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respect your elders



chuckyoufarley said:
A very self-important college freshman at a recent USC football
game, took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next
to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand
his own.
You grew up in a different, actually almost primitive, world," the
student said loud enough for the whole crowd to hear. "We young
people today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man
walking on the moon, our spaceships have visited Mars... We even have
nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light-speed
processing ..and,uh..."

Taking advantage of a pause for breath in the student's litany, the
"wizened" one said, "You're right, Son. We didn't have those things
when we were young...so we invented them.. you arrogant little
shithead! Now...what are you doing for the next generation??"

good stuff!!
if i was to have the chance at starting over, given 20 as a starting point, start at 30 and get 10 years at the start point, 40 x20 years..i would start at 45 years old, stay 45 for 25 years. blow doing all that bainless shit again. course we all thought we were the bee's knees one time, then maybe you see the truth, you and me, we are nothing, insignicent on this planet.
happycabbyman said:
if i was to have the chance at starting over, given 20 as a starting point, start at 30 and get 10 years at the start point, 40 x20 years..i would start at 45 years old, stay 45 for 25 years. blow doing all that bainless shit again. course we all thought we were the bee's knees one time, then maybe you see the truth, you and me, we are nothing, insignicent on this planet.

I must disagree HCM, we are EVERYthing.If we weren't, then why would we be here to rule the world?

The truth (as far as I can see since my husband died) is that we must all love each other and be kind. Some people don't believe in an afterlife, and say that you may as well make the best of it for yourself because there's nothing after this.They say think of yourself and do for yourself.Screw thy neighbor (or his wife)

I think I get more more pleasure from being kind, than being nasty and rude. If I am only here once, I want to be the best I can be.And being the best means loving everyone, with all their faults, no matter what. I strive daily to be happy and loving, and if I leave here with a few freinds and relatives loving me at my deathbed, then my life had purpose. To me, there is no greater power or reality, than love.

Having said that, great love comes with great pain.Sometimes it's easier to deny the love than to get caught up in it's addiction, because if love is denied, the pain is put off a little longer....but as they say, it is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.

xo vbg
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actuly vgb i think that people who do not believe in an after life are kinder .....after all if this is all there is and all i leave behind me when i depart are my foot steps here i do hope they are mostly good impressions ......

i do not think we do our children any favors by letting them grow up with out teaching them respect......after all who wants to be around disrespectful people? .........


Well-known member
im 46 when i was a kid comin up the old man fed me few knuckle sandwiches and i got full rite quick and had respect after that LOL ,hahaha im still full to this day
you can believe in your own importance. but, dont swagger when you walk. dont hold your head to high, you will trip over something. we are important to those close to us. then we are as a grain of sand on the beach. just existing, life after death, please, not another life..giver us a break.....


happycabbyman said:
you can believe in your own importance. but, dont swagger when you walk. dont hold your head to high, you will trip over something.

I totally disagree. I think 1 SHOULD hold their head high, maybe shitcan the swagger, but always walk tall, shoulders back, head held high & be proud of who you are. Going around thinking you're not important or just a 'grain of sand' is an inferiority complex waiting to happen.

And as for an 'after-life'....I'm sure there is, as there's no way that Adolph Hitler & Mother Teresa met the same demise after dying. How fucked-up would THAT be? :chin: :badday: :sasmokin: :yoinks:
i would hate people to agree with me, i like to be an individual.. i am still so old i'd hate to trip over, i think its good advice, watch where your walking
i must say, i feel humbled to be among pure folk..i sometimes wonder though, you believe in god, afterlife, the devil, and heaven and hell. i was once told that god is not so forgiving, only great sacrifice can redeem some of your sins. who here knows the standard expected. i'd rather be an atheist than spend my life wondering if i done enough.
and the devil says to god, hey godly my man, how come you lowering your standards, that last one was mine...


cabby if yall are going to sucribe to that christian based religouse suffering stuff no wonder u hope there is no god ....spritual pagan is much more fun ...celibration of life and lifes gifts .....:wink:
life yes, the good and bad times. i am amazed the way religion appears to glorify death. its like when you make a little joke about religion, all hell breaks loose, how is hell opened up because religion is mocked a little. but it does appear that religious people demonstrate and people get trampled to death, death and destruction appears to be what religion ia all about, no peace and love...


I thought you are HAPPYcabbyman? I made 1 post with my beliefs & have no intention of trying to argue religion. I agree...organized religion is just a money-making, war-starting group.
It's possible to believe in God without joining some religion.
by the way, i was a very unhappycabbyman, i had another 6 names after i got rid of happycabbyman. i suppose i will have to delete it from here..


/\/\/\/\ Nah man, you're still cool in my book. I'm not into arguing either...:D
river said:
spritual pagan is much more fun ...celibration of life and lifes gifts .....:wink:

Not that I've gone looking for it, but this is the first reference I can recall to someone being a pagen. And that surprised me, you would think there would be many of them on these kind of forums. If only other "religions" could make their presence felt the same way.....

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