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REPORT: Cannabis Breeders Should Grow for Safety As Well As Potency



So they figured out that fast sativas ("skunks") are high in thc and cause paranoia, while indicas are high cbd and are sedative. Amazing observations!


LOL have you read the comments.... my god. Some of the stories are so apparent that the person is just bullshitting.


"Of a susceptible minority"


Something like .01% of the population with a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. And this isn't even scientifically accepted, it's more like a "this is probably true" kinda thing.


New member
this is the kind of article that has given journalism a bad name in the last 20 years, it doesn't sound like the author even has experienced good bud before, doesn't even know the street names. disappointing article all around.


this is the kind of article that has given journalism a bad name in the last 20 years, it doesn't sound like the author even has experienced good bud before, doesn't even know the street names. disappointing article all around.

The last 20 years?

You've never heard of Citizen Kane, have you? :D
Its funny to see articles like this. My first questions is:

1. How many people do you know that have ever over dosed on Marijuana?

A: None

I rest my case.
Last edited:


One day you will have to answer to the children of
So they figured out that fast sativas ("skunks") are high in thc and cause paranoia, while indicas are high cbd and are sedative. Amazing observations!

And it only took two scientists (each making probably 100k/yr), expensive laboratory space, and samples of course (we will assume they are paying street price [even if they are getting it from the evidence locker]).
Damn...I'm doing research in the wrong place. My budget started off at about 1k.

Still, if anyone finds this Schizophrenic Skunk that they seem to have so much of in the UK...I really want one. From what I have read, I bet I'll go psycho within the first joint.


Active member
Any article from the UK that mentions the word "Skunk" is automatically suspect.

Skunk is the keyword that is being used to try to make ppl think that there are only two kinds of cannabis. Skunk and everything else less potent.

So any article using the word skunk to make a point is nothing but pure UK propaganda coming from the same source...

All these articles should be recognized and outed as UK gov't B.S. and not given any creedence.

Please pass this on...

If it says "skunk" it's nothing but propaganda!


That is such bullshit. I did give my nehibor a dose of honey oil I made because he was becomeing addicted to norco. He has onle smoke a few times in his life.

I gave hime about half of dime on a cracker and 2 hours later he was sweating and pale like he had a bad reaction????? He projectile vomited like 6 times, and he thought he was gonna die. He couldn't walk, was talking about some of the wierdest shit. He couldn't think for straight for 2 days. I have never seen anything like this and I've been in the medical community in cali for almost 10 years.

His wife said he was in pycosis. I have used the oil on many patients. I thought all the pycosis shit was propaganda but I guess it can trigger it in a select few. He takes a lot of different meds for mental issues, maybe a bad cross of drugs? He used to do meth when he was younger and never liked pot. Any experiances?


Oh yeah, he tried some more norco's the next day to c if that would make him feel better, but he said 2 didn't do shit. At least maybe it got him off the norco's


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
So everyone in the UK needs to grow a different strain and call it Tasmanian devil lol


America paints pot smokers as criminals

It sounds like the UK is painting pot smokers as life-risking junkies or something.

OMG YOURE GONNA DIE! You have a 0% chance of dying, don't take it!
"Your parents may have told you that the grass in their day wasn't as strong, while the old guy that hangs outside the grocery may hold the opinion that you just can't get the good stuff anymore."

That just about sums it up right there....different strokes, for different folks.

Reading the comments on the page after the article....the folks aren't from icmag, that's for sure.

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