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RIP Owsley


just don't molest my colas..
from Bobby Weir's facebook page earlier today...


I met Owsley at the age of eighteen. I had just left home, having run off with a Rock&Roll band. Bear, as we knew him, was one of my all-time biggest influences. Always, when I think of him, I think of the endless stuff he taught me or somehow made me realize; all stuff that I've been able to use to the benefit of countless people.
Most important was the approach he taught me: Always be open and engaging - always critical and questioning, but not negatively so much as playfully.
He taught me to take myself and my interests out of the picture and work with the subject under consideration so that the best deductions or conclusions are made. I guess this means working from the point of view of the higher self, though that term never came up; it was always just assumed..

Classic Seeds

rest in peace bear i remember the first sugar cubes before you could tab and they made laws to stop what you started people being aware are only a danger to tyrants not to the rest of society thanks for opening so many eyes to the truth we are all one and responcable for our actions and the truth will set you free when it was owsley's molecular recipe for opening the doors to your inner self thanks for all you did to my way of thinking it was definatly a improvement over public schools version of the world as we know it


Active member
Phil's comment before the 1st set last night:

" we lost a good friend, more than just family, in Bear's honor, I did something I haven't done in years, I ate a steak, raw"



Well-known member
:frown: Hoffman died of old age, Owsley died in a car accident, and the substance that they were given so much trouble over lives on.

He didn't affect my life directly, but indirectly I believe that he has.

Madrus Rose

post 69
I do love that '09 pic of him. I see they updated the page now. as of when I started the thread erowid didn't have his death listed yet.

Wikipedia was also updated that fast

There's also the Ken Kesey & Tim Scully links there on erowid.org ...original pranksters and explorers .

Bear's essay's in the links below his page on erowid.org are very lucid & the one on prohibition is especially bright & well thought out especially meaningful to a society that still suffers from the duality of thinking it can act out a historically failed Prohibition policy & afford to mass incarcerate while attempting to wage war on the Black Markets which it directly creates . While thinking it can also afford the health education & complete therapeutic counciling infrastructure which is part of the true solution . The violence in both Mexico & here in the US is staggering, imprisonment, and the costs of drug abuse especially meth & alcohol is astronomical & in the billions in every State.

And still they don't see the complete failure ....bankrupt ideas & policy, bankrupt country .

Bear Owsley's essay on "The True Reason for Drug Prohibition"

As long as people fail to see that there were in reality huge corporate Special Interests that effected these policies that to this day make even Industrial Hemp illegal & classified as a schedule I class drug in the US ... this kind of flawed dualistic thinking will see this Country go bankrupt , and it is .

*** Apple , largest corporation in the world 2nd only to Exxon Mobile ***

When you think that Steven Jobs who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area & took many trips on Bear's acid & began by making illegal "Blue Boxes" with his partner Steve Wozniak who themselves were original young pranksters . Apple Corporation now today is the largest corporation in the World @ $325Bil , only equalled by Exxon Mobile the largest Oil Company
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just don't molest my colas..
I love bear's essays. his one on the digital age of music was visionary. he wrote it when mp3s were just coming about. I can't wait to see what him and phil were working on recently.

I bend my ears to hear the sound, and close my eyes to see.


just don't molest my colas..
Phil's comment before the 1st set last night:

" we lost a good friend, more than just family, in Bear's honor, I did something I haven't done in years, I ate a steak, raw"

haha. i love it. i was thinking of doing that. I haven't eaten any red meat in like a year and a half. been 3 years since i regularly ate it, but I seriously considered going out and having a fat cut of filet mingion in bear's honor last night.


Cannabrex Formulator
Owsley 'Bear' Stanley dead at 76; killed in car accident in Australia

Owsley 'Bear' Stanley dead at 76; killed in car accident in Australia

The counterculture icon who was a major LSD producer in the 1960s and was celebrated in song by The Grateful Dead and Jimi Hendrix, has died in a car crash in Australia.


RIP Bear.......you did a great service to the world.....

Always hoped he'd make it past 100, like Dr Hofmann.....


breathe deep
The man helped create this Image and helped many a Head feel just like it looks. Blessed to have lived in the same century as Bear. RIP



Active member
one of my favorite quotes...
""I wound up doing time for something I should have been rewarded for, What I did was a community service, the way I look at it. I was punished for political reasons. Absolutely meaningless. Was I a criminal? No. I was a good member of society - only my society and the one making the laws are different."

dude had a LSD lab in ORINDA! one of the richest yuppiest enclaves in the bay area...that shit is pretty hardcore. why is it that the sober elitest fuckwads get to run this country instead of the PEOPLE....

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