Yeah man I have read that entire thread all 150+ pages... I have been dealing with this shit for a while... I have ruled out and tested for almost everything imaginable ( N tox, Mg def, Ca def, Heat, etc...) and have narrowed it down to mites, the mythical TMV, or a mutation... just introduced a new strain so I guess I will find out soon enough...
My only question with it being a natural part of the plant is that it is not everywhere or balanced... I will find them in one area or on one leaf, then not see any for a bit, they are not bunched together but they are not everywhere...
Trichomes would be everywhere, so if you are just seeing them in isolated places, they are eggs. Are the leaves looking damaged where you see them?
There is also a "new" form of dudding which some people are reporting, but there is no consensus or lab tests to prove what it is. You might look @ that "dud" thread to see if any of the pictures look familiar.