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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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OMG :D I just saw CNN and Santorm say, "He didn't say "BLACKs" in his comment. The lady on CNN actually says, "Yeah that sounded like a mumble to me" OMFG!!! CNN IS PATHETIC! I remember them "wagging the dog" for Bushy boy. They were following those trucks around IRAQ saying, "there they go, right before the inspectors get there, they are hiding something" It seems CNN is the one hiding things! Like the TRUTH!


Iowans on foodstatmp
Whiltes 84%
Black 9%, not that Iowa has many blacks

Rick Santorum Busted On Arguments Against Gays In The Military As Same Used Against Blacks
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCXgFc5It5c Watch his views on Gays. He says it's a decision and that your not born that way. How would he know?

CNN tries to paint RP as a racist as CNN tries do deny Santorm is a racist............That was no fucking mumble! I expect that to be on youtube at some point. I can't be the only one that CNN is really pissing off! CNN Commie New Network

Great break down. Rick said, "BLLAAHH" people :D

SONTORM: Black comment, need to see context, LMFOA! Out of Context :D YEAH, RIGHT

Rick Santorum Argues With Student Over Gay Marriage So the bible is proof of what, RICK?
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May your race always be in your favor
RON paul has peaked with his third place in Iowa. Santorum( has everyone googled him, he's a frothy mix). Mittens won and he will be flopping all over the place. Gingrich is after Mittens and is helping Santorum keep his 15 minutes of being the non Romney. Meanwhile yesterday good old Newt said the I'll paraphrase here. washington and Jefferson would deal with marijuana use more violently than they do today". Newt third rate historian that he is failed to mention they both grew Hemp on their plantations. So the morale is, none and I mean none of those that are running and have a snowballs chance in hell of even decriminalizing weed, much less making it legal. So, why in the hell would anyone vote for the right, anyone on the right. They not only don't want anyone getting a buzz on, they also want to get in your/my wife's/girlfriend hoohaw and tell her what she can do with it and with whom. What difference does it make what type of birth control is used by anyone. What a bunch of 17th century assholes. MY RANT !!!!!!!!!!!


We'll see on RP...you might have to change your opinion on November 12th...and even if RP was against drugs, he's still a better choice than Beavis or Butthead...


weed fiend
Ron Paul, big-government libertarian

Marc A. Thiessen
Jan 04, 2012

In a recent column, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker declared Rep. Ron Paul “a consistent champion of smaller government” who votes against “virtually every piece of legislation that could be interpreted as government overreach or interference with the free market.”

There one small problem with the analysis: It ignores the fact that Paul is one of the biggest pork-barrel earmarkers on Capitol Hill.

The Texas Republican defends his record, telling Fox News’s Neil Cavuto in a 2009 interview that “earmarks is the responsibility of the Congress. We should earmark even more.” And besides, he explained, he votes “no” on all his own earmarks anyway. “I think you’re missing the point,” he told Cavuto, "I’ve never voted for an earmark, I’ve never voted for an appropriations bill.”

But that is exactly the point. His strategy is to stuff legislation with earmarks that benefit his constituents and thus his reelection, and then vote against the overall bill — knowing full well it will pass over his objections — so he can claim to have opposed all the spending in the first place.

Consider Paul’s record. The libertarian Reason magazine points out that in 2009 Paul voted against a $410 billion omnibus spending bill that passed over his objections. But the magazine notes (quoting the Houston Chronicle) that “Paul played a role in obtaining 22 earmarks worth $96.1 million, which led the Houston congressional delegation, according to a Houston Chronicle analysis of more than 8,500 congressionally mandated projects inserted into the bill.”

Thus Paul got to have it both ways: He could claim to have voted against a $410 billion taxpayer boondoggle, while simultaneously vacuuming up tens of millions in taxpayer dollars for his congressional district.

And Paul continues to request earmarks. According the Texas Independent, Paul was one of only four House Republicans to break with his party’s earmark moratorium in 2011: “Paul sent 41 earmark requests totaling $157,093,544 for the 2011 Fiscal Year” and “For Fiscal Year 2010, Paul requested 54 total earmarks, adding up to $398,460,640 in pork that the former presidential candidate sought to bring home to his district.” (The paper noted that his 2010 requests “were made prior to the House Republican Conference’s voluntary ban on filing earmarks.”) His earmark requests are listed on his congressional Web site.

After Hurricane Katrina, Paul opposed government assistance for victims, telling The Post: “Is bailing out people that chose to live on the coastline a proper function of the federal government? Why do people in Arizona have to be robbed in order to support the people on the coast?” He even even wrote in a 2005 column that “In several disasters that have befallen my Gulf Coast district, my constituents have told me many times that they prefer to rebuild and recover without the help of federal agencies like FEMA, which so often impose their own bureaucratic solutions on the owners of private property.”

