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Roe v Wade overturned.


Well-known member
Nearly a clever meme.

It attempts to combine two different, but somewhat topically related things in a relationship as if being opposed to abortion is the causation of higher maternal and infant mortality.

A person could be in favor of "gun freedom" and still die of a gunshot wound, right?
It's just the facts. Over analyse it all you like.


Well-known member
imo, this is what happens when society legislates from a place of virtue signalling/ self- backpatting and wanting to punish those that persue sexual and romantic liberty... instead of legislating from a place where reason and logic and evidence reign.

(inb4: some strawman / appeal to ignorance fallacy combo, or just a good ole ad- hominem)
Its the church controlling the state.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
@Captain Red Eye


i'm here, where's your cogent point about how murdering moms and babies is ok?

cause that's what pro life policy does, murders moms and babies.

Not every abortion is to save an expectant mother is it?
In fact, most have nothing to do with that.

My cogent point is if you are against bombing innocent beings that's a good thing.
If you are for aborting innocent beings, that seems to be in conflict with the line above.


Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
nobody is for that, it's the pro lifers that want to kill moms and babies

Some "pro-lifers" are afflicted with the same thing you are. They hold two opposing points of view at once.

Although a person that is actually pro-life and isn't distracted by politics could be against bombing babies and against killing expectant mothers and a developing fetus. When I say against that, I mean unwilling to fund it and holding a strong preference for it not to happen.

Why do you think pro-lifers want to kill moms and babies?

Why do you willingly fund bombing babies?


Well-known member
I get it Microbeman.....saving the mom from having the burden of providing for and being responsible for another human being that most likely ruins her life as well as the baby she should have aborted to prevent all of this right ?......but......

For the life of me I can`t understand WHY women can`t figure out how to prevent pregnancy with all the world`s availability of contraception in oh so many flavors .....I mean seriously.....it ain`t rocket science.....and also.....as far as extenuating circumstances for the reason of needing an abortion , there should be no doubt that it should be available to rape victims and or for fetal defects found by lab work/ultrasound etc............other than that....

My 2 cents.....DHF......

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
Are most to save innocence? Future innocence for present innocence? A prevention of two lives of grief?

If the idea is that an abortion can save a life of grief, does it follow that it would be acceptable to kill a baby that's on this side of the womb if that infant's prospects look bleak or the mother has a change of heart or suffered an accident rendering her incapable of raising the child etc.?

I'm not for legislators being involved. I'm pro-choice in the sense it's a private matter and not for me to intervene, but I don't endorse it and strongly prefer abortions don't happen.

I don't have to like and shouldn't be forced to pay for others choices either just like nobody should be forced to pay to bomb people they don't know.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
my views aren't opposing.

they both come from a place of wanting the least amount of suffering.

murdering babies en masse because you're a genocidal maniac... bad

letting a mom die needlessly because of pro life policy... bad

You've mentioned a situation that doesn't address my point though.

Most abortions aren't done to save the life of the um "birthing person" (snicker..mother).
They're done for other reasons. Among those reasons are negligence and failing to prevent an inconvenient pregnancy.
That's why I asked why stop at aborting? If little kids are a pain in the ass to raise why not get rid of them too? Not saying that's what I want, just posing a hypothertical question.

I'm glad we agree bombing innocent babies is bad. I think from the unborns perspective being aborted is bad too.


I think from the unborns perspective being aborted is bad too.
i think it's a virtue signalling exercise to presume the opinions of the unborn;

but if i were an unborn child (a hypothetical fetus, not me personally as a fetus), and my mom's life was even a little in danger, and they asked me for my magically informed opinion... i believe i would want my mom to go on and be able to take care of my siblings and have more kids.

if even 1 mom dies (and many more have) due to "pRO"-lIfE policy, it cannot make up for even a quadrillion nonsentient fetuses.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
i think it's a virtue signalling exercise to presume the opinions of the unborn;

but if i were an unborn child (a hypothetical fetus, not me personally as a fetus), and my mom's life was even a little in danger, and they asked me for my magically informed opinion... i believe i would want my mom to go on and be able to take care of my siblings and have more kids.

if even 1 mom dies (and many more have) due to "pRO"-lIfE policy, it cannot make up for even a quadrillion nonsentient fetuses.

So you would be a one in a quadrillion fetus then?

About how many abortions is the mom's life in danger vs not in danger?