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Ready to quit my job!!!Am I wrong???

I am tired of growin for my disabled wife and can't even take a puff! I enjoy providing for her don't get me wrong. What pisses me off is I can't enjoy it with her.Drug testing sucks big time! What I do while at home is none of my employers buisiness. I would never smoke grass on the job.Am I alone??? I even bought payload bags and made bubble for her and had to see her enjoy it.........by herself! WTF!!! I drink alcohol to med myself and it SUCKS. Marijuana is waaaayyyy better for me than alcohol.....but I can't smoke it because of testing on a regular basis.Anyone in the same sit??? I am seriously ready to quit and find an employer that does not test>:smokeit:


Active member
find the right employer first...

yes it is very frustrating, and no, you are not alone.
find the right employer first...

yes it is very frustrating, and no, you are not alone.
Hey Sleepy. I accepted the job 4 years ago because of my family needs. At the time I was willing to sacrifice for my family. Now it just pisses me off that they control what I do while not at work.I have a disc issue with by back and Wish I could smoke again. BUUUUUUTTTTT my only LEGAL solution is alcohol to numb the pain.I am seriously afraid that I will become an alcoholic. I am opening up to strangers but I am at the end of my rope>


definitely don't quit a paying job until you find another .You should try and be medical yourself then your protected some what . I have failed mutiple company drug tests for thc only, and they never fired me once they found out it was just pot

Hang in there buddy,you have a good wife and you seem very smart .
Its nice IC members are here for each other :)
If you like growing pot why not grow enough to pay the bills? Fuck working for the man, I'll never fill out another W2 in this lifetime.
If you like growing pot why not grow enough to pay the bills? Fuck working for the man, I'll never fill out another W2 in this lifetime.
Hey Hoss I hear ya loud and clear. I do not want to sell the meds.... I just want to have meds for the wife and be able to to not have to take lortabs for my back and keep my job.


Funny thing. I was drinking with one of the owners the other day, and he said that once the other owner buys the building he is going to drug test everyone. I have been at the same place for 6 years and its gone from smoke pot here to do it off the property, to now you might get fired if you even smoke pot. I might just get my card and then see whats up, but I do not want to screw them over ( although they screw me over constantly ). Maybe i just dont smoke, but thats a hard thing to do when you are about to harvest. I am getting my resume ready anyway, but i know any new, "real" job will drug test so I just have to see what happens. If they drug test where I work they will loose half of their staff....Wish they would get a clue!

Funny thing. I was drinking with one of the owners the other day, and he said that once the other owner buys the building he is going to drug test everyone. I have been at the same place for 6 years and its gone from smoke pot here to do it off the property, to now you might get fired if you even smoke pot. I might just get my card and then see whats up, but I do not want to screw them over ( although they screw me over constantly ). Maybe i just dont smoke, but thats a hard thing to do when you are about to harvest. I am getting my resume ready anyway, but i know any new, "real" job will drug test so I just have to see what happens. If they drug test where I work they will loose half of their staff....Wish they would get a clue!Yeah Ace I hear ya for sure.Thanks for the input .:thanks:

Yeah Ace I hear ya for sure.Thanks for the input .:thanks:


be glad you only want medicine and dont absolutely need medicine

but yeah i fee ya
I just want to have meds for the wife and be able to to not have to take lortabs for my back and keep my job. guess you missed that part. I do need.

Stoned Crow

Make yourself enough of an asset to them that they can't/won't fire you if you flunk a drug test. If that option is not available, start looking for a new job.


in the thick of it
hey medical...i hear ya. i am employed by a tyrant too. Been here for over 10 years and love my work....but hate the risk. I picked up some synthetic urine and so far have had to use it twice. Been lucky so far, but the worry is always around. pm me if you'd like some details on it, I'd be happy to share some intel. What you do for your wife and family are very admirable.

Mr. Stinky

i sometimes wonder why people will take the huge risk of growing marijuana in their home, but not do it enuf to pay the bills. im taking the same risk, but im making enuf money to free my family from their financial burden, and stuffing the rest in a rural bank for traveling the world one day.

im not tellin anyone what to do, just puttin my thoughts out there. why take the risk for zero reward. adding 1 or 2 more lights pays the bills and sends you to cancun for a couple weeks a year.:window:


i sometimes wonder why people will take the huge risk of growing marijuana in their home, but not do it enuf to pay the bills. im taking the same risk, but im making enuf money to free my family from their financial burden, and stuffing the rest in a rural bank for traveling the world one day.

im not tellin anyone what to do, just puttin my thoughts out there. why take the risk for zero reward. adding 1 or 2 more lights pays the bills and sends you to cancun for a couple weeks a year.:window:

maybe strict principles? i dont share them though...

if it were legal, would you sell some?


I have stressed over the problem of drug testing for many years. My attitude now is that I'll find work that suites me I won't change myself to suite work.


european ganja growers
GET OUT..but make sure you have a new job lined up first ..
your growing dank weed, you want to reep the rewards/ weather that be selling a small amout/ or just for your wife and you,,get tuck in and start blazing on ya buds.......

keep it green
medical, dont quit your job yet. yes start sending your resume out but dont quit and dont sacrifice pay. there are options as far as investing in items to pass your drug test. i have a friend who had a dui and is now on probation. (another reason alcohol is bad) and he tokes every weekend and has regular drug tests he uses synthetic urine and a wizenator and has had no problems. worst comes to worst they fire you. but in that case you just need to have a few jobs lined up.
Thanks for all the input on my situation. I am putting my resume and going hunting. It will be tough in todays economic situation but we will see. Thanks again for the support.

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