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Russian/Ukrain brides????


ICMag Donor
You wouldn't believe how many people want to come to america.Being able to come to america was like winning the lottery to them.From my own personal experiences( i married a foreinger) Different color/culture/language/ country ect.It was a fluke thing i did as a result of a vacation and meeting her at a party.
She wanted the papers ,i filed for them,as soon as she got here.It was only matter of time (1 yr actually)Till everything fell apart.I figured it would probably happen,but i took the risk anyway.

In her country she's just an average girl.Brought here here,and suddenly she saw that she was big shit to the guys here.Then the lying /cheating and end of marriage.She never did get her papers though,so now she can't leave to see her family.Cause she can never come back again.And the money here is good.I treated her very well ,and in the end ,She attempted to claim i beat her up ,to claim domicile for domestic violence.Cause it was her last chance to get the papers.Me hit a women? I don't think so .And the court knew it was bullshit too.

I bet his chances for success would be alot better if she's over 25 years old and a adult.Live learn and i guess,but it was fun while it lasted,but an expensive mistake.
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Active member

so sorry to hear that, but yeah that's how it goes


i'm happy she didn't get them , what a bitch

dog eat dog world


Tell him he should watch Nicole Kidman in the "Birthday Girl" ought to tell him something, but hey those Russian women are worth losing your mind & money for. I think everyone should do something crazy, just to feel alive sometimes. Next thing you know you'll be 60 & regretfull.
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Slap-A-Ho tribe
Those mail order brides tell you what you want to hear. As soon as the marriage is final and she has citizenship, the relationship will go south quick. I am speaking from experience as i have a friend that got caught up in that mess.. Oh yeah let me guess, your friends future bride is also a Dr. or Nurse right LOL. That's what they all say. I bet she has some kind of respectable job according to her.


ICMag Donor
What's the difference between a pimp selling you a woman to have sex with for an hour, and these companies selling woman to men to have sex with for years? Does anyone think these women would choose to marry and have sex with these men without ever meeting them?

They agree to marry American men in order to get out of the hell they live in. Deep inside, these woman must hate the men that "bought them". Add to this the hate they have for what men have done to them in their own Countries and you have to be a real fool to get involved with this. I have never heard of one of these "unions" turning out well. Tell your friend to look into those odds. As soon as the most of them become Americanized, it's time for them to take out on this man all the hate they have held in for their lifetime..... I'm sure there are a rare few that will fulfill the contract but I sure wouldn't bet my well being on those small odds....


ICMag Donor
JJScorpio said:
What's the difference between a pimp selling you a woman to have sex with for an hour, and these companies selling woman to men to have sex with for years? Does anyone think these women would choose to marry and have sex with these men without ever meeting them?

They agree to marry American men in order to get out of the hell they live in. Deep inside, these woman must hate the men that "bought them". Add to this the hate they have for what men have done to them in their own Countries and you have to be a real fool to get involved with this. I have never heard of one of these "unions" turning out well. Tell your friend to look into those odds. As soon as the most of them become Americanized, it's time for them to take out on this man all the hate they have held in for their lifetime..... I'm sure there are a rare few that will fulfill the contract but I sure wouldn't bet my well being on those small odds....

I think alot of it depends on "which" country they are from,and the culture and values they were raised with.I have 2 friends 1 is married to a phillipino another to a japanese girl.Both got hitched just like the Russian thing and they have been together / happy for years.

To think you can meet someone .And instantly marry them without knowing them "really" well ,and have it work out.Is a naieve way of thinking at best.Sadly to say ,age is probably the make it or break it item.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
There is an old Vietnam vet down the street from us that has gone through three of these brides already. They usually screw him over after a couple of years. The last one I saw was outside wearing a bra but no shirt. I almost went off the road driving.


Active member
one of the girls my buddy got caught cheatin with he met on some "women behind bars" type of website.

that was shortly before this mailorder bride kick.

i feel bad for his GF...she stuck by him thru some fucked up shit.

he was always alot better than this, i dont really know whats goin on.

sumthing tells me that his "heartbreak karma" is about to catch up w/ him.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
What I have seen typically when Americans marry foreigners, is that the foreign bride takes off several years down the road when she finally gets citizenship, and no longer needs the husband.

This happened with a acquaintance of mine a couple years back, his wife was from Canada, a month after citizenship was fully granted she was gone.


You're sure he's not Yummybud? He didn't look like Daniel-san from The Karate Kid movies when he was young, did he?


in general i have nothing against people getting a foreign bride from wherever.. whatever suits your flavor, or get a huzzie i dont care.

exotic women ill go for that anyday over the sad old bags i have around me atm, but you know.. just dont be an idiot. and dont inflict any harm on anyone, like buy a damn slave if thats what the intent is thats just discusting. if she wants it, and you want it.. and someone makes all the arrangements to hook you up, thats worth a penny i guess. but a sucker is a sucker, and shit this isnt something one fucks around with. this is someones life we are talking here.

so big difference human slavetrade... lonely people match up!


Show him Louis Theroux' documentary about Thai brides. It's on Youtube. I know they're not the same as Russians, but they will give your friend a better idea of what these girls are really after - money. Tell him to spend that money on a dog. The dog won't drain his bank account, won't cheat/lie, and will be the most loyal companion he will ever have. Of course, there are certain disadvantages to having a dog over a mail order Russian...


oh my god american arrogance haha. who do you think bought all your fucking sour loans you sorry sons of bitches? 50 years from now your daughter might be a damn mail order bride to russia!

all wanting money.. they will kill you when they get their citizenship.. i fucking resent that type of generalization. are you guys out of your minds? russia is one third of the world landmass almost have you any idea how many cultures.. how many chicks are over there? how many countries border to russia? .. and then how many to USA.. 2?

look at it this way, if the american economy goes to shit and somewhere else takes over as the trading center. .. like if i dunno the poles melt down and the northwest passage become travellable and the siberian tundra melts. could this happend? absolutely not! .. or? who could be capable of tipping the american economy, its all so.. american isnt it? or... could .. wait mby the european/russian OWNERS descide to take it all back and make USA into a giant sweat shop? nah prolly not. well its conveniently placed between 2 oceans, where can you go? mexico? oh wait.. canaadaaa! tadaaa, oh damn another colony. shit!

they want your citizenship .. lol, well it would be the best deal you ever made your kids would have russian/american passports and could travel freely on 50% of the worlds landmass and very very few can do so today. lol they'll leave you as soon as they get their citizenship-whats that 2-3 years? how many marriages last that long anyway? fucking citizenship and egocentered bullshit, guys you are gonna sail your own boat unless you realize we dont want that shit citizenship of yours anymore over here in europe, fuck that.. we get social security over here- have fun! you are yesterdays news, just another old norseman colony ..we moved on, i say enjoy your mailorder brides while you can!

those broads want the exact same thing as YOUR ANCESTORS! half of them went west, the other half went east. you had your turn.

the american dream, the stuff that feeds the shitsling!


stone fool
I believe in balance, so I propose sending fat, bitchy american women around the world as brides or contract concubines. Lord knows we have an excess, and we should spread the wealth around.


Haps said:
I believe in balance, so I propose sending fat, bitchy american women around the world as brides or contract concubines. Lord knows we have an excess, and we should spread the wealth around.
New Rule: For every hot 25 year old Russian babe that comes in, one obese American woman with an attitude problem must leave. And Haps for President