Always had concerns over the bubbl1ng 1n other peoples bubblers, the foam1ng. when 1 used to v1s1t the local sh1tworks( honest, and very 1ntrest1ng) when 1 enqu1red about the ser1ous foam1ng at the treated water release, was told 1t's so full of nutr1ents
1 feel a bubbly top 1s too r1ch
wow i thought my thread would be dead by now. thanks for all the help guys it looks like it's recovering now. i'll have some pics soon. hey d4twamp, my never did either but add some zone and hygrozyme and you'll get some foam. i'm running hygrozyme with h202 right now and no more foam. does anyone know if h202 evaporate over a few days? do i need to add it every couple days or every water change? thanks again guys..