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Roe v Wade overturned.


Well-known member
Are you okay with forcible sterilization or forcing others to subsidize abortions ?
Happy to have abortion on the Medicare system in Australia. Would rather that than free IVF.

Once again your trying to twist things to suit your agenda as you always do.
Never have I mentioned "forcible sterilisation" and you know that has nothing to do with women's right to choose.
Forcible and choose! You don't know the difference? 🤣🤣

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
i'd also like to point out, cause ppl say that whole "using abortions as birth control" idiocy...

that's not really a thing.

women aren't going out having abortion after abortion as a form of birth control, and it's pretty stupid to base policy on that.

Abortion is a form of birth control. It ends a pregnancy.

Having other people make policy over my body is something that I won't consent to.
I view my rights as reciprocal in other people and proceed from there.

I extrapolate the above out and think if you want to fund someone's abortion that's up to you, not up to you to take the labor of another person's body and make them fund it though if they are not inclined to.

Therefore "policy" that says you can take the labor of anothers body against their will, is inherently going against the mantra that abortionists use "my body my choice". Advancing two opposing ideas at once is not a good look.;)

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
Happy to have abortion on the Medicare system in Australia. Would rather that than free IVF.

Once again your trying to twist things to suit your agenda as you always do.
Never have I mentioned "forcible sterilisation" and you know that has nothing to do with women's right to choose.
Forcible and choose! You don't know the difference? 🤣🤣

So you're for and against, "my body my choice" then.

A woman can choose to have or not have an abortion. Her body, her choice.

A man cannot choose what happens to the labor of his body though? You're okay with taking the proceeds of that man's body and applying it someplace he might not want it to go.

His bodies labor, YOUR choice...or else.

Sounds about right. :)


Well-known member
So you're for and against, "my body my choice" then.

A woman can choose to have or not have an abortion. Her body, her choice.

A man cannot choose what happens to the labor of his body though? You're okay with taking the proceeds of that man's body and applying it someplace he might not want it to go.

His bodies labor, YOUR choice...or else.

Sounds about right. :)
The labor of his body. 😂😂😂
Have you ever had sex with a woman?? 🤔
Use protection if you don't want a child idiot! 🤣
Fuck they tech that in primary school here.
The fact you think you have the right to tell a woman what she has to do after she is impregnated is laughable! 😂😂😂


Abortion is a form of birth control. It ends a pregnancy.
you know wtf i mean, the trope of the slutty 20 something year old that goes out and fucks all kinds of dudes and has 20 abortions.

it's not a thing.

Therefore "policy" that says you can take the labor of anothers body against their will,
oh good, then you understand reproductive rights.

conversation... over?


Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
So you are for and against birth control.

One of the problems with an imprecise language is that "birth control" is a term sometimes used to describe two different things.

I am FOR people using pregnancy prevention measures if they don't want to get pregnant.

I am personally opposed to pregnancy cessation measures (abortion) in most cases.

So, for one thing, opposed to the other.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
The labor of his body. 😂😂😂
Have you ever had sex with a woman?? 🤔
Use protection if you don't want a child idiot! 🤣
Fuck they tech that in primary school here.
The fact you think you have the right to tell a woman what she has to do after she is impregnated is laughable! 😂😂😂

Sex with a woman?
I was tempted to say, "ask your mother", but I'll refrain. ;)

I think you may have misunderstood my point when I mentioned reallocating a disinterested persons labor, is a way to control another person's body against their will.

I meant for you to extrapolate, to see that it is a form of control to direct the product of a person's labor, money, to subsidize another person they are disinclined to subsidize.
That IS a form of "controlling another persons body". Taking what another person produces with their body makes that evident.

The fact you are telling me I think I have a right to tell a woman what she has to do after she is pregnant, shows me you either didn't read or failed to comprehend my recent posts in this thread.

I specifically said I don't think I have a right to intervene.

Also I'm not an idiot, I can make mistakes, (rarely :p), apparently so can you.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
you know wtf i mean, the trope of the slutty 20 something year old that goes out and fucks all kinds of dudes and has 20 abortions.

it's not a thing.

oh good, then you understand reproductive rights.

conversation... over?

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Almost. This volley began with me both commending you and differing with you.

I like that you don't want to bomb innocent babies.
Not on the same page as you when that you think it's okay to abort innocent beings and force others to pay for it.

Also, there's nothing wrong with a 20 year old being a slut. Meaning it's within her right to bang who she wants. I don't endorse it as in, what I'd do, but it's her body and her choice.

It's not within her right to make other people pay for 1 or 20 abortions for her or anyone else. I'm not opposed to you forming a charity to help wayward sluts get abortions as long as it's voluntarily funded like actual charity should be. Heck if she really liked dick, she could probably suck a few rich guys off and get more than enough to pay for an abortion.
(just seeing if Porky read this far, he sometimes jumps to conclusions :D)

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
this i guess is another impasse, i'm not making an argument for you to pay for it.

we need a "taxation is theft" thread, tag me in it once you make it

I'm glad you're not making an argument to make me pay for it. I thought you had made that argument in the past.

I'd say taking the product of a person's labor against their wishes could also be described as a form of slavery. Slavery can also be a form of theft too. A justice related thread on that is a good idea. ✌️


I am personally opposed to pregnancy cessation measures (abortion) in most cases.
i think most people, pro choice or not, can also say this.

it's not a glamorous thing, i don't think any serious people seriously praise killing fetuses, it's a fact of our species and the government putting laws in place banning abortions is indeed a breaking of the non- aggression principle.

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