Sweat pants are for the runners that want to loose weight or married. I like to look sexy when I run, oddly enough I never go shirtless, cuz I burn like a mofo from the sun.
our minnesota winters are wicked cold, in the spring as soon as it's sunny & 40F out come the joggers in shorts or yoga pants, Bemidji is a university town and so the babes out running are outstanding.......
I was just remarking on a dude running in shorts really fast in the pouring rain! outside about 45 degrees . that really made me realize the dude was def out there, you know what I mean... like.. OUT THERE!
My father has refused to wear pants for at least ten years now. Bball Shorts and sandals shoveling snow and anywhere he goes. He's the king of super chilling. If he gets really cold he might go shorts for sweats with sandals. Lol.