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Root aphids or soil mites...or OTHER?


Active member
Hello fellow gangsta warriors/ladies..I am wondering if someone else has a problem with white/translucent bugs in their soil?? I can't post pics as I can only see them under a jewelers loop..I don't think that they are root aphids but I want to make sure..these bugs are white/pale and almost clear with "hairs" on their bodies..they are under the soil and avoid light and hide when disturbed..my room had 15 mothers but I culled 6 in the apparent infestation and chaos that I figured was coming..that was 4 weeks ago but the remaining 9 are looking healthy..I also applied some Nematodes a week ago to try and get a start on killing them..its these hairs on them(bugs) that has me puzzled as they don't look like root aphids that I have searched here and online..I had a couple reveg plants that died(unusual for myself but it could be my error) and a couple of my A5 took a hit in the process but nothing since(6 weeks)..I am using Promix and added organics in soil but I haven't introduced any new plants/clones to my room, only new soil..I have washed with bleached, used peroxide in watering, safer soap, chilli powder/safers in spray bottle and I just washed down the room again with 70% alcohol and water but they are still lurking and now I am thinking they might not be root aphids..any thoughts as to what I'm dealing with? peace out
PS I live fairly north and I didn't think we had root aphids here yet..49N and 54W longitude and latitude


Active member
thanks William for the response..I am still waiting for a watering to see if I have anything floating as I just watered with those Nematodes..it will be a couple more days for them to dry out and water again to see.. I have heard of these bugs in my search but nothing jumps out(literally) lol these buggers are really small and you can not see them with the naked eye so I will check when they dry out..I captured a few by digging into the soil..I am also growing strictly haze and haze hybrids if that helps..I just searched for these bugs and I don't see a resembleance to them but maybe they are just too juvenile as they are more oval'ish like a root aphid and they are not long in the body ,with those hairs they have me hoping its not root aphids


Active member
Hey Ca thanks for the reply I appreciate it,I will try to get a pic later as my lights are off for a few hours..its hard to see them even with a loup but I will try


Chasing The Present
Sounds like mayne springtails,do u get them floating around in the runoff?,76
I agree, young & nymph ones…. They are always @ especially if you look closely enough

I wouldn’t worry about them personally

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
It's tough to do - but, count how many legs they have.

If they have eight legs - they are not root aphids and are most likely some type of soil mite.

Root aphids have six legs - but, so do springtails.

Regardless of how many legs they have, if this has been going on for 4 weeks now and those 9 mother plants were in the same room as the others that you culled and they are relatively healthy - it's unlikely to be root aphids. You'd be seeing some serious damage to the plants by now if it were root aphids, IMO.


Active member
Hey Led..thanks for the link and info..I am still doing my detective work on this as I just noticed them under the loup so time will tell..I hope you great farmers are right on with your info as its hard to diagnose without pics..thanks
Chester I will give your advise a shot tommorrow as its hard as f$$k to see these little buggers..they are not quite microscopic but very tiny,,you can see the larger ones barely in the soil when you disturb them but the majority(99%) are very tiny..I appreciate the advise and I am thinking I might not have the root aphid curse..I hope lol
these bugs are not on the plants leaves/stem at this point but I am still doing the detective work. ALL are in the soil


Active member
I took a short video on my phone with my loup..not the best but you can see a few of the little buggers..they are small as I stuck one with a toothpick and you could not see it with the naked eye and just barely with the loup alone..thanks for everyone's help and diagnosis..I appreciate it


  • 20240809_143622 (1).mp4
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Chasing The Present
I took a short video on my phone with my loup..not the best but you can see a few of the little buggers..they are small as I stuck one with a toothpick and you could not see it with the naked eye and just barely with the loup alone..thanks for everyone's help and diagnosis..I appreciate it

Springtails, good video btw, you can even see their springy thing (furcula) on their back ends


Active member
Springtails, good video btw, you can even see their springy thing (furcula) on their back ends
thanks for the confirmation Led and I am so relieved to know!! I can now get my fall grow on the go..too bad I culled a few but it just opens up my room for a bigger run..also thanks for the other posters here helping my relax..I must say there sure is a bunch of them in my soil and it really had me worried..thank you to everyone here that put me on the right road to recovery..William, Ca. Chester.. I think I'm gonna go smoke a big fatty of haze..thank you, thank you and good karma on everyone
ps that video took me two hours to makeas a pic just didn't do them justice as they are really shy and I had to be careful not to blow all the dirt AND bugs away lol take care


Well-known member
I took a short video on my phone with my loup..not the best but you can see a few of the little buggers..they are small as I stuck one with a toothpick and you could not see it with the naked eye and just barely with the loup alone..thanks for everyone's help and diagnosis..I appreciate it
Those are soil mites not springtails. They're beneficial. They eat decomposing matter and break it down. No worries.


Well-known member
They definitely can/do look like some of the beneficial mites but if you look closely I think you’ll notice a clear furcula on its’ hind end, pretty certain mites don’t have that
I think they're mold mites but I could be wrong.



Chasing The Present
It definitely Could be, it almost looks like a mite actually came out that cave looking thing in beginning video & attacked what looks to me to be a springtail - maybe there’s both - ha, actually kinda likely tbh there’s both, they both prefer very similar environments…

The good thing for NL is either or both needn’t be worried about :)


Well-known member
How do you tell the difference between root aphids and soil mites?
1) Root aphids are small, black insects. Soil mites are smaller creatures that are usually light brown in color. 2) Root aphids have a blunt head and lack wings while soil mites have a pointed head and wings. 3) Root aphids produce short yellow excretions while soil mites produce long white ones.

What kills root aphids naturally?
You can treat your plants with neem oil or a pyrethrum-based spray, which will need to be used early during the infestation. You may also water a Spinosad-based insecticide into the soil, or utilize Beauveria, a fungus that contains spores that will attack the root aphids.

How do I get rid of soil mites in my soil?
The first step is to remove any decaying organic matter from the soil. This is its primary food source and removing it will discourage its population growth. Additionally, you can try allowing the soil to dry out a bit, as soil mites and springtails prefer moist environments.


Active member
thanks to all again!..I am monitoring the situation and I hope it is a good outcome, sorta(good bugs)..lol I only use Promix with Gaia Green organics with a dash of worm castings..I have applied some Nematodes but because they are microscopic it is hard to tell if they are working..the Nemes are for root aphids but I don't think that it was they were the problem now..the plants look healthy and are growing normal for now..if anything changes I will update..I wish good karma on the posters here as it was a stressful time and you figured it out, problem solving at its best.. grow on