Yet in fiscal year 2010 Paul requested tens of millions of dollars in earmarks to assist with hurricane recovery for his district. His requests included: $51.5 million for “Reconstruction of Bluewater Highway Hurricane Evacuation Route Between Brazoria and Galveston Counties in Texas”; $8 million for “replacing recreational fishing piers damaged during hurricanes”; $20 million to fund a rural hospital in Chambers County, Texas (arguing that “Chambers has been adversely impacted by hurricanes Rita and Ike and by the displacement of individuals by Hurricane Katrina”); and $1 million for Trinity Episcopal School “to assist with recovery in Hurricane stricken Galveston, Texas.”

Which raises a question for Rep. Paul: Why do people in Arizona have to be robbed in order to support the people of his congressional district?

Lots of conservatives play this game on Capitol Hill, stuffing bills with earmarks and then voting “no” to make their spending records seem pure. But Ron Paul claims to be different. He has portrayed himself as the most anti-Washington candidate in the GOP presidential race — and perhaps he is. But for a self-professed Washington outsider, he sure seems to have mastered the inside Washington game pretty well.



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its media spin ,he/or his wife, seems like he part of the establishment that would stand to lose in a paul presidency.

From Wiki :
Marc A. Thiessen (born 1967) is an American author, columnist and political commentator, who served as a speechwriter for United States President George W. Bush (2004–2009) and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (2001–2004). He wrote the 2010 New York Times bestselling book, Courting Disaster, in which he argues that the enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA, which the Obama administration has characterized as torture,[1] are not torture by any reasonable legal or moral standard[2] and "were not only effective, but lawful and morally just".[3]

Thiessen's articles have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, National Review, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Weekly Standard, USA Today and other publications. He has also appeared on Fox News, CNN, NPR, and other media outlets. In its January 11, 2010 issue, The Daily Telegraph named Thiessen number 97 of the "100 Most Influential Conservatives in America".
Thiessen grew up in Upper East Side in Manhattan, where both his parents were "liberal Democrat" doctors.[4] His mother grew up in Poland and fought as a teenager in the Warsaw Uprising, a military struggle in which his grandfather died.[4]

Thiessen is a graduate of the Taft School (1985), a private prep school in Connecticut. He graduated from Vassar College (BA in 1989) and completed post-graduate studies at the Naval War College.

He lives in Alexandria, Virginia with his wife Pamela, who is currently the Staff Director of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, and their four children.[5]
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Sarah did tell the R's not to marginalize Ron Paul.

Only proving my point that she is an idiot. The correct 'political' move would have been discredit him as much as possible.

Dr Paul is more likely to take votes from the GOP than the DEMS. If you can label him a nut early enough, his supporters will be forced to vote GOP (better than the alternative). The continued 'in fighting' only hurts the GOP (just like picking Palin as one heart beat from the Presidency).

When James Carville is happy about something the GOP is doing, you know its wrong.

IF Paul goes third party, because he was not squashed quick enough, hes hurting the GOP more than Obama.

Niccolò Machiavelli's writings 499 years ago could not be more relevant today.


Active member
speechwriter for United States President George W. Bush Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. bestselling book, Courting Disaster, in which he argues that the enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA, which the Obama administration has characterized as torture,[1] are not torture by any reasonable legal or moral standard[2] and "were not only effective, but lawful and morally just".[3] The Daily Telegraph named Thiessen number 97 of the "100 Most Influential Conservatives in America"
Obama administration has characterized as torture,[1] are not torture by any reasonable legal or moral standard[2] and "were not only effective, but lawful and morally just".[3]
He would not have an agenda...:D Neither does FOX or CNN :D They would not march somebody out there to marginalize Dr. Paul.
Are you implying that the NDAA or Patriot act could be used on Americans? You don't trust your Gov't with your life? Use the drug laws as a example of how fair and just they would be! not only effective, but lawful and morally just"Are you a terrorists? You got something to hide? We better put an FBI agent on you to tail you, on suspicion alone ;D I wonder where this could be going!

