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New member
no mi spiace,penso che la sensi seeds utilizzi questa macchina per imballare dal 2004...
quindi sono circa 5 anni e non 15 che non imballa i semi a mano.

comunque anch'io non credevo che una macchina potesse alterare le sementi..
ora capisco perchè nei centri di mantenimento non usano macchine di nessun genere..
buona fortuna con la sensi seeds... se accusi qualche effetto di salute ora sai perchè..


New member
ciao xgrower,le tue sono ruderalis skunk? della sensi seeds?
ancora piantate dalla vecchia scatola sensi? quando sensi seeds imballava le sementi interamente a mano?



Ruderalis it is similar on Sativa a structure, but it is less growth, height approximately 1,5-2,2 metres, a smell especial cannot tell on what is similar. Grows easily everywhere. THC very low. I do not raise it it wild plants.


ruderelis where you can find in the wild,

It grows in many areas, especially southern exUSSR republics such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. The valley of Shu river is the famous place where wild cannabis grows.
Theres also wild variety grows in North, in the Tuva republic...it has extremely short life cycle because of climatic conditions..just 3 months from seed to bud.

But the best quality landraces can be found only in Uzbekiston..


Tnx for useful info brodas.
What about Baikal? Is there any psihoactive ruderalis growing wild in places around Irkutsk? I ask cause i have posibility to get some seeds from there



The information in this thread is ... forgive me, highly confusing. Some in italian, some in russian, misunderstandings and incomplete information etc.

Can we first define the ruderalis as fully autoflowering? Or is ruderalis a name that is used on any wild cannabis in Russia? Because in the west most people seem to think that ruderalis means autoflowering. Please arrest me here guys if you have another perspective on this.

I think the thread starter was interested in the ruderalis solely for the potential autoflower trait in it. Atleast for me as a far northern latitude grower, the autoflower trait is what is interesting.

So if i can ask the question differently,

...Have any of you Russian people ever seen a fully autoflowering wild cannabis?

Autoflowering wild cannabis is very interesting for Scandinavian people because in Scandinavia it doesnt get dark at night in the summer so regular strains will not flower.

We need these genetics and this information, please let us know if you have any pictures of such autoflowering cannabis or know of any beans.

I would also like to know, how far north does cannabis grow in Russia? Is there any north of Moscow? Or in siberia, north of Altay mountains? Also is there any in Dagestan, or Caucasus mountains?

If you want you can pm me with info.

Thank you, peace -Arcticsun
i am also very interested i live in scandi too and i am starting to get really interested in breeding and it would be a really good start to have real ruderalis to make a completely own autoflowering strain , a lot of work , but deffidently worth it please pm me or write in the thread where i can buy seeds from mother russia with real ruderalis :tiphat:


Active member
Everyone says clear ruderalis is difficult for breeding. ruderalis genes 2low in thc and unstable in genetic, you must do a lot of crosses until you get some nice strains. (but i never saw clear one, even i lived in many places of our great country, my personal meaning clear one its a fake...) but i'll give you another good hint. you can xprmnt with russian landraсes, most of them autoflower and stable ruderalis\sativa, and another good reason they have xtrmly strong mold\frost\insect resists. For example i got Real Tashkenti from Tashkent city, which one is autoflower and potent enough. it takes 120-130 days from seed to bud.

+1 he's absolutely right.


New member
hi here in Siberia a little more than two phenotypes with liquid cones and not much with little or no side branches with cones and hard hammer with him rushing selnee

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