dont you love dogs? i got 7 baby shepherds that were just born 2 nights ago. yap yap yap!!! seven more mouths to feed
You know how I feel about dogs bro, they mean more to me than people
. I wouldn't be surprised if Scooby actually gives Alice warning, and that Alice and Scooby haven't yet sorted out which of them is to rule you and your spaces, thus the continued 'bickering' and fights between them. It's up to you to settle that debate between them, because there is no debate--you're the boss.
I know a lot of people who think it's cruel. I lost a friend over her feelings about how I treat my dog. However, I have never had to get rid of a dog or have it put down because of its aggression, towards me or a member of my family. This woman has had to put down SIX dogs for that very reason. IMO, it's the handler, not the dog, and she couldn't stop humanizing them to the point that they didn't know what to do except bite. It is NOT cruel, not in any way, shape or form. It is no more cruel than being a parent to your children.
sounds cruel but I'm riding her hard as the aplha dog again, a position I won't ever relax or relinquish to her, by the time her last attack had happened I was looking @ 5-6 months of stellar behavior from her.
I let my guard down but that's not happening ever again.
a lot of you might see my attitudes here on the boards as pushy or domineering because I don't usually back down from any debating and I'm very outspoken, truth is that my house is a zone of tranquility (until shit like this happens).
after the first 4 attacks I rode Scooby pretty hard for a while, by the time the last one happened I was shocked as her months long behavior was everything I wanted in keeping harmony in our crib.
So until Alice is gone Scooby will have to deal w/my finger pointing in her face and elevated voice commands to make sure she knows who's boss 365/24/7. I hate to be the guy who bosses his dog around but she needs it. of course she'll get her love and treats and snuggles as scheduled, she needs that as equally as the rest of us, she'll never be treated as a 2nd class puppy. Scooby just needs continuous guidance.......
They're not using Millan's techniques if they're HITTING the dogs. They're becoming frustrated if they're getting to that point, and nothing good happens from there on. That's like hitting a horse on the head, and you'd better believe that whenever I saw someone doing that I was all over them like white on rice!I know how all this, "person is the alpha dog" theory works, and I am not a huge fan. I know that is how Caesar Milan does it too, and he has a lot of my respect. However, I know people that take it to the point that they will slug their (pit bull) in the head with their fist, something I cannot do. I love my dog and I think the way I have brought him up he doesn't need a fist to the head to know he fucked up. The puppy on the other hand, rarely a day goes by that he don't get swatted on the ass (mostly for biting). I am trying train my pit bull pup to not express himself with his teeth, the way nature had designed him. Things are so but at least heading in the right direction. My biggest fear is my dog biting someone at 6 months old and my making the local news.
Well.. horses are different, we can talk about horses as I have quite a bit of experience and training there. It is far easier to dominate a horse, for two reasons. 1) It's tasty and knows it's tasty; 2) It's a herd animal with eyes on the SIDES of its head, aka an herbivore.When you take on a dog it is much like taking on a child. You are where the buck stops on all matters, you are the alpha dog. Whatever you have to do you have to do, and it is up to only you to figure out what that is. You have to make appropriate adjustment as necessary to win. And bottom line with Ceasar Milan is that he offers a concept that is general for working with dogs. The details are up to you below the concept. The concept is the same with horses, and that is the animal is supposed to do what you say no matter what so help you god.
This may cheer everybody up , i doubt it will be on yahoo for too long so if it dissapears it`s available on youtube . Rottweiler & baby .