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Roe v Wade overturned.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
i don't see why that matters

You brought it up as an issue though.

You claimed you were opposed to letting a mom die needlessly or something like that.
If she's not in danger of dying from an abortion and gets an abortion, her dying "needlessly" is a nonissue.

The only being in that situation being harmed / extinguished is the unborn.
You rightfully decried bombing babies, but curiously seem like you're okay with aborting them, even when the mother isn't in a position to "kill the child" so she can live.

I'm a little disappointed that you are being evasive. If you want to just take the loss now, I can move on. :D


as i had said earlier, my main concern is abating suffering.

elective abortions up to 24 weeks is they way... with medical abortions after 24 weeks, obviously up to a doctor or two... not up to a review board of lawyers trying to weave texas' homicidal laws, nor the insurance co, nor the courts, nor the legislature.


Well-known member
as i had said earlier, my main concern is abating suffering.

elective abortions up to 24 weeks is they way... with medical abortions after 24 weeks, obviously up to a doctor or two... not up to a review board of lawyers trying to weave texas' homicidal laws, nor the insurance co, nor the courts, nor the legislature.
So you don't mind babies being killed in America


Well-known member
1) just to clarify, we're talking fetuses and not born babies which ppl usually mean when they say babies

2) when did i say i don't mind?
You seem to be for "elective abortions up to 24 and medical abortions after 24 weeks,

So you don't mind future babies being killed, is that better :ROFLMAO:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If the idea is that an abortion can save a life of grief, does it follow that it would be acceptable to kill a baby that's on this side of the womb if that infant's prospects look bleak or the mother has a change of heart or suffered an accident rendering her incapable of raising the child etc.?

I'm not for legislators being involved. I'm pro-choice in the sense it's a private matter and not for me to intervene, but I don't endorse it and strongly prefer abortions don't happen.

I don't have to like and shouldn't be forced to pay for others choices either just like nobody should be forced to pay to bomb people they don't know.
I can agree with all those points, notwithstanding it is very different to kill a functional breathing child than it is to terminate a pregnancy. Would you as justly condemn birth control? Pharmaceutical abortion - just in case abortion? If you are religious, what if abortion is an action which pinched the tube the souls slide through to ride the sperm to the egg?

For most females, it is an agonizing decision. Would you have that a young woman, forfeit her life or at least a year of it because of poor judgement in an instance?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If the idea is that an abortion can save a life of grief, does it follow that it would be acceptable to kill a baby that's on this side of the womb if that infant's prospects look bleak or the mother has a change of heart or suffered an accident rendering her incapable of raising the child etc.?
At this point labour has taken place and others step up.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Let's ban spaying dogs. I mean seriously, it is barbaric. Why do a hysterectomy when a tubal ligation is easier, cheaper and more healthy for the dog. Is the real reason control? We don't want those dogs fucking all over the place. There are even false scientific studies, stating spaying prevents cancer. Hell, then lets do it to human women and cut down the cancer rate.

Of course, I'd be remiss to leave out the boy dogs. No more neutering! Vasectomies all the way.


Well-known member
yeah man, like i said, nobody is out here praying for abortions (i shouldn't say that, i mean westboro baptists exist so who knows?), it's an unfortunate fact of our species that reproduction isn't picture perfect
I'm all for abortions if there done early, everyone fucks up in life, and I'm all for bucket babies if they are deformed at birth and their life is not worth living.

But fucked if it should be used as a birth controll method


but we can't condemn any moms with "pro" life policy just because you don't like a reason for a potential future abortion.

the VAST majority of abortions are before the second trimester, well before sentience and viability.

you don't (well maga does, but i digress...) take away welfare from all poor americans simply because a small amount of ppl may do some fraudulent ass shit...

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
I can agree with all those points, notwithstanding it is very different to kill a functional breathing child than it is to terminate a pregnancy. Would you as justly condemn birth control? Pharmaceutical abortion - just in case abortion? If you are religious, what if abortion is an action which pinched the tube the souls slide through to ride the sperm to the egg?

For most females, it is an agonizing decision. Would you have that a young woman, forfeit her life or at least a year of it because of poor judgement in an instance?

I don't condemn birth control, I think it can be a good idea. I agree, for some females it's an agonizing decision. I'd add for some others, it's more of an inconvenience.

I don't want to subsidize it on several grounds. I don't have the right to make disinterested peaceful people pay for my ideas, so it's wrong for somebody to force me to pay for theirs. Also, I have personal reservations against it.

Either way not my business to make others private choices, but I don't have to endorse their choices.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
At this point labour has taken place and others step up.

I hope so.
I understand why some cultures practiced infanticide but doing it today might be a slippery slope.

Other than where the being is located, I see little difference between an about to be born near term being and an hours old infant in terms of what pain they can feel. I would not want to extinguish either and think somebody that does is causing a clear cut harm.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
So you are an anti tube pincher then.

Nope, I'm pro-choice with strong reservations that women prevent unwanted pregnancies and I'd prefer they don't extinguish the ones that do occur. I'd end forcible subsidizing of others choices though.

If they want to pinch their own tubes, that should be their choice, not mine, not yours, not some legislators in ivory towers.


i'd also like to point out, cause ppl say that whole "using abortions as birth control" idiocy...

that's not really a thing.

women aren't going out having abortion after abortion as a form of birth control, and it's pretty stupid to base policy on that.