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Report: Nicotine changes marijuana's effect on brain


Well-known member

New York: Although individuals who use marijuana plus tobacco have smaller a hippocampus, their memory function is greater, reveals a new study.

"Hippocampal size of non-users reflects a direct relationship to memory function -- the smaller the hippocampus, the poorer the memory function," said principal investigator Francesca Filbey from the University of Texas at Dallas.

"However, individuals who use marijuana plus tobacco show an inverse relationship -- the smaller the hippocampus size, the greater memory the function," Fibley said.

The study found that the size of the hippocampus -- an area of the brain associated with memory and learning -- is significantly smaller in both the marijuana group and marijuana plus tobacco group compared to non-using controls and individuals who use tobacco exclusively.

Also, the number of nicotine cigarettes smoked per day in the marijuana and nicotine-using group appeared to be related to the severity of hippocampal shrinkage.

The greater the number of cigarettes smoked per day, the smaller the hippocampal volume and the greater the memory performance.There were no significant associations between hippocampal size and memory performance in individuals who only use tobacco or only use marijuana.

Approximately 70 percent of individuals who use marijuana also use tobacco, the study noted."Our findings confirm that the interaction between marijuana and nicotine is indeed much more complicated due to the different mechanisms at play," Filbey said.



Active member
ICMag Donor
many years ago i started smoking pure, without tabacoo!
I since then have enjoyed a much "cleaner" and nicer high / stone.. i noticed the high was mostly a lot more positive without tabacco.. tabacco making the high more downish and a lot more heady.. hard to discribe, maybe cause i might be sensitive to tabacco.. a cigarette would give me a cold body feeling, i guess due to the toxicity and the bodys reaction.. but anyway i dont like tabacco and have allways thought smoking it in spliffs is like driving with the handbrake on.. not a good look


Well-known member
Thanks Guys: its very popular in Europe and the UK to smoke cannabis with tobacco, I prefer the cheap 'rush' one gets from the tobacco, as the stone settles in...in fact I prefer it!
..but generally I'm happy to blaze on a bong or pipe tobacco free, without risking tobacco addiction again!

...so I leave the spliffs for special occasions Queens Birthday, Christmas, Summer Solstice etc etc


I have never smoked tobacco, so I always found it annoying when people from Europe mix good hash with tobacco and then put the little rolled up cardboard "filter" at one end of the rolling paper. But given the choice between smoking hash mixed with tobacco and not smoking any hash at all, I will smoke the hash mixed with tobacco, but I find the cheap "rush" to be about as pleasant as being spun around on a cheap amusement park ride since the main effect is to make me dizzy.

I smoked many a spliff down in Negril and there was never any tobacco in any of the spliffs I shared with the Rastas, so I don't know where the idea that a spliff has to have tobacco in it comes from. Apparently, from the UK.


Well-known member
I have never smoked tobacco, so I always found it annoying when people from Europe mix good hash with tobacco and then put the little rolled up cardboard "filter" at one end of the rolling paper. But given the choice between smoking hash mixed with tobacco and not smoking any hash at all, I will smoke the hash mixed with tobacco, but I find the cheap "rush" to be about as pleasant as being spun around on a cheap amusement park ride since the main effect is to make me dizzy.

I smoked many a spliff down in Negril and there was never any tobacco in any of the spliffs I shared with the Rastas, so I don't know where the idea that a spliff has to have tobacco in it comes from. Apparently, from the UK.

putting tobacco in with hash/weed makes as much sense as adding beans to chili...it is a filler, and adds NOTHING that i like...


Getting high on Cannabis is a learned experience, that is why so many smokers of Cannabis report they did not get high the first time they smoked, they did but they did not know it. I have seen it with first time smokers they would say they feel nothing while acting very different.
Anyway once they learned to smoke Cannabis with tobacco and learned they were high, if they smoke without tobacco many will say they are not high, as they learned with tobacco, without tobacco they just do not recognize they are high. I have shown this to Cannabis/tobacco smokers that smoked my dry sift hash pure and said they felt little, then I had them smoke a cigarette and they almost fell over, they got as high as a kite, they in fact were already they just did not recognize it without the tobacco.


Active member
"Approximately 70 percent of individuals who use marijuana also use tobacco, the study noted."

I doubt that myself. I don't know how others might feel, but when I read these reports that say things like that, and that is their starting point in their "study", I have trouble believing the rest of what else they say.

