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poor decision to smoke on a lunch break..
im late, but im more worried about going back and looking high..again poor decision..but.. does anyone have the cure; ASIDE FROM clear-eyes or products like that. i just cant afford any atm because i've been on a medical leave from work for the last 2 months and i recently started back this monday.
i guess i shouldnt go back to work because i can miss a certain amount of days before they can technically fire me.. better than being fired chancing going back. then again i need the money.. i guess.


im used to getting phat paid but due to medical reasons i couldnt work for two months meaning: no money to buy clear eyes..

i put purified water in my eyes as a substitutue for clear eyes..lol
also anyone think direct light to the eyes would help or make worse?


just say youve got allergies, i had a friend who used to be on a TIGHT budget so he used to just put clear eyes in one eye and say he got something in it or it was allergies lamo it looked funny as **** but noone ever questioned it.

looked kind of like this ( ; -}
I doubt water will do anything - It'll probably just aggravate your eyes even more.
If you can afford to smoke, why the hell can't you afford clearasil?
It costs like 5 bucks for a little bottle that'll last you for years. A drop in each eye and you're golden.
that'd be cool to find a way to permanently reduce red eyes. I smoke before work in the mornings and always gotta put in drops or I look totally blasted. Some people eyes don't get all that red, mine look like they're on fire. I've forgotten the drops a few times and had coworkers asking me if I was alright.. I said "ohhh yeahhh.. i'm grrrrrrreeat!"

ahhh if only it were legal. I hate the irony of seeing cigarette smokers get to have their smoke breaks and me hiding mine. or not hiding it in the case of red eyes. moral of the story- keep drops around!


Active member
Relapse said:
Five finger discount? Not that I do anything like that...

Having to go to 'stop-lift' classes because you were high and got caught stealing some Clear-Eyes would be a bummer


mrgrowmez said:
just say youve got allergies, i had a friend who used to be on a TIGHT budget so he used to just put clear eyes in one eye and say he got something in it or it was allergies lamo it looked funny as **** but noone ever questioned it.

looked kind of like this ( ; -}

HAHA this made me laugh because my bestfirned in highschool came to school high as shit sometimes and just put clear eyes in 1 eye. And then he would tell the teacher he thinks he has pink eye. Teacher gives him a pass to go to the nurse and he comes back with a huge grin on his face saying, "Did it again, going home!" It was soo funny but he didnt do it a lot because it would just get old and someone would start to notice.


doesn't visine cost $2.50 per bottle tops? i bet if you look on the ground you could find that much.

Own a pair of dark sunglasses? say you got lasik surgery and you can't take them off while in direct light of any kind or you could go blind. Could be a lil annoying and you'd look like the fool, depending on where you work, but if you own the glasses already its free i guess.


If you can afford to get high, how can you not afford the smallest bottle which is like $2 of eyedrops?? That's like buying the herb, but no piece to smoke from!


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
crownedsparrow said:
just borrow some eyedrops from CVS they wont mind.
yeah i do that with lotion or cologne all the time. i normally wear oils but ill try a cologne every once in a blue when im with my wife.

i mean im bold as hell , but what i do is go into the store, (cvs, duanereade, drugfair or the like) ask where the visine is, say thank you, get to the isle, look around, and pop the top,and lean back, lean back, lean back lean back, (sorry couldnt help it)

the other advice i wanted to give was, on my job we normally use "normal saline solution" as a type of visine, its a very weak salt and water solution, but it does the trick just as well as visine.

good luck


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
TheGoodStuff said:
Frankenblunt, do you mean normal contact solution?
And by that I mean what you'd rinse contacts with...
no, its normal saline solution, what they use in iv drip bags, we also have them in 3,5 and 10cc syringes as well for flushing IV lines. when you take one you just keep it with you, its no big and its rarely done, but lets just say i can start my own clinic with the amount ive used to get rid of redeye :rasta:

but if i am not mistaken its almost the same as contact solution, you'd have to go to adrug store and do a side by side comparison of the two, but im more than sure that the base stuff is the same, the other stuff is/are just additives.


My little pony.. my little pony
I would be more apt to fire someone for skipping out a half day w/o any good reason more than I would someone that came back to work high and still did their job.

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