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Revival of the REVIVAL of the ULTIMATE SATIVA THREAD a.k.a R.U.S.T II


Well-known member
This is where that Jamaician Longtime originated...'Grover Sativa'

^^I just found this around here in my wonderings

Strains Like jamaician have been very rare but are finallly emerging here and there

Amazing :pie:


Dread & Alive
Strains Like jamaician have been very rare but are finallly emerging here and there
In part this is due to the fact that for a decade Jamaica was a dangerous place for tourists, and in part because (I think) many of those who have these genetics have decided to distribute them, out of a spirit of sharing or for economic interests. ...

Furthermore, for a long, long time the Jamaican varieties (but also many others) were considered weak, light, compared to the USA / Dutch hybrids....


Chasing the Present
gambidian squiirel tail ??? i aint ever heard of that one ,,,,, looks delicious tho lol
TY - Almost everything I grow are seeds I made from seeds I’ve accumulated from friends I’ve met online, very few things actually bought from a bank, you’ve never heard of it as I Just named it :)

Gambidian Squirrel Tail is

The Gambian x Cambodian 2 (F) - when I write F after the “male position” it means feminized seeds, self explanatory but everyone has their ways

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Well-known member
Furthermore, for a long, long time the Jamaican varieties (but also many others) were considered weak, light, compared to the USA / Dutch hybrids....
Was that ever really true? In the early 70s we wold get some Jamaican now and again. One of my friends once said Jamaican weed always made her laugh. It held its own against Panama Red, Red Tip Columbian, Acapulco Gold and most good Mexican. It wasn't Columbian Gold or Thai sticks or the surprise Mexican that was special.

The Jamaican "Long Time Weed" is an IBL according to The Landrace Team. So it would have been the same back then. If it is maybe the best weed today or one of the best it was probably really good back then.

I am going to dive deep into sativa from here on out. I will still grow a few of my favs I have. The medical growers are not growing long time flowering sativa plants. They might do some 12 or so plants but 18-24 week sativa will slow down profits. It will be like micro breweries popping up. I sativa micro grower could have a small steady customer base to have a nice supplemental income. It just takes would of mouth and a few puffs to realize what they have been missing over the years.

When you buy a pack of IBL seeds and grow them you easily have more seeds than you would ever need. Lifetime seeds for less than $200
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Chasing the Present
Led05 I'm curious why you would let your plants get so tall.
Cuz I can and imo as growers it’s our duty to mimic native natural as much as possible, project ourselves to where the plants has been, duplicate the best we can….

Only then will we get truly rewarded; 9/10 times I believe people fail with NLD on the pheno and not genetics side…. My humble opinion but rooted in endless anecdotal experiences


PS: I could just as easily argue 97/100 times pheno fail :)


Chasing the Present
When you buy a pack of IBL seeds and grow them you easily have more seeds than you would ever need. Lifetime seeds for less than $200
Like most things in life; the very best things aren’t shelf bought solely for simple fiat… You can buy good seeds, but you often earn the great ones - and I agree with what you say above fwiw just it’s oversimplified & limiting imo…. I.e, you buy a shit pack of IBL you could be chasing your tail for years, or decades or even worse…. A lifetime…

I’ve been dialed into NLD as long as anyone as young as I; humble advice don’t go chasing waterfalls….

Lol great movie always cracks me up

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Dread & Alive
The Jamaican "Long Time Weed" is an IBL according to The Landrace Team.
Do you know the true story behind "long time weed"? (I do not)
I am going to dive deep into sativa...
Well, I must warn you, sativas (especially extreme nlds) could intoxicate you to the point of pushing you to seek "the grail", the best, without ever finding it... LOL
When you buy a pack of IBL seeds and grow them you easily have more seeds than you would ever need. Lifetime seeds for less than $200
Nah, You can do this reasoning with superskunk, not with a landrace, otherwise you would miss most of the nuances...

Plus I already have more seeds than I will ever grow but like many others here I can't stop getting more...
It's a real addiction....


Well-known member
I bought a pack of Skunk #1 from Nevil way back and I didn't know about clones. I planted seeds from them for 20 years. After the first year I only pollenated the males and females with the lime tipped leaves plants because they were the very best ones. It worked for a spell but then things started to not be the same and the plants changed for the worse. Somebody told me I bottlenecked them.

This time I will do what I should have done back then. I will do a full pack and let them mingle. Then I will freeze all the seeds. Everything will be cloned and the keepers selected. I am already setting up an empty house that we own. Tenants suck ass. Plants don't. Growers House has been sending me many boxes then I drive them to the other house.

No disrespect to anybody but every breeder has their detractors. None of them are unscathed. Many deserve it like fucking Rezdog. People paid him 200-500 and more for packs of herms plus he was a narc. Yes people found good stuff. Why? Because you can always find good stuff if you keep trying.

What about Elite seeds. Scammer, Narc, people found lots of crap but also found good stuff.

Marc Emery made a fortune. He wasn't even selling the seeds he said he was. He bought pounds of unknown seeds. He was a narc but the people warning me back then loved him. LOL!

Remember when all the breeders said you people are wasting your money and time with all the pollen chuckers just crossing elites. Well look around? What do you see? Old breeders mostly gone or trying to catch up and all the pollen checkers are making money and people are finding some crazy good weed.

Now some people have a bug up their ass about Landrace Seeds. I don't freakin care. Just like I did when I would be top bidder on many TopDawg releases. People said it was stupid. Said it was stupid buying WiFi, Alien Genetics.

The landrace team has Jamaican "Long Time Weed". There are grows. It looks exactly like dipshits Jamaican "Long Time Weed".
The linked thread on Long Time Weed is talking about Landrace Long Time Weed. He used their description. Just like dipshit did and wants to pretend he got his somewhere else.

If I don't find a keeper sativa I will just have to keep growing legit clones of Chem D, Orig D, Chem 91, Loompas headband, GMO, Chimera #3 (yeah I bought that too), LA Pure Kush, The White, White Truffle, GG4, Cherry Pie, GSC and if I mention anymore than IATA. I think I will get by.


Well-known member
TY - Almost everything I grow are seeds I made from seeds I’ve accumulated from friends I’ve met online, very few things actually bought from a bank, you’ve never heard of it as I Just named it :)

Cambodian Squirrel Tail is

The Gambian x Cambodian 2 (F) - when I write F after the “male position” it means feminized seeds, self explanatory but everyone has their ways

i was half jokin figured it was a home creation with a name like that lol i like it sounds/looks extraterrestrial lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Well-known member

lil bit of outdoor uk dorian ,,,<indian haze x the doors >


Well-known member
This is where that Jamaician Longtime originated...'Grover Sativa'

Hit up 'Grover Sativa' tell him what youve got planned with the Jamaican....get some more seeds!

That's a link to one of his threads No doubt riddly got the longtime seeds from him


Well-known member
This will tell what you need to know about riddly and tlt

Overgrow is good place plug in and connect for seeds projects
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Well-known member
This a good place... Lambsbread, Colombian Gold, Tropical sativa plants