This might be true where blunts are smoked, and so tobacco is smoked with the weed, so might be true in that case. Otherwise I kinda have a hard time believing this is a true study of nicotine having ANY effect on the cannabis user. By this metric anyway.

I tend to get this thing is just one of those "publish or perish" bullshit deals.



Getting high on Cannabis is a learned experience, that is why so many smokers of Cannabis report they did not get high the first time they smoked, they did but they did not know it. I have seen it with first time smokers they would say they feel nothing while acting very different.
Anyway once they learned to smoke Cannabis with tobacco and learned they were high, if they smoke without tobacco many will say they are not high, as they learned with tobacco, without tobacco they just do not recognize they are high. I have shown this to Cannabis/tobacco smokers that smoked my dry sift hash pure and said they felt little, then I had them smoke a cigarette and they almost fell over, they got as high as a kite, they in fact were already they just did not recognize it without the tobacco.

Interesting. Thanks for explaining and giving an example that demonstrates the concept.


Well-known member
Getting high on Cannabis is a learned experience, that is why so many smokers of Cannabis report they did not get high the first time they smoked,

i'll second that. it was over 45 years ago when i first smoked pot, but it took three sessions before i realized that i had "arrived", LOL! on the other hand, that WAS some pretty sorry (relatively speaking) mexican brickweed too...:biggrin:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I have never smoked tobacco, so I always found it annoying when people from Europe mix good hash with tobacco and then put the little rolled up cardboard "filter" at one end of the rolling paper. But given the choice between smoking hash mixed with tobacco and not smoking any hash at all, I will smoke the hash mixed with tobacco, but I find the cheap "rush" to be about as pleasant as being spun around on a cheap amusement park ride since the main effect is to make me dizzy.

I smoked many a spliff down in Negril and there was never any tobacco in any of the spliffs I shared with the Rastas, so I don't know where the idea that a spliff has to have tobacco in it comes from. Apparently, from the UK.

it comes from hash producing countries such as morroco and india.. and how did it come about?.. did you ever try to roll a joint with hash and nothing else? not so easy ;).


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Getting high on Cannabis is a learned experience, that is why so many smokers of Cannabis report they did not get high the first time they smoked, they did but they did not know it. I have seen it with first time smokers they would say they feel nothing while acting very different.
Anyway once they learned to smoke Cannabis with tobacco and learned they were high, if they smoke without tobacco many will say they are not high, as they learned with tobacco, without tobacco they just do not recognize they are high. I have shown this to Cannabis/tobacco smokers that smoked my dry sift hash pure and said they felt little, then I had them smoke a cigarette and they almost fell over, they got as high as a kite, they in fact were already they just did not recognize it without the tobacco.

it is more than this even. many smokers I've met, do NOT understand Sativas in any way. Because they don't get couchlock obliterated stoned, they think sativas don't work... I've had experiences with guys sitting there wired off their faces, unable to stop talking or jittering about and at the same time telling me the haze isn't very strong, not sure if it even works...all the while nearly cockeyed from it....the same people are somewhat amazed when you try to explain there is more than one kind of Cannabis... anyway, give them cheese, its what they want.


I found it to produce an edgy feeling when mixed in a joint. 2 years smoking pures and moving onto glass, A nicer effect and greater flavour.


My opinion is this is made by tabaco companies ,tabaco is BAD i cant fuckin' quit it and i know is bad for me ,be serious a pure ganja smoker wont bealive this sintabaco is way better.


Active member
i quit tobacco a few years ago now. smoke pure weed only now, its so much better. cant recommend it enough, tobacco is the devils' work!


i quit tobacco a few years ago now. smoke pure weed only now, its so much better. cant recommend it enough, tobacco is the devils' work!

And to think it was fashionable to smoke few yrs ago. You weren't a stunning super model unless u had a fag hanging out ya gob.. Mm sexy!

I really don't understand why tobacco is legal n cannabis isnt, really confuses me. How many ppl it kills yearly.. How much it cost the tax payer, NHS and now the lost tax in sales because of the even more deadly moody fags.. And I'm not talking about grumpy gay men either:biggrin:


it comes from hash producing countries such as morroco and india.. and how did it come about?.. did you ever try to roll a joint with hash and nothing else? not so easy ;).

I never did try to roll a joint with just hash but I smoked a hell of a lot of hash in this cool thing called a pipe. Works real well and does not require any tobacco.

Baron Greenback

Mainly because it's so fucking expensive to buy weed in the UK - you need something to make it go further!
Pure is so much nicer, plus it's funny giving a tobacco doobie smoker a pure one and seeing how lean they get :)