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Well-known member
nice documentation of those kids :biggrin: they look like their really loving the teas and fungal powders , what spacer will you place them on to get up the rootage? :thinking:

i have some of that 1/2" tall white plastic grid that people use in their ceiling light fixtures. Got it at home depot to provide a platform for my CFLs in the clone tent.

I should write a testimonial for the capulator stuff. My very first grow attempt was ruined by pests, and with the teas/fungus I don't need to dunk my plants in pesticide (imid).

When I read other people's pest issues in their grow, I wonder why they don't give the fungus a try.... probably because it takes a lot of research to find the stuff.

The seedlings got the fungus mixed in with the coco off the bat, and they've gotten 4 gallons of tea over the first 40 days. No sign of bugs, no fliers, nothin! :dance013:

Its getting close to pistil-hunting time. I can flip them when space in the flower tent opens up. I have a classic seeds plant and a CSG White Jones (great plant!) finishing up in there.

Hey wooly things are looking great in there.
Really seem to love those leds, an tea.

Yours are catching up to mine fast!

ty for stoppin by!

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
you got me thinking bout introducing some fungal tea into my soil , I do however have a great build up of mycelium from my dead leaves used as mulch. any Suggestions?


Well-known member
Day 42 quickie

Day 42 quickie

Have the plants under the CFL today as we're experiencing a heat wave. Here's the plants, all mixed up now:


And here's what's in the flower tent, White Jones Week 4:


Check out the training:


Word of warning: Do not handle these plants and then scratch your nutz directly after. These med man plants are some prickly mofos, I may start wearing long sleeves in the garden!


Well-known member
you got me thinking bout introducing some fungal tea into my soil , I do however have a great build up of mycelium from my dead leaves used as mulch. any Suggestions?


I have all 3 products (root, nute, foliar) but just the root and foliar are used in the tea.

The nute pack is best used early in plant's life and when transplanted. I sprinkled the stuff into the coco when I put the rooted seedlings.

You can see I have some very nice rootage :)

It may seem bit pricey at $28 a pack, but the stuff has a two year shelf life, and this isn't a cheap hobby :)


Well-known member
All the plants are now topped except for the conkushians.

The Conkushian runt has taken off with strong root growth in the 16oz cup. Topped that one too.

Checked all of the plants for female pistils. None yet, but a couple look to be contenders.

Lots of growth. Thinking about pruning the undergrowth and taking cuts. Think think think!


Hey Wooly,
They are coming along great!!
Like you, i have found the Conkushion plants to require very little watering and also being slow to establish compared to the other m-m strains i have been working with. I have one now at 5 weeks flower, which i will try and get a pic posted over the wknd, that has really taken off after a long veg. Its a big plant, very different from the previous female i posted pics of. The buds are packing on weight very quickly and its a big stocky plant with short internodal spacing that wants to grow horizontaly after the top has been nipped out. Looks like a good yielder also.
One thing all the Conkushion girls i have flowered so far have in common is a very short stretch during flower, its not unlike Bubba Kush in that you can almost grow it to the size you want it to finish at before putting it into flower.

its summer where i am and its getting hot too so i know how it is in the grow room with the heat right now. I flowered everything while they were fairly short for this summer run to keep a good distance between the plant tops and the 600w lamp.

All the best man and good luck with your grow, i am enjoying and looking forward to seeing them progress further.


Well-known member
Day 45 Veg Update

Day 45 Veg Update

Group shot:


Tent is getting crowded!

Two of the road kill skunks are monsters, with 4-5" long shoots. Dame thing with the headband.

On the slow side is conkushian #2, with side shoots about 1/4 long. I wonder if I top them will it encourage them to grow out?

I'll top the conkushians tomorrow. Here's a shot of one. In my opinion, its very kushy looking:


I also defoliated a few of the ones with strong shoots to open up the canopy a bit.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hey wooly.

Plants look great home!



Well-known member
Day 50 -SEX TIME

Day 50 -SEX TIME

Hooray! Confirmed 2 plants are female:

Silver Rock Star Kush #4
ConKushian #3*

Both ladies showed me a few pretty pistils today. Other plants are non-conclusive, although I think two of the bigger ones may be male.

Opening the tent I noticed a puke/vomit odor. I didn't find any vomit, so it must be coming from the plants! That's a good thing probably.

