If I had the naming rights, it would be "Honest Politicians"
might as well call them the "Battling Sasquatches". everyone knows there are no honest politicians...
If I had the naming rights, it would be "Honest Politicians"
It doesnt matter to the PC pussies. Its already been tried numerous times but with the butt hurt eternally offended its a matter of incremental stupidity. Dont think for a moment they dont want the fighting irish gone. Im not irish or give a shit about col legate sports.isn't Irish a nationality instead of a race? Notre Dame should be called the "over-rateds" instead...
College mascot names are funny...
Briuns, Bears, Ducks, Huskys, Tigers....OK. But a brand of rubbers?
It doesnt matter to the PC pussies. Its already been tried numerous times but with the butt hurt eternally offended its a matter of incremental stupidity. Dont think for a moment they dont want the fighting irish gone. Im not irish or give a shit about col legate sports.
might as well call them the "Battling Sasquatches". everyone knows there are no honest politicians...