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Ronda Rousey: “I’m Against Testing for Weed at All”


ICMag Donor
Nick Diaz was recently handed a five-year suspension by the Nevada State Athletic Commission, for testing positive for marijuana after UFC 183 back in January, even when his opponent in the match, Anderson Silva, received just a one-year suspension for testing positive for steroids.

The latter seems to be an offense far worse, so to most observers, the stiffer penalty that Diaz received simply doesn't make any sense.
Ronda Rousey was among those appalled by the decision, and let loose on the matter at a UFC press conference in Melbourne on Wednesday.
"I’m sorry, but it’s so not right for him to be suspended five years for marijuana," Rousey said. "I’m against testing for weed at all. It’s not a performance enhancing drug. And it has nothing to do with competition. It’s only tested for political reasons.
"They say, 'It's only for your safety to keep you from hurting yourself.’ You know what, then why don’t they test us for all the other things that could possibly hurt us, that we could be under the influence of when we're out there?
"There’s no reason that we should be tested for weed. It shouldn't be involved at all. Nick is a really close and dear friend of mine so of course I’m going to defend him. It’s so unfair.
"If one person tests for steroids, that could actually hurt a person, and the other person smokes a plant that makes him happy, and he gets suspended for five years. Whereas a guy who could hurt someone gets a slap on the wrist. It’s not fair. It’s not fair at all. I can’t believe it's not being said more. And you know what, I think we should free Nick Diaz."
Rousey wasn't the only person associated with the UFC who was unhappy with the decision. Joe Rogan, who is employed by the organization as an analyst, took to Twitter to voice his displeasure.
Send all complaints, compliments, and tips to [email protected]
[via Maxim]


Active member
ICMag Donor
It's crazy that they banned him for 5 years. He's my favorite fighter. Ronda doesn't seem like a stoner, but she knows Nick from having trained with him for so long. If this ban holds up it would be the worst "legal" injustice in MMA history.


Rousey said. "I’m against testing for weed at all. It’s not a performance enhancing drug. And it has nothing to do with competition. It’s only tested for political reasons."

Nothing but plain truth there. Seems pretty obvious how correct she is and how fucked up the rules are.


ICMag Donor
Ronda is a cool chick!! Dana White should do something, he has the power to change it I bet. Diaz is getting screwed big time, such bullshit!! Jones gets a year for steroids and Diaz gets 5 unbelievably unfair.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Ronda is a cool chick!! Dana White should do something, he has the power to change it I bet. Diaz is getting screwed big time, such bullshit!! Jones gets a year for steroids and Diaz gets 5 unbelievably unfair.

Dana White might have the power to change things, but he won't. Going against the Nevada state athletic commission would cost the UFC millions. Dana White will do what's best for the UFC. I hope this gets overturned in court somehow.

If this stands up legally, as a fan, I would hope the UFC releases Nick from his contract so he'll be free to fight for other organizations outside of Nevada. He's in the prime years of his career right now. That won't be true in 5 years if he's banned for that long.


ICMag Donor
Now if we can get Michael Phelps and Ronda Rousey to do a joint tv commercial...........without the joint of course ( substitute a pipe lol )


3rd time Caught for Nick Diaz (I read Recently) so ...?
5 yrs is long tho.
Of Course Steroids CAN hurt someone! Lol...


The rules may be stupid - but he chose to break'um...

I of course realise that this may be an unpopular view, but I'm still a little on the fence on this one.

Please let me explain:

Steroids may directly enhance your performance, but it seems to me, that cannabis inderectly may enhance the performance of a boxer.
Most here will probably agree, that cannabis is a painkiller. What if Mr. Diaz used it to train harder, than he would have been able to with no pain killler? And hence gaining an advantage he would not have had without a substance that is on the forbidden list

Just askin' out loud ..


Get two birds stoned at once
I'm really surprised this is still a thing, lot of fighters and gyms here in Colorado where its mostly treated like alcohol these days.

The other fans of MMA I've met have been tokers for the most part, I can see the backlash winding up.


Active member
Diaz Comes off like that because He hates His haters, and ain't got time for PC Bullshit. I respect that.
Away from cameras, I'll bet He is cool as fuck.



ICMag Donor
They say, 'It's only for your safety to keep you from hurting yourself

All the while...
Fists be a flying...
Too Fuckin funny!!!

I'm not an mma fan but shit...
This ruling is absolutely senseless!!!


Active member
lol...maybe the PGA or USGA should test too...

they do ......

i had a customer who use to play on the asian golf circuit and he said they got tested all the time. when i mentioned how fucking stupid it was to say that weed was a performance enhancing drug he laughingly agreed, but he pointed out the fact that one of the biggest parts of golf is the mental/mind game aspect. he said the golf establishment bans beta blockers because of that, and i think we would all have to admit that herb does help us relax/concentrate/chill the fuck down when things get stressful.

it's not a performance enhancer like a steroid but if you are anti herb in the first place you could argue that performance COULD be enhanced by herb:dunno:

it is still total bullshit that he got banned since just like anybody who has ever gotten a drugged driving charge or lost a job it wasn't/cant be proven that he was high in the ring, behind the wheel, or at work. there's plenty of politics involved and not just on the MMA level

i doubt that anybody who trains as hard as MMA fighters do much drinking, but i've met people who aren't happy/functional unless they have a little alcohol in their systems. ***** but booze is good for you, right? ***** and with the sponsorship $$$$$ from the beer industry at stake i wonder if they even test for it

IMHO the fuckheads who want weed banned are usually discussing their battle plan over a double on the rocks.:wallbash: no wonder things are so fucked up


ICmag's Official Black Guy
What makes this whole situation funny. The government says cannabis has "no" medical use but they test for it anyway? Nick only failed one of three testing. The one he fail was a non-accredited from all place Quest Labs. The very same Lab that a majority of companies here in the US use? The other two was Olympic grade testing. So whom are we to believe.

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