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Ruderalis picked from the wild five days ago...


Thanx guyz, it's my pleasure too :D

Can't wait until mid-late July when these babies finish, to show you the fat colas some of these ruderalis plants produce!

Anyways, the North-Eastern part of the country has completely different cannabis growing over there. I have seen 2 kinds over there:

(1) tall, light-green plants (7-8 feet) that finish in September, most likely some local industrial grade hemp, even though they have wider, indica-type leaflets.

(2) literally Indica-types, short (5 feet), dark-green or even dark purple with WIDE leaflets that would easily make an Afghani plant jealuos, but again INDUSTRIAL grade! Yup, you got that right! Industrial INDICAS.. at least that's what I called them. They are basically industrial varieties strictly for seed production, not for fiber!

When I first saw one of these "industrial indica" plants it was a short, very dark green-purplish plant with thick and SHINY leaves!, just sitting there in a frikkin cornfield. I was like holy cow!, I thought I hit the jackpot by stumbling upon someone's guerilla MJ plant :D, it even had some stalked trichomes on the leaves surrounding these freakishly big calyxes that were full of large-sized, still immature seeds (this was at the end of August). I still thought this was some good shit, and I just picked a medium-sized cola (didn't want to completely rip-off the supposed guerilla grower lol :D), and very happily headed home and could not wait to dry it and smoke it. But hell, after waiting a few days for it to dry out well, the dissapointment was... BIG, at the least. It tasted horrible and no buzz, AT ALL!..

Anyways, I think I'm heading to that part of the country sometime in August and hopefully come back with some pics, but I'm not promissing anything :)

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Its Henbane Hyoscyamus niger - Stinking Nightshade


Thnx for posting the wonderfull pics of Cannabis ruderalis.I didnt know that the strain was so very common in Romania, although i know some Romanian people.I shall ask them the next time.

Namaste :canabis:


pure dynamite
You can find it almost everywhere in Romania... and the Danube Delta is full of it. :wave:


Oki doki, you have long asked me to post pics of plants in flower, in their natural environment. Another year passed, an I finally found time, but most importantly remembered :D to take my camera with me, while driving by all the finishing rudy plants alongside roads.

Here are some pics taken yesterday. All the wild plants are now finishing up their seed production.

I noticed that in some years they finish earlier, like the end of July, but this year they are finishing in August it seems. But I think it is rather a matter of phenotype variance among different "localized" populations, and the plants, depending on their local, "micro-populations", they are earlier or later.

Also, in some of the plants the flowering doesn't stop, even after the first generation of seeds are fully matured (could be as early as middle July), and they continue flowering and producing seeds until August or even September.

The smell of these fairly sticky seeded buds is very deceiving! If you rip a small piece of bud and smell it, the smell is so strong and seductive that you could swear this is definitely going to get you high! But when smoked it won't, unless you do a consistent "milky way" with a large amount of bud.

The high amounts of terpenes in these buds are extremely piney and extremely sweet-mangoey. Some micro-populations have a more chemmy smell, but overall, regardless of the area in the country, the smell is pretty much the same. That's how I tell if it is a rudy.

I have smoked some of these buds way back, when I first became aware of the presence of these plants in my country, and even the taste of the sinsemilla from these plants is not bad at all. You could actually enjoy the buds without getting high though. The smoke tasted sweet and not that harsh.


This particular town is called "Valley of the Hemp" (Vale = Valley, Canepii = of the Hemp (genitive form), Canepa = Hemp)

A couple of hundred meters behind, we see why it is called like that:

This tiny decrepit male I thought looked interesting with its dense flowers:



Life is one big grow........
thank for sharing and remembering!!!

could look at those wild plant all day long....!!!


Active member
wow man thanks alot for sharing all these pics... although i grow outdoors myself ive never seen anything like that just bunches of them growing wild...thanks again man


Active member
I love those shots:)
Lots of potential for breeding there with both the ruderalis and early hemp types.
But also a loong way ahead for any breeder wanting to do anything with these...


this is really an awesome thread :D i would love to see some thread like this from nepal or vietnam :-/
it also grows near my place :D but only ive seen only few plants some years ago and now nothing...
luckily ive picked some seeds and i grow that strain till now... its not very potent, but it can make me high and its tasty :)
this is that strain, beautiful although not very large plants



New member
Great pics. Looks like the stuff I find In Minnesota here in the states. I found a couple types that make greeeeeat BHO.


..All I can say is that four people ended up giving me free weed in the czech....when i only asked for it one of the four times. Apparently it is a custom there to offer weed to others if you have it????
Man I wish it was like that in cali!..
That's really funny! I know of a recent story just like that! A friend of mine went to the Czech and gave a waiter at a restaurant an usual amount of tip, nothing special, and at the end, the waiter guy called him outside the place and gave him what looked like 30 grams of weed (more than an ounce) :D

Daaaang, they must have more weed than they can smoke over there, or they're just very-very generous and nice people!:) Or maybe locals don't usually tip in the Czech Republic..? :)