Well an end to a sad story... we found a lady that lives in a small town that wanted her. We gave her up last week. She was coming into her first heat and if you ever had a big male pit bull you know I didn't want to deal with that. He has howled and cried so loud, scratched at doors all night when a lady is in heat in our neighborhood, imagine if she is in the same house. He makes a sound like a turkey (only louder) when we keep him away from the water, or a female or just about anything else he wants.
The lady is an avid walker. She walks miles every day in this small town. Now we get to see her walking with the the coon hound we almost got to keep.
My dream home is a couple of acres in a rural setting not too far from the city. I want to enclose the acreage with a 6 foot high chain link fence with about ten dogs patrolling it night and day. There will be some motion lights around the perimeter that will be aimed so that dogs will not actuate them, but a person coming into the fence perimeter will. When the lights come on it will trigger a bell and alert the dogs immediately.
Inside that perimeter I will have a yard that is fenced in with a high cedar fence. You may have already guessed what will be going on within that private fenced area.
Thanks for all that have responded to this thread.
Sounds like a hard call but a good one. Whenever you can avoid an accident litter its a win in my book. Great you can still see her as well, love when that happens. Its always hard even when the best thing.
Sounds like you made a good call Huli. Your big boy would be howlin right now for my bitch. Second heat and she wants to Fuck!!!!!!! Skip the flowers boys bring the Bone!!!