I remember as Corona was just name of a beer.
I jest you not some asain stores in my local pulled it off the shelf last week for the connection and put the bogroll and kitchen towel up 100%
its a good beer and their bogrolls shit
I remember as Corona was just name of a beer.
remember being blinded by the light?????
I remember as Corona was just name of a beer.
I remember in 1979 had a friend who worked for the CIA bring me some seeds from Afghanistan.
Planted outside in the woods near my trailer.
Topped the shit out of it
Ended up about 7 feet tall, at least that big around. Could smell it when I turned off the highway onto the road that led up to the house.
When I dried it, could not let anyone come to the house, it stunk like a skunk. Pull 2.75 pounds off it.
Was and still is the best I have smoked ever and I have been smoking since 1963, am 72 now.
The taste was great, the smell was like a skunk and the high was wonderful. Have friend from that period that agree with me that it was the best smoke ever.
I also remember 14 cent gas.
Neat thread Smokerman.
In my minds ear, I can almost
hear the sound they used to make
as they changed stations.
hell, i was expecting an abacus. guess i'm REALLY getting old, huh.
Remember the old days when we used to pass around joints and pipes?