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Repuk's First Outdoor Run: ACE's Honduras, Ethiopian and Lebanese


Altruistic Hazeist
Two (small for the Zam, she drinks surprisingly little) RO waterings later...

Zam and all outdoors are looking much more lushier nowadays.

Full of pre-flowers, seems to be in pre-flower stage.

Surprisingly she seems to have focused on growing a single "hydra" top this time:


Reminds me of typical sativa xmas-tree / Chandelier structure, really surprised, let's see what happens once flowering starts:


Speaking of :tree: tallest Ethiopian surpassed 3,5m for sure.... :bigeye: this is gonna "stretch in flower"?? really??


Well-known member
3,98 according to a measuring camera app:

View Image

oye repuk, pardon my incredulous Thomas stand but sitting in my office, 330 cm ceiling, I find 3,98 difficult to swallow...you're gonna need all the luck you can have when she gets ladden... :biggrin:



Altruistic Hazeist


Thanks Orfeas! not sure if I understood... no problem with the size outdoors.

Having trouble to sex them, impossible to the naked eye... so just took some macros:

100% macro crops, windy site, one hand to grab the branch, the other holding the camera, focusing and shooting... sorry for the blur.

Ethiopian Tall

No apparent female preflowers. Have the hunch it's a male...

Ethiopian Stout

I think we have a girl! Look at the burnt pistol at stem left, looks like a spotless twin female preflower on the right, with two white hairs?

Honduras Tall


Cannot say... but those look like "balls"... could be a male?

Honduras Stout

Impossible to say. For me, cannot tell if that's an immature female preflower or a leaf sprout... already thought mistakenly similar looking were pre-flowers, which ended up being leaf sprouts...


Altruistic Hazeist
Speaking of "balls" on fourth pic... that's the top final sprout not balls but leaf sprouts... so what we see could be immature female preflower or leaf sprouts... :shucks:


Active member
Man those are hard to discern.
It seems Ethiopian tall is a ladie? I spy a little pistil towards the bottom of the stem?

I also have some plants that still haven’t shown any sex(though nothing exotic), very frustrating.

Thanks for the posts, enjoying the plants from here!! Stay safe and (m happy growing.


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Active member
Ethiopian stout, looks like girlie bits!

I think Honduras tall is male ( not 100% ) i dunno, the node forming looks like it could shoot balls. Good Luck with all


Altruistic Hazeist
Thanks nup! that's the problem, leaf sprouts are white hairs... almost impossible to differentiate, that's a proto-leaf finger.

Thanks gr8fulguitr! Yep, I also believe it's a girl :woohoo:

hopefully the rest is going to show soon these days!

Will check back later today.


Altruistic Hazeist
Reviewed them, I'm afraid definitely Honduras tall is a male.

Rest have I the hunch all are female, Ethiopian stout 90% sure.

Honduras seem to enter flowering a little later than Ethiopian, hence the not yet developed preflowers I guess... but as males usually flower faster...

Plants are drinking like mad, I'm watering 10-12L in the morning and another 10-12L at night per plant, to find each time I go back to water they're in the sweet spot to be watered again.

They clearly love (and the cats and dogs for that matter :biggrin: ) the RO water! will post details and pics soon. Won't be growing again without it!

Definitely the quality spaghnum peat soil I got ease watering for newbies by a good margin, will be using the brand again in the future, no doubt. (Cover Crop). Will recycle soil used on these smartpots, need to learn how :biggrin:

Stocked on all the needed smartpots, guano, and soil suplies.

Lebanese as is a smaller plant drinks less, would say 60% of that.

Learning a lot from outdoors. Things happen at a different, "natural" pace (and scale!) which I found great to gain more knowledge on how to tender them, e.g. flowering "sub" stages are clearly differentiated vs indoor where everything happens really fast.

Late Planted Panama Haze
Panama Haze seedling feels well stablished and on the verge of a explosive growth stint, needs a repot ASAP.

Wondering about the best repotting strategy, as I'd better not make false steps with her, there's no time for recoveries and would like to optimize for the fastest development...

Should I consider this one the final repotting? i.e. add guano to bottom soil layer and use the final pot size? My concern is roots hitting the guano layer too soon and get burnt?

Or should I repot on smaller smart pot w/o guano to repot again by mid September or when the plant asks for it on bigger smartpot? :chin:

Or maybe final size smartpot w/o guano, and add it once is needed as tea feeds? :chin:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi repuk,

Yes, tropical sativas like Honduras and Ethiopian are slow to sex outdoors when grown from seed, usually in my latitude i would be able to know their sex at this time of the year, but each place is different. The autumn equinox will be in 1 month so they will define their sex clearly in the upcoming weeks, but guess you won't need to wait so much and probably in the upcoming 1-2 weeks you will know for sure the sex of your tropical plants.

Regarding the late planted Panama Haze, give her big pots as soon as possible to maximize their growth, and transplant again once the plant has overcome the size of the previous pot.

Hope it helps! :)


Altruistic Hazeist
Thanks dubi! :tiphat:

Will repot her as usual on a 80L smart pot with some leonardite.

How much bat guano in weight would you add to the final "bottom" of 180L/50gal pots when repotting time for Hondurans/Ethiopian comes?

I'm wondering if the Lebanese could be running short on guano, I mixed like 150-200 grams on her pot... what would be the tell tale early signs?

Again I don't know how the waves of successive reflowering happens, maybe I'm being too impatient?... wait there's still a month left... :laughing:


Altruistic Hazeist
@Tycho: :laughing: yep...

Honduras tall is a male, 100% sure. I chopped him leaving a handful lower branches , analyzed/trimmed the impressively colonized and super healthy root ball and repotted to a smaller container. Loving smart pots + Cover Crop soil so far.

Thinking on putting him to flower alone on the 100% SIL tent to fetch some pollen, but... worried as last grow there was 100% pest free, don't want to introduce pests back from outdoors.

So maybe I'll let it flower alone outdoors, and as soon as I see flowers to be almost mature will chop the branches, and put them in a jar with water indoors to collect the pollen.

Ethiopian stout is a female, 90% sure, unless she throw nanners she's ready to get up-potted.

Panama Haze was repotted on her new veg shoes, 80L smartpot. Bugs have damaged her, but looks like a very vigorous plant, hope she overgrow them.

Considering on topping her when she's well stablished, checking on and tendering 2m+ plants is no fun... any advice?

Damned phone refused to take pics again while the spot... will take next time.


Altruistic Hazeist
Panama & Zam Update w/ Pictures

Panama & Zam Update w/ Pictures

Panama Haze
Please welcome the late planted Panama Haze, which is getting accustomed to her "big girl" vegging shoes (90L/24gal) and full blast irradiation, max hours per day zone, Day 1:


Let's the race start! :biggrin:

Same place, outdoors revegged Zamaldelica:



Active member
Thanks for the info on those false-pistils! Explains why Iv been confused many a time.

Plants are looking lovely. That reveg looks like it will be killer!

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