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Redrum's Records & Pics


Well-known member
King Sherb IX day 42-47f


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KSIX#2 day48f (2) - Copy.jpg


Well-known member
Thanks for the kind words, friend. I appreciate it. As for my grow log, I used to post a lot, but I'm getting too old and can't see well enough to do it anymore. When I do grow, the weed lasts me for years, so I don't have any reason to keep a garden going all the time. I have had gardens since the 70s and I love horticulture.


Well-known member
I'll second the pretty flowers.. iv come to expect no less from you. Another real nice round..

I ever ask what nutes you run?
As always, thanks so much for the positivity, my friend!!

I keep it simple, i do soil, and try to let the dirt do most of the work. Fox Farms Ocean Forest for late veg and flowering, Happy Frog for seedlings and early veg. I use RO water because my tap is awful, and usually dont have to do anything for pH after adding ~2ml of Calimagic (though i used to use traditional CalMag and found little difference). Nothing else in water for bloom or anything.

How about you?


Well-known member
Twin City Tittes from Dino Party, pics are around the end of 6th week of flower, about day 45 of 12/12.

#1, the buds were a deep purple from the moment they first started, but have slowly turned more of a red/burgundy/maroon. Very unique aesthetically. Apparently a little sensitive to either heavy light or my slightly high pH water, because the leaf tips got slightly fried by the end, but pretty minimal.

TCT#1 day47f - Copy.jpg

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TCT#1 day48f (5) - Copy.jpg

#2 - Less color, more frost, denser but smaller buds. Can't tell their smells apart from each other yet. Both citrusy/lemony skunk, with something else.

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Well-known member
Been very busy; been neglecting/half-assing all sorts of shit, inlcuding my plants and my thread here. Doing my best to shift back to being on top of my shit.

Old favorite of mine, GMC, full of flavor as ever. This run finished in 9 weeks, which is average for her, and awesome for me (I dont have the patience for 14+ week sativas. Judge me if you must.)

GMC day57f (2) - Copy.jpg
GMC day57f (1) - Copy.jpg

And the seed plants:

Slurricane#7 S1 from In House Genetics

S7S1#1 day39f (3) - Copy.jpg

S7S1#1 day45f - Copy.jpg

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S7S1#2 day42f (3) - Copy.jpg
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S7S1#2 day45f (3) - Copy.jpg

And, in the veg tent, a gift from a generous benefactor, who i dont know what i did to deserve:

Sugar Cane and Deluxe Sugar Cane from In House. Both pictured just before week 6, after being a little root bound, but just up-potted

SC#1#2 wk6v - Copy.jpg


DSC#1#2 wk6v - Copy.jpg


Well-known member
Been very busy; been neglecting/half-assing all sorts of shit, inlcuding my plants and my thread here. Doing my best to shift back to being on top of my shit.

Old favorite of mine, GMC, full of flavor as ever. This run finished in 9 weeks, which is average for her, and awesome for me (I dont have the patience for 14+ week sativas. Judge me if you must.)

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And the seed plants:

Slurricane#7 S1 from In House Genetics

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And, in the veg tent, a gift from a generous benefactor, who i dont know what i did to deserve:

Sugar Cane and Deluxe Sugar Cane from In House. Both pictured just before week 6, after being a little root bound, but just up-potted

SC View attachment 19039729


View attachment 19039730
Damn, those are pretty flowers friend. They look potent too.


Well-known member
Little King Sherb bud from a couple months ago that i forgot to post

KSIX runb finsh (3) - Copy.jpg

The Deluxe Sugar Cane + Sugar Cane blew up, one of each. Ran 2 seeds of each, and had one bush and one viney vigor bomb of each, as you can see. Week 4 flower.

The 2 tall ones with their smaller sisters hiding behind:
DXSC, SugarCane day30f.jpg

And with the 2 shorter sisters visible to the right
DXSC,SC day30f - Copy.jpg

Some assorted bud shots of the taller 2. Sorry, cant remember which is which, but will come more organized next time.
SugarCane day30f - Copy (1).jpg

SugarCane day30f - Copy (3).jpg
SugarCane day30f (1).jpg
SugarCane day30f (3).jpg

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