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REPORT: Cannabis Breeders Should Grow for Safety As Well As Potency

Wether it be from the sixties such as brick Mex, Panama red, Acapulco gold, or Gold Columbian. Or Cali mist, Northern Lights, Ak 47 or whatever, I've known the plant for over forty years and have been helped by it for each of those years. One thing I can say for sure it's all good. Hope I get another at least forty with the plant. The same for all of you too!!!!! If thats what you want or maybe need.

Classic Seeds

ya it's so sad i see these propaganda films on t v a lot more than 10 years ago there is a funny one from australia spouting the same b.s. pot does not cause mental illness if anything it makes people more aware that is the problem if your a border line scitzo it opens you up to what you are you were already mentally ill it's like all the b.s. about LSD if you are lossely wrapped you should not take it ,same for coffee and soft drinks they create radical mood swing in the manic depressed lets out law oral stimulants to because a small percentage of the population can not handle it .read any medical book it is impossible to O.D.on hemp or hash and in most cases has a calming affect on the mentally challenged I know i would be crazy without my pot from the pain i am constantly in i have a M.M.P. to treat my pain with marijuana and it works i should be a nut case if it makes you crazy and im as sane as the next man .it's just a bunch of idiots trying to turn the clock back to the dark ages when it was not a known usefull drug and they fear us for being free of their moral probitions to live our lifes as freemen and women fuck them ass holes i hope they choke on their next martinee


ya it's so sad i see these propaganda films on t v a lot more than 10 years ago there is a funny one from australia spouting the same b.s. pot does not cause mental illness if anything it makes people more aware that is the problem if your a border line scitzo it opens you up to what you are you were already mentally ill it's like all the b.s. about LSD if you are lossely wrapped you should not take it ,same for coffee and soft drinks they create radical mood swing in the manic depressed lets out law oral stimulants to because a small percentage of the population can not handle it .read any medical book it is impossible to O.D.on hemp or hash and in most cases has a calming affect on the mentally challenged I know i would be crazy without my pot from the pain i am constantly in i have a M.M.P. to treat my pain with marijuana and it works i should be a nut case if it makes you crazy and im as sane as the next man .it's just a bunch of idiots trying to turn the clock back to the dark ages when it was not a known usefull drug and they fear us for being free of their moral probitions to live our lifes as freemen and women fuck them ass holes i hope they choke on their next martinee

Exactly. Marijuana can *trigger* schizophrenia. It's not a cause. And I think that was only for people under 18 too (we talked about it in psychology).

But hey man, to your point of "more propaganda now than ever," maybe they realize it's their last stand. Like a dying animal, they're fighting their hardest.


Are we reading the same article? This isn't propaganda, it's not even anti-cannabis. I thought it was an interesting concept written clearly based on empirical data. What in the hell is wrong with that?


New member
The last 20 years?

You've never heard of Citizen Kane, have you? :D

i was trying to say that internet journalism has really led to a democratization of ideas and someone can really make themselves sound convincing as long as they have a domain name, its just a really disappointing article because i know an article like this really could scare someone into never trying the magic herb.
honestly, i really haven't seen citizen kane, which is also disappointing cuz its supposed to be the best movie of all time.


i was trying to say that internet journalism has really led to a democratization of ideas and someone can really make themselves sound convincing as long as they have a domain name, its just a really disappointing article because i know an article like this really could scare someone into never trying the magic herb.
honestly, i really haven't seen citizen kane, which is also disappointing cuz its supposed to be the best movie of all time.

Just messin with you, bud!

Citizen Kane is about yellow journalism, which started in the early, early 20th century. It's loosely based on a real dude, who ironically (supposedly) used his power from yellow journalism to block Citizen Kane from winning an Oscar.

I'm just sayin the notion of using the media to keep a status quo ain't nothin new!


Green Mujaheed
Considering this article was written by some totally ignorant journalist who can feed only on official propaganda, I think it's surprisingly good & informative one.

And about the posts here about it, sheeesh, you guys are only making the case of those anti-cannabis suckers who could usethis thread as a blatant "proof" that MJ makes most of its users unable to understand a short and simple text to read (eg. stupid).
Don't you people have a brain ?? It doesn't hurt to use it you know ? Bendoslendo, you obviously use yours, does it hurts ?

Irie !


Cannabis: not so crazy

Cannabis, the plant and weed hash output, it is very popular with people with schizophrenia. Their disease is fueled by marijuana? Whether it's the opposite, and smoking it so much because they feel it better? Psychiatrist Thurs Linszen sees third possibility: much cannabis is bad, but a little can be good for schizophrenics.

Give someone with schizophrenia a solid joint, and you see the following happening: the patients are going to feel paranoid, they get the idea that others talk about them and they can not organize their thoughts. The classic symptoms of a psychosis.

Early nineties saw a psychiatrist for the first Thurs Linszen that happen with his own patients at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam. People with schizophrenia have psychotic of cannabis and the more they blowden, the more severe the consequences. Since then Linszen is known as fierce opponents of soft drugs. And he got more and more popular. Recent research has shown that even healthy people may be psychotic from a joint.

Yet a problem remained unsolved: schizophrenics smoking twice as much as other people. Why do they have the need for cannabis? In his doctoral research had Thurs Linszen there a first indication to found. Schizophrenics who use cannabis only a little, seem to suffer less from anxiety and depression than the group who did not smoke pot. But how can that be reconciled with the risk of psychosis?

