it?

sosry hehateme19 mate, i am abit harsh, you are right about that!

My bad...you are obviously taking this way more serious than I am--


kmk420kali said:
My bad...you are obviously taking this way more serious than I am--

serious well depends on how you look at it i wont take slander from anyone, as i said i live close to the russian border i took offence to some of this shit.

mby got alittle out of hand my bad


Resident pissy old man
No problem,Arctic. Far too few people realize how much we are all alike. We have differences in culture, but basically most people have the same dreams and goals. It would be hard to say what an American is(other than an arrogant asshole). We are a mixture of so many different cultures,including Russians. Unfortunately, because we have more money and military toys, we tend to think we are better than anyone else. Since we are so rich, it would not hurt us to help some others who have less. As a matter of fact, I think I will see if I can adopt a few of those big-titted Russian waifs.


Show him Louis Theroux' documentary about Thai brides. It's on Youtube. I know they're not the same as Russians, but they will give your friend a better idea of what these girls are really after - money. Tell him to spend that money on a dog. The dog won't drain his bank account, won't cheat/lie, and will be the most loyal companion he will ever have. Of course, there are certain disadvantages to having a dog over a mail order Russian...

how about this one just for one, can you not see how i might get offended by this? bear in mind i have friends with russian wives, we trade with them here on an everyday basis, talk to them and we are friends with them. infact we consider them brotherfolk.

i think damn right i am taking it more seriously then you! not trying to be a victim here, just trying a different approach since the first one didnt reach through.


Pops said:
No problem,Arctic. Far too few people realize how much we are all alike. We have differences in culture, but basically most people have the same dreams and goals. It would be hard to say what an American is(other than an arrogant asshole). We are a mixture of so many different cultures,including Russians. Unfortunately, because we have more money and military toys, we tend to think we are better than anyone else. Since we are so rich, it would not hurt us to help some others who have less. As a matter of fact, I think I will see if I can adopt a few of those big-titted Russian waifs.

totally man im an arrogant asshole aswell no doubt, we all are im just standing up for mine :D

no blame no shame no hate or anger on my part i just speak out
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When I installed satellite dishes I met a guy who's wife he brought back from Panama after meeting her while working on the canal redesign. She offered me $10 to have sex with her. I got her up to $20 before I left. I've had this happen twice the second lady was a white american woman who put $60 in my pocket. I've also met people who have brides sent over and they seemed happy, one man had an asian bride for 30 years, he owned a nursery and was a great guy. I guess it all depends on the intentions of both parties. I've met some hotty Ukranian chicks over here and they liked me just fine, they were already citizens and damn sure weren't out for my money.

I miss that job :(


headfortrinity said:
She offered me $10 to have sex with her. I got her up to $20 before I left. I've had this happen twice the second lady was a white american woman who put $60 in my pocket.

Man i wish stuff like that would happen to me! LOL


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
arcticsun said:
dude i live right by the russian border
hey Artic,
can you see Sarah Palins house from there?

btw, although I've not lived in NY now for awhile I do have two friends that married russian women hoping for the best, one had the nightmare experiences of the posters above & the other is living the dreamlife he'd hoped to find. Both guys are named Dave & had been lifelong friends, both very laid back & neither had married until they were 45 yrs old, one found a bad girl, the other good; I won't lay 'zero' blame on either Dave but I know these are really good hardworking guys w/o any vices and they were introduced to these women by another one of their friends.


hehe sarah palins house... well gives a good perspective, its on the oposite side of the earth compared to me, and there is nothing between me and alaska but russia. 11 timezones of it :D

went to newyork mate, back in 99, spent two weeks in newyork. one on some collage campus out in jersey cant remember the name. then a year in chicago, followed by a vacation in florida for 3 weeks.

i saw disney world, universal studios all that. talked to the blues brothers and got zapped by the ghost busters. i was at the top of the WTC at 9/11 1999. my pics from america arent digital or i would show you. i smoked a big fat blunt with some rastafari dude in central park. visited the spot where john lennon was shot and got ripped off by some rude newyork taxi driver and it was totally worth it. saw it all :D

exept from the west coast which is totally on my list, but its like on the other half of the world. which is why i am thinking about going through russia on the trans-siberian to vladivostok and go over from there. a friend of mine spent 3 weeks in vegas and the southern states last summer, had a blast. id like to see the rockies and california and also alaska. grand canyon ofc, vancouver scene also. whats it like driving around over there these days? pretty cheap to get around?

i was walking outside of the UN building, u know in that place in front with the flags, and i was totally gaping looking up at the tops of all the skyskrapers. so i bumped into something at the sidewalk there, and i stumbled and fell. several people were there, they totally spotted me as a tourist gaping at the skyskrapers and had a good old laugh at me. this newyork guy came over to me and grabbed me by the arm, haha tourist he said, where are you from? big smile,.. i told him, big welcome and best wishes.

i have never seen anything as impressive as new york in my entire life. and i have been to london, amsterdam, frankfurt, copenhagen .. the french riviera. monaco .. all over europe.. but i have also never seen anything quite as scary as the huge ghost buildings in brookly driving into manhattan. looked like a warzone with half the building walls missing and shit. u better treasure it.


arcticsun said:
how about this one just for one, can you not see how i might get offended by this? bear in mind i have friends with russian wives, we trade with them here on an everyday basis, talk to them and we are friends with them. infact we consider them brotherfolk.
I was talking about the companies picking these girls up in their homeland and pairing them up with wealthy men so they can get a visa, get a small fortune, and live a life of luxury at some poor suckers expense. The documentary I mentioned illustrates my point, as does this quote from the original post "besides the plane flight he's gotta pay like 5grand for the arrangement thru the service.....he's gettin takin to the cleaners."

I'm not making any prejudices against Russians. They'd start a war with me if I did. I am however judging the companies that get these girls preying on vulnerable men with the sole intention of scamming them with a false relationship. These places are not exclusive to Russia, they're all over the world, and I'm not saying that every Russian girl looking for love is working for them. It wasn't my intention to offend. Perhaps I should have further clarified my point in the original post.


not gonna happend.. ever!

never was a threat against usa, only threat u face over there is yourself

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