SRSS#4. As you can see the foliage is lush, and this one has excellent side shoot growth after topping:


side view:


view after I took the bottom 4 nodes for clones, all shoots 3-4"


Rootage spilling over:


Its a skunky smelling plant. Plenty of F1 vigor!


Well-known member
ConKushian Girl

ConKushian Girl

Compared to the silver skunk, the conkushian is way behind in terms of side shoots. After topping though, it looks like its trying to get some growth in. Notice the way the large fan leaves stack in this top view:


Isn't that a beautiful plant? It reminds me of a flowerhorn cichlid fish.

Next is a detail shot of the side branches. These shoots are around 2". Some growth may be stalled due to switching to CFL in this heatwave.


Plant view. I'll have to keep an eye on this one. The conkushian may be best suited to bud on a stick-style grow.


The SRSS needs to be put into flower ASAP. I know its going to explode after I flip it and low stress train all of those shoots. You can see in the white jones flowering pics on page two how I train plants. Just got to check the trichs on the girls in the flower tent.


Looking real lush an happy there wooly.
Love the growth in those 1 gallon rootpots. i use to use them with coco in my tables...lots better than a plastic pot for sure when it comes to great root structure/growth.
can't wait to see them flower out.


Well-known member
Its looking like I have a lot of dudes in the tent, lol. I'm pretty good at pistil hunting and the last few days have been fruitless. I've sent 3 plants to exile, not dead, but not in the veg tent.

Two big RKS and one SRSS are in exile. I'm not in the pollen business so I'm giving them another few days to show me some sugar or they are kaput.

The cuts I took from the SRSS are doing great. The fem Conkushian is still having anemic side shoot growth... it's screeming for the LEDs, but its too hot to run them in the day.

I'm in no hurry though. There will be room for the flower tent for teh SRSS in a day... Or depending on my male plant percentage, I'll tier her down and veg her to get more of a tree.

Reminder: Veg tent has ~450 LED, Flower tent has 2x 300w LED panel. Veg tent is older models (more purple), Flower tent later models (more powerful, whiter). Feeding H&G Cocos at 6-700 ppm in veg.

All the plant foliage looks great. No yellowing or burnt tips. Vibrant growth all around.

Rotate 50% and less strength nutes. Flower using H&G cocos + Jack's bloom booster once a week.

The sooner I can Id the males the more room I get in the veg tent. If I end up with only two girls I'm ok with that. The Conkushian is very kushy, and the SRSS has the vigor I'm looking for.

And hey medman and others, I appreciate the K+ as I know your a pretty busy dude! Luckily I've done this shit before, you can enjoy the show!


Well-known member
Put the SRSS #4 into flower. Tied down a few branches, and gave her some bloom nutes.

edit: July 19th, 1st SRSS clone roots. Cool!


Well-known member
Stuff since last update:

- Found one more male conkushian, he's chopped.
- I put the remaining plants into flower. I have about 7 that I can't positively ID yet
- The silver rock star kush has been flowering for a week. Put her in a tomato cage and tied down all the branches to even the canopy. Its a nice plant!
- took cuts off of the female conkushian and pruned leaves to open canopy
- all the cuts from the srss have rooted and are busting out extreme root growth


Well-known member
Crazy idea: The Conkushian isn't really growing that much. I'm thinking of leaning her on her side at around 45% to force growth that way.

I did it with my xmas specials (see sig). I'll have the room, just need to make a rig to support her at an angle. Any ideas?


Well-known member
Big Update

Big Update

SRSS: Day 10 Flower

I've tied down the main branches and five nice tops are forming.


Here's the conkushian, day two. Yesterday I leaned her on the side. Only took her a few hours to reorientate.

I tied down a bunch of stems to pull them downward. Here's the top view:


This shows some of the low-stress training. Lots of pruning involved too, as this plant's leaves naturally form shields to block light from penetrating the canopy.


And a view under the plant. This one has developed a very sturdy trunk.


Here's the tent that I just put into flower. All the other plants I'm not sure what the sex is.


Happy grown and always be flowering!


Well-known member
good news

good news

2 more females confirmed

An RKS and Conkushian showed me some pistils tonite. Took cuts off the rks and ties down her tops.

The conkushian has rather feeble growth, the lower nodes looking like 1/2" long cabbage. trimmed some of the undergrowth but took no cuts.


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