New genetic research may provide an explanation for this puzzle, thinks Linszen Thurs. Researchers at King's College London have discovered that the so-called COMT gene makes people susceptible to psychosis for cannabis use. Linszen suspect that this gene is also responsible for the tendency to smoke.

The idea is simple: people with a particular variant of the COMT gene has a deficiency of the signal substance dopamine in the brains. Makes them feel isolated, unmotivated and have little pleasure in their lives. Smoking Cannabis causes the dopamine levels rise, which schizophrenics feel more comfortable and easier to make contacts. Unfortunately increases the dopamine levels in this group so far they hit it in a psychosis. Linszen: "That's cast out the devil with Beelzebub ".

Linszen is very excited about the discovery of the gene, because it allows for new treatments of schizophrenia. The trick would be to dopamine levels light increase, so the negative feelings disappear, but without touching the patient in a psychosis. And Linszen would go further. He sees a future for themselves with coffee shops selling special Cannabis (high CBD) made for people with schizophrenia. Linszen: "I think you should give it a chance. That cannabis in small dose that helps."

Cannabis as a cure for schizophrenia. It is quite a transition for someone who has always warned of the dangers of a joint. But Linszen sees it as a logical step. He thinks that cannabis is still in schizophrenia may exacerbate overuse. "But," Linszen, "I'm not dogmatic in".

Of special medical marijuana for schizophrenics there ever will be, is very questionable. Linszen knows that medical ethics committees are reluctant to try cannabis to people with psychosis. And politicians seem not ready for. If the minister to Hoogervorst is, all current experiments with medical marijuana soon put stop.

Jair Stein

This is an old Dutch article about the connection Cannabis vs Schizophrenia.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



What empirical data? Its based on false assumtions and half truths. Should growers/breeders pay attention to non delta-9 THC cannabinoid levels? Absolutely, but because that will preserve the greatest breadth of diversity of effects within the genetic pool, not because of some neo-reefer madness drivel. The idea starts with the notion that "skunk" weed can cause psychosis. Then it goes on to show a picture of some hybrid herb and call it sativa... Yeah fucking right, that is not sativa. Then it goes into THC and CBD. Yup that's all there is to a Cannabis plant.. I do like that some one outside the fold is paying attention to its chemistry. However outside of that its crap. At the end with the little thought provoking musing about coca and opium it really brought things to a rediculous head. I mean coca in my experience is not addictive. I have chewed the shit like it was going out of style for school and other related reasons. Then quit because it was no longer needed and experienced zero withdraw symptoms. Now when you take that coca leaf and refine it, then you have a problem. Historically opium didn't seem to be that much of an issue until people started smoking it. Then the hypodermic syringe was invented, morphine was isolated, and the good folks at Bayer decided that it needed to be converted into acetyl-diamorphine and name it heroin. There is no fair compairison between a leaf which contains 1 mg cocaine per gram of leaf and that white (yellow if your lucky)stuff that smells of diesel (not the good kind) residue. This is not the fault of Peruvian farmers. No breeding program could make cocaine safer. Regulation could though. With opiates, I think that regulation would help. I also think that better access to mental health care would help. There are quite a few therapists that will tell you that 90+% of the time opiate addicts have childhood trauma issues. Also look at the studies of herion addicts being dosed out on pharmy grade H and how many of them are able to function after not having to lie, cheat, steal, and hit the streets just to not get sick. Bringing these substances into the fold would help bring the addicts into the fold. Only then will society really be able to minimalise the harm done. An empty since of morality seems to be the only real counter argument. Furthermore, trying to find a parallel between these varied substances shows how little these folks really understand the nature of these substances and their mechanisims in our bodies.


I do want to point out that I wholly agree with the point of the article saying that THC isn't the only chemical people should measure. However, I have two problems with what it's saying. Firstly, it isn't just "higher cbds = good pot." It's about the ratio and the such. Secondly, we don't have to measure the THC or any other chemical, tbh. People review strains all the time. If no one gives a strain a good review, it'll probably die out because it isn't worth it.

So yeah, CBD is important. But I think this thing assumes that the more THC a strain contains, the more it'll be bought. This isn't necessarily true. People rate strains based on effect, not chemical makeup. There are almost surely other factors that play into the type of high, not just THC and CBD. It only matters if you try to scientifically find out what makes a good high.

It's like trying to throw a ball. You could try to make each muscle fire at precise times and calculate how many muscle fibers need to contract and what angle/angular velocity/etc you need to throw the ball to your target, or you can just throw it, and adjust based on where the ball goes.
The article is poorly researched. I stopped reading at teh point where they said longer maturing marijuana results in higher CBD. No...CBD is genetically determined by a gene alelle, and plant nutrition and flowering times have little to do with its percentages in the plant. Longer maturing plants have lower ratio's of THC because it is degrading into CBN, not CBD. Maybe I am too all or nothing, but when i read basic cannabis chemistry and it is wrong, I HAVE to throw out the rest of study as I cant trust the data anymore. It makes me wonder: "What am I reading, that I DONT have expert knowledge on, that the author made a mistake on, and I dont know it?" Well, you dont know what you dont know...ya know?

Validity of Article::puke: