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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Active member
he's not making another run so yeah now is the time to vote and make a real change.
voting for somone you hate is silly,and not taking your future into your hands by voting is just as silly,you basicly volenterily threw your voice out the window and are going to end up again with somone you despise.
all this 3rd party stuff/who will he support if he's not nominated stuff is just a distraction,and a way to not ask him questions that would help spread his message when he's actually allowed on TV.
hes doing quite well,anyway.
and if you see there hes got no money problems.
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I donated today for his Money Bomb. It's nearly at $4 million.

Registered as a republican so I can vote in the primary, hoping for his nomination!

For liberty, peace and freedom. Ron Paul is the only politician in the race that I trust.


:prettyplease:could you afford even as little as $5? Ron would appreciate it.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Hey, you're.late for the party, but theres always room on the bandwagon. Good to have you aboard.

Ron paul is the only candidate not bought and paid for. He stands for freedom in every sense of the word.

I am tired of hearing he is not electable, and he did not rule out a third party run he said it would be premature to consider when he is leading in iowa. Pu
Lling the numbers he has with no media.coverage is remarkable.

.anyone.catch him on leno? http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=VMUZIVYuluc

Amazing three part segment with rp, and it seems.leno is a fan, hitting the main points of his agenda and calling him doctor ron paul and mentioning the many baby deliveries(and.how can you hate a an obgyn)

Watch it.


Active member
all that money that he supposedley earmarked, it belongs to the people whos pockets it came from,since he prolly cant give it to its rightfull owners it goes back to his constituants,and thats basicly what politicians are for to stick up for their constituancey.
if you dont like who gets your money you'ed prolly wanna eliminate the IRS,they are the people who are stealing your money.(because you go to jail if you dont right?)
i get that people are saying the rich dont pay enough..... well how about you dont have to pay anything and you have a right to what you earn,thats ron pauls positition not that rich need to pay more but you shouldnt be paying anything,and the constitutionally smaller govt could run on a small sales tax if neccisary.
i think the guy in the vid is only looking at one side of the coin.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
i think ron paul is good for the rich and privileged. he doesn't give a fuck about the lower and middle classes.

The lower and middle class are being totally screwed by inflation due to the current monetary policy. Ron Paul rails against the current monetary policy and is well aware that its the monetary policy that makes poor people poorer and the middle class poor.

Inflation is hidden tax on everyone.

The people who get assistance from the goverment, if their program even gets inflationary increases, those increases are determined by the government. They claim its 2-3% a year. I guess that explains why the price of everything I buy goes up 8-12% every year. 2-3% my ass!!! Lies, blatant lies to cover up their theivery. They are lying to the people recieving assistance so they don't have to pay them more. This is the current status quo. 10 more years at the rate we are going and none of those programs will be worth a dime of todays buying power. This will happen unless something is done.

Ron Paul is nearly the only one who outspokenly resists current monetary policy, no one else understands it.

What if we had deflation every year instead of inflation?


Good feed back!!!!

Good feed back!!!!

Couple of things:

Bentom--Ron Paul wants to eliminate the IRS

Sam the Caveman--absolutely agree..... karma given

Stonedstoner--er any candidate running right now that does? answer no.. but at least some of the things Ron Paul is for will help those even if you are correct he doesn't care about the poor.

BadRabbit--I threw my vote away last time for the candidate that could win and did say many of the things we all wanted to hear.... Obummer or Obama.... well at least if indeed I do throw it away for Ron Paul... I can justify it. There is no way I can vote for anyone who would be sanctioned by either the Republican or Democratic Parties..... look where the hell those two have gotten us. Don't wish to CHOOSE to be shot in the head with a .44mag or .357mag which is what voting for either of the "two" parties amounts too.

if i was a super rich white dude i'd probably support ron paul. but i'm not white and i'm not rich so i can't support him.

ron paul doesn't give a fuck about the environment. he thinks global warming is a hoax. a hoax? come the fuck on dude, scientific literature shows there is a large consensus among scientists that global warming is happening. why doesn't ron paul believe in science if he's a doctor?

also, ron paul does not believe in evolution. fucking idiot.

also, he's a racist. he's not down with immigration. his newsletter contains insanely racist comments on jews and blacks and insanely homophobic comments also. even if he didn't write those newsletters, his name is on them. he should know about anything going out with his name on it. if he doesn't know about shit like that which is going out in his name, then he probably isn't presidential material.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
the only thing i worry about ron paul is his age.... he's getting up there.... other then that, ron is the man.... oh yeah, the other thing i worry about is that his stoner followers will be too stoned to go vote for him....


Re: Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

TSA @airports ..highways...internal checkpoints ...sources inside mall of America say they will have TSA screening there after the first of the year...constitution free zone...vipr squads...NDAA...BAD THINGS.


if i was a super rich white dude i'd probably support ron paul. but i'm not white and i'm not rich so i can't support him.

ron paul doesn't give a fuck about the environment. he thinks global warming is a hoax. a hoax? come the fuck on dude, scientific literature shows there is a large consensus among scientists that global warming is happening. why doesn't ron paul believe in science if he's a doctor?

also, ron paul does not believe in evolution. fucking idiot.

also, he's a racist. he's not down with immigration. his newsletter contains insanely racist comments on jews and blacks and insanely homophobic comments also. even if he didn't write those newsletters, his name is on them. he should know about anything going out with his name on it. if he doesn't know about shit like that which is going out in his name, then he probably isn't presidential material.

you should
i should read more? maybe that's true, but everything that i said is true about ron paul. what did i say that was false? look it up.
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