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Reviving sick mother for healthy vigorous clones help!


Well-known member
Flowering totally a response to the amount of darkness & varies from strain . It’s really not a problem for what you’re trying to do ..I would definitely not put it into direct sun from indoors. You have to ease the transition, keep it in the shade gradually add more filtered light…. keep it in a semi-shady area and let it do it’s own thing till it hardens off, then gradually add more full sunlight
Ok cool, yeah I understand the hardening off part and darkness, I was concerned if coming from under the lights inside into shaded area outside, if that would trigger the response since the light isnt as strong yet and for as long. But I really think they will be OK. Thank you very much!!


Active member
Can you say how many hours the plant endured without lights.

Best guess is to feed at a lower EC and trim her back, see if new growth is vigorous.

Also without lights you may have a bacterial bloom that curbs vigor.

Perhaps a fresh re pot, with close examination of the roots for bugs.

Change one aspect at a time to nail the culprit and remember you can't fix everything.

We're all pulling for you, best of luck!
It wasn't that long without lights but it was during winter where I couldn't run my AC's or heat pumps so the fluctuation with temperatures and humidity was way off. Also I could t water the same way I would have since the plants were not transpiring the same as usual. Im hoping for the best also it's a very irreplaceable strain lol.


Active member
At this point "we don't know".

During the worry, maybe the lack of light promoted a fungi but the plant can be enough resistant to this to don't show systemic symptoms. Just an option among a bunch.
I know it drives me crazy that there is so much unknown on a plant that has been around since forever.


Active member
I've been at this almost 20 years and just put plants outside for the first time this summer and I'm witnessing this first hand. It's fucking amazing!! The sun is damn near removing the variegation from my triangle kush clone. I dont get a lot of sun in my yard and they might only get 4 hours of direct sun per day, I'm a little concerned they might start to flower, but I feel that they arent because even indirect light is better than whats inside and they will stay in veg. If I can get one more month of outside I'll have a nice rip of good clones to start for indoor. It's literally amazing to watch the sun work her magic. I'm waiting on a tray of clones that were planted to start putting new roots down and then they are going outside too.
I couldn't agree more I just put my mother outside yesterday in a 50 gallon pot and I didn't even have to harden her off and she is perked right up ready to produce some healthy clones I hope *fingers crossed*


Active member
I've been at this almost 20 years and just put plants outside for the first time this summer and I'm witnessing this first hand. It's fucking amazing!! The sun is damn near removing the variegation from my triangle kush clone. I dont get a lot of sun in my yard and they might only get 4 hours of direct sun per day, I'm a little concerned they might start to flower, but I feel that they arent because even indirect light is better than whats inside and they will stay in veg. If I can get one more month of outside I'll have a nice rip of good clones to start for indoor. It's literally amazing to watch the sun work her magic. I'm waiting on a tray of clones that were planted to start putting new roots down and then they are going outside too.
Plus I think you will be fine even with the indirect sunlight I have never heard of one flowering early because of that only if it was pure darkness.


Well-known member
I couldn't agree more I just put my mother outside yesterday in a 50 gallon pot and I didn't even have to harden her off and she is perked right up ready to produce some healthy clones I hope *fingers crossed*
Thats the same thing I’m experiencing, they perk right up coming from under the LED. Really makes me realize I need to build a light that’s a mix of HPS and LED. And if I can flower one outside, that would be cool but I’m really just trying to get healthy clones to start new moms and hope I can keep them up inside.


Active member
Thats the same thing I’m experiencing, they perk right up coming from under the LED. Really makes me realize I need to build a light that’s a mix of HPS and LED. And if I can flower one outside, that would be cool but I’m really just trying to get healthy clones to start new moms and hope I can keep them up inside.
Let me know how yours go when you put them outside and if you get healthy clones and I will do the same!


Active member
I just cut a plant today and was like day 1 when I got it so maybe much selection of taking clones is bad and I must have taken a clone from a younger healthier plant than from my mother plant cause it is totally different. The case has been the tops have been decent but everything below has sucked...but here is a picture I am attaching that I cut down today that was stellar.


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