CNN, NPR, FOX are all reputable news organizations and only present the issues and allow us to decide...Nobody has posted clips of CNN cutting troops off for supporting RON PAUL and his foreign policy....Nobody tries imply RP is racist over and over for 20 years...As they say, "Santorm, I heard a mumble there :D" Chris Wallace would not claim a Ron Paul win would be meaningless in IOWA. They let RON PAUL speak on the issues and never interrupt to reiterate the same dogma he just squashed.....CNN & FOX are very respectable! :D

Only proving my point that she is an idiot. The correct 'political' move would have been discredit him as much as possible
I don't think she is an establishment person though. She is going "Rogue" again. Maybe VP for RP. She would bring in Christian Conservatives and they are loyal to her like RP's people. Rowe vs. Wade was big to her and RP is in line on that with her. Maybe she aint so stupid. I hear she likes party and get high from what I've read or heard.


Actual Troop not cut off! You must watch

Why do the troops support Ron Paul. This soldier states, "We noticed we had more in common with the Iraqi people than we do with the Billionairs that sent us to war"

Ya know, i blame CNN for even asking the guy the question. I assume he should know that actives are not suppose to be 'politically affiliated', but CNN HAS to know.

Just like when CptJanks from the Howard Stern Show pranks them, they dont acknowledge THEIR mistake.


weed fiend
How does a guy who tattoos his neck with the twin towers, joins the military after the drumbeat for war in Iraq, while another war is going on in Afghanistan - not - expect to be deployed? He's been in uniform for 10 years. Doesn't that suggest he reenlisted - while two wars were still taking place?

I get it, the guy doesn't want to be deployed anymore. He talks about an "army" for here. WTF's that all about?


Some state primaries are run differently, but in my state you can vote in any one (Pick a ballot, GOP, DEM, GREEN, etc).

I plan on voting for Paul in March, but im still on the fence for Nov.

Some may say its bullshit to vote in a primary for a candidate you dont fully support, but i see it as my 1 vote is the only way to exercise my voice; if youve picked a shit head, im gonna tell you i disagree. The GOP claims to be 'financially conservative', their best candidate for that claim is Ron Paul.


Active member
The troops are fighting wars and dying every day. They need to be heard. I understand protocol but CNN and FOX don't even mention RP unless they dog him out. They have certainly played more questions on 20 year old newsletters while OBAMA comes out with a plan to cut military spending. 1/2 Trillion in 10 years and he yaps for 20 minutes and RP could save 1 TRILLION in 1 YEAR....Never mentioned, Troops contributions to RP and how much others get in comparison NEVER MENTIONED..... One clip on CNN has a 2010 response the RP "antiwar" where there was boos and edited out 2011 RP "antiwar" comment where everybody cheered! They said it was accidental. LMFAO. How did they accidentally get a clop that looked the same but supported the war more than the other!

So if we slipped a spitball by the establishment, I aint mad. I will be if you don't get off that damn fence, JK


Active member
Cojito & DIscobiscuit stand for the status quo/establsihment.

well, i certainly prefer a vibrant democracy to a theocracy. (that's why i referenced Ron Paul's stance on the separation of church and state). i prefer progress to regression (Ron Paul wants to go back). i prefer rational thinkers to magical thinkers (Ron Paul). but old, white, millionaire congressmen who believe in supernatural sky gods (e.g. Ron Paul) are the status quo. they are holding us back.

and if you really believe i've exposed you to a dogma (something i argued against earlier) then please, by all means, tell me what it is. and be sure to quote me accurately. if not, you should probably apologize, or at least admit you still don't understand the word.


Active member
How does a guy who tattoos his neck with the twin towers, joins the military after the drumbeat for war in Iraq, while another war is going on in Afghanistan - not - expect to be deployed?

He is a pussy and coward Discobiscuit....;Probably really stupid too!
What else could it be....he don't have clue what is going on over there after 10 years fighting. He probably counts beans!

National Defense is what he wants.....Military Industrial Complex is what "everybody else" wants!
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Active member
i prefer rational thinkers to magical thinkers
Name one.

(Ron Paul). but old, white, millionaire congressmen
Who is being racist now? LMAO.....

Originally Posted by Cojito
(e.g. Ron Paul) are the status quo.
You guys here that one? Ron Paul "The Status Quo"
Your silly Legislative Success serves as proof he fought the status quo his entire career. Not that your unaware Mr. Disco

who believe in supernatural sky gods (e.g. Ron Paul) are the status quo. they are holding us back.
I.E. Obama, Romney, Santorm, so who is the rational thinker?

and if you really believe i've exposed you to a dogma (something i argued against earlier) then please, by all means, tell me what it is. and be sure to quote me accurately.
I'll apologize when I can see what you want done for America. It's not fair for somebody to come in a thread labeled Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"? Your pick and why? It is in the title! You see to actively participate in discussion you have to offer something constructive.....It is easy to find a single issue with any one candidate....Not that your hiding behind that.....So if you don't know who you got? What do you want done? Why? Are those answerable questions? They to tough?
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