Gotta ask....What does liquid worm poo do for the plants?'ve proven EWC (earth worm castings) can be used in coco (plant 'A') succesfully....
How often are you watering plants 'A' and 'B' (the coco plants)?
Lol...I cannot tell the difference between those plants....course that has a lot to do with that green thumb you're pimpin' :wink:
Update time... plants going well, no dramas to report as yet... still even stevens between my ladies.
Went away for a few days, gave them all a good soaking and crossed my fingers... when i came back A+B were almost bone dry but not even a droopy leaf in sight... amazing stuff this coco!
Went away for a few days, gave them all a good soaking and crossed my fingers... when i came back A+B were almost bone dry but not even a droopy leaf in sight... amazing stuff this coco!
Ahhhhh...Reclining Buddha...not much on fragrance or flavor but the stone is where it's at with this girl. It's EXACTLY like Soma says...takes you to your center...awesome smoke .
Awesome thread Silver Surfer. You got em all looking lovely. If they all turn out the same How would you choose which method to go with? I wonder if there is going to be a signifigant differnce in taste. Thanx for doing this, Cheers
Nae worries at all Dalton. My absolute pleasure...
Im not sure yet...? The clone i have now in LC's soiless#1 is lovin the bat guano... much more developed buds but the actual plant is smaller than twin sister... will post up pics soon.
Well still nothing really in it. Plants all happy n healthy.
I have slightly lowered the nutes this week just to be on safe side.
A. 10mls each A+B, 4 mls Cannazym.
She looks way bigger than her sisters but is just the angle.
B. 15mls Monstabud, 5mls Seasol, 5mls bat guano, 4mls Cannazym
C. 10mls bat guano, 10mls Monstabud
Heres the pics of the clones i have going in LC's soiless #1.
This lady is fed mostly on plant B's schedule. She has stretched way more and is more lush looking. I think this must be due to N in the mostabud...?
This is the girl fed on plant C's schedule. Buds have formed faster and bigger than her sis but overall size of the plant is considerably smaller. I have started giving her some of the Nefarious to help her on her way. She is still being fed mostly bat guano though.
Yeah the smoke report should be good. I am using a fair bit of nutes but the nefarious doesnt cause a salt buildup and neither do the organics so its good for the coco. Plus A+B drink lots.
The bat guano is working in the coco which is nice to see.
The coir i have used is recylced in A+B. I have bought 3 types of coir, 2 from blocks (brunnings and another whos name escapes me. Its in pic on page1) and other came in a plain bag from growshop.