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Really burnt out... Anyone ever jacked a bong?



Then why in the world would you post such a stupid assed thread POd?

People are calling you underaged simply because most of us older folks have been there and done that -or- know somebody who has. We KNOW it was wrong and most of us, if given the chance would take it back in a heartbeat. Your post has the impression that you are proud of that little story... Hence - only a youngster would tell that to a group of people over 40.... LOL

You also try and defend your post... Which makes me even more suspect that...

You are either a very young guy who likes pot and is trying to hang with the older folks - or - an older guy who isn't very bright and has no friends.

Sorry for the blunt honesty.
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Mojave Dave

I too, used to own a retail store that included a screen printing service, an "adult" section and a head shop (in the back). As a small business owner, theft used to really hit me hard.
In the town I lived in at the time, there was a lot of that sort of thing going on with the kids. They would work in small packs, distracting me with questions about t-shirts or whatever while their little friends did the dirty deed.

I have caught many of them in the act, but only slapped the shit out of one big boy about 20 years old who was dumb enough to think I wouldn't remember him.
He sidled into my store about a year after he stole an armload of merchandise that was sitting on a glass counter in an arranged display. He just scooped the wholy display of pipes (the little cheapie metal ones) and hoofed it for the door. Gone. The son-of-a-bitch was too fast for me to react in time.
But I recognised him the moment he walked into my store again to try his luck with me a second time.

I watched him closely and sure enough I noticed him slip a small item into his right front jeans pocket. I didn't know what it was, or even if it actually belonged to me, but I didn't care. I walked over to him in front of the other customers who were completely unaware of what was going on, and slapped his face really hard...hard enough to spen his head to the left and make spit fly fly. I think people could hear that slap from outside my store!
"Get out of my store and don't ever come back!" I all but screamed at him. And he did as he was told, mumbling "Sorry..." as he took his teary-eyes outside and down the sidewalk.

To this day I don't know if he actually stole something from me that particular time, but it doesn't matter. That kid needed a good slap and he got one from me.
I was so tired of losing money on a daily basis after pouring my heart and soul into that business to make it a success, that I guess I just kinda snapped. This was in California many years ago when the police were more likely to pat you on the back and tell you what a good job you did of catching the theif.
I never saw that kid again.

I hope that little episode helped him. Sometimes peopkle need a real shock to snap them out of whatever ignorance they have decided to engage in.

So the next time anyone thinks about stealing from a store owner, you should think twice. You may be the theif he is waiting for to make his statement on shoplifters and you could end up dead for a £5 metal pipe or something equally insignificant.

By the way... the term "shop lifting" comes from the old trader days in Baghdad of all places. The "stores" were simple tents erected to shade and protect the goods from the wind and sand. A theif had only to sneak around to the back of the tent, "lift" a bit oif the shop just enough to slip an arm under and grab some unknown bit of merchandise...hence the term "shop lifting".


It's simple.


My little pony.. my little pony
I was going to say that probably works well in the UK but in the US you practically need to slap someone to death before they begin to understand.


Plant Manager
Mojave Dave said:
To this day I don't know if he actually stole something from me that particular time, but it doesn't matter. That kid needed a good slap and he got one from me. .

Ok that has got to be another "great IC quote" thanks for the story dave...

POd...karma can either be a good thing or a bad thing for you. The decision is yours! Have a wonderful day :) BTW...nice piece you've got their in your gallery...how much did that one cost?...punk :bat:
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i'm getting a little old nowadays, but i was young once. i am so honest i cant believe what i became. i have whats called adhd, and i used to steal stupid petty stuff when i was a kid, even after i was married, wife used to go mad with me, cos we would go in this cheap little shop, i always came out with something i'd not paid for, its just the buzzz. but all my adult life you could leave any valuable or money around me, i wont touch it. i been bust 4 times for growing ganja in the last 13 years, not so big a deal in england. i hope you angry guys find some peace and love in your lives. and leave the young to be young...

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