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overgrowin said:
The Anti-Moron™ software on my PC went crazy when I started to read your posts.

That's because the software was targeting you,chumley. :smile:
I invented Anti-Moron™ back in '97,to keep people like you from making idiot statements.
Sadly,I haven't updated it in years,it seems you found a loophole.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Rez sorry bro it looks like DG took out the garbage.You just added to the trash pile lol...

I am happy to know that rc is home and og/cw servers are intact that alone makes this a good day for me...


New member
Rezdog said:
....sigh....always taking out The Garbage.

there is no argument. how can you dispute the biz-op money making of a seed selling for $7-25 each off of a plant bearing 100's of 1000's. you can utilize this logic-troll as free suppository-knowledge.

on another note, I was just over a pot.tv. they had Articles on:
1. Renee Boje (activist)
2. Marc Emery (more than several)
3. Tom Shapiro (med patient)
4. Alan Young (peace/pot activist/lawyer)
5. Bob Dylan & Beatles

Nothing on RC...a Pillar of the Seed/Board community. nothing. Outside of these boards, WHERE'S THE FUCKING COVERAGE??? I have access to an articale in my local newspaper of a local drunk that ran over a stopsign. Yet nothing on a Pillar of Seed Distribution.

Seperate your fucking standard baby ass troll/garbage fuck talk form the reality of the situation.

1. Gypsy is a great host and is a good conduit of info.
2. there should be some documentation on this somewhere.
3. business is business. We all feel for the RC-pillar, yet we the growers are the heros of the revolution--not the middlefolk between the scientist/breeders and us.

Gypsy, i like and appreciate this board and don't expect anything from you except take my gratitiude for conveying info.

I'm garbage.


anontipster4u said:
I worked at hightimes for less then a year. After an argument with my boss, I quit.

(Read: I was fired,for being a snoop.)

The argument started because I was confronted about my questions regarding why a certain person there was recieving phone calls and emails from the US Goverments DEA.

Rez Notes: ....Got that tinfoil helmet ready?

Gee,what a credible first post.
We're all impressed with your story.
No,really we are.


I'm sure Danny Danko can pop in and give us the full scoop,if you're even for real,which I seriously doubt.


. . . .
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New member
Rezdog said:
That's because the software was targeting you,chumley. :smile:
I invented Anti-Moron™ back in '97,to keep people like you from making idiot statements.
Sadly,I haven't updated it in years,it seems you found a loophole.

:D: touche'


New member
Rezdog, I think the world of Gypsy and I wouldn't dream of disrespecting him, especially in his own virtual 'home'. The behavior of some of the OG kiddie-squad has been despicable, but was predictable by anyone familiar with OG.

But there seems to be an attitude of "either trust Gypsy as 100% correct or take a hike" going around here. I gotta tell you, if the spirit of Edward R Murrow appeared in my living room and gave me the story of what happened to RC and OG, I STILL would wait until Google News showed AP, CNN and the BBC agreeing before I was convinced that I knew what really happened.

In short, it's possible to be respectful, to trust Gypsy's word, and simultaneously keep an open-minded skepticism. That seems to describe Intrinsic's attitude in this thread, and I don't think he deserves the scorn that's being directed his way.

Sturgeon's Law - 10% of EVERYTHING is crap.
Myron's Corrolary - except for Overgrow's member-base, which is more like 20% crap.

Intrinsic is part of the other 80%. (Insert cliche' about babies and bathwater here,)



(As Herb kicks back and takes a huge draw off the glass spoon) So what exactly is going on here?


i just want to say, its sad that this has to come to blows. only way to get over it,... :joint: :D


Well I haven't quite got it all but I'm not likin what I see so far

Well I haven't quite got it all but I'm not likin what I see so far

Hmmmm. Just catching up. So the Wondering Masses are concerned with their safety or the truth about RC's Legal Status? Why was Gypsy's Integrity questioned?
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If there IS (let me repeat IF there is) any bullshitting going on, it's working like this:

Gypsy = Oprah

RC = James Frey

So the bottom line is that everyone should be thankful for GN's hospitality and his sincere desire to provide any info that might possibly help those who are panicing/scared shitless.

As for speculation, I don't personally respect any of the peeps who've been doing it... because it helps absolutely NO ONE and sends other people's blood pressure even higher than it already was.

So..... to sum it up: I say if you're here to read, read all ya like. If you're here to post, post something fun, entertaining, or helpful (GROW related.. not RC related)... that or don't post at all.

Two thousand new members just showed up and I haven't seen the site improve one stinkin' bit - which is sad, because the potential is here. How about we all do something with it.

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WeedWrapperMan said:
So the Wondering Masses are concerned with their safety or the truth about RC's Legal Status? Why was Gypsy's Integrity questioned?
Since Demanding Answers seems to be the way some communicate I'll give it a try ... I really want answers to those questions. I can thumb through all that again and speak more directly or the few of you remaining who asked questions that fit my description can reply.



I'm an OG cretin, scumbag, loser, idiot, or whatever those names were that you so eloquently stated came from our website.
On OG, one post with the kind of language Rez-Dawg uses would have gotten most people banned immediately. Admins/Mods should know better than to stoop to that level.
If he's banned for what he said, YOU should be TOO, it's far worse for YOU to carry that on, like some sulking child.

Police officers are expected to uphold the law, and as such we expect them to excel at following them as well, well, you as a Mod, should have to follow the rules even more implicitly than the readers.

You sound very immature, one would think perhaps you are a teenager, and I for one would not buy seeds from someone who acts like, or is, a teenager.
I don't know you, and from what I know of the cannabis breeding success you've had, I would've thought you'd be an extremely smart, levelheaded, cool-as-a-cucumber cannabis-head, whereas the posts I see you making lead me to believe otherwise.
Do you think you're helping your business by your actions, or does it simply not matter to your customers what type of person they're dealing with?

I can appreciate anyone who takes the time to SELFLESSLY help others, which in this context is mostly just the readers, anyone hawking seeds on-line has a biased viewpoint.
However there are those here that give their time and expertise to those who don't purchase their products, without giving attitude, and that is exceptional.

I think most everyone involved in this heated thread needs to calm down and show some respect for our fellow readers.
I'm talking about the ones not even posting, who are laughing at the infantile egomaniacs loose on this forum who think they're childish rantings are even readworthy.......

peace - the unknown grower

OG Refugee

Reeferman Seeds forums regular (where this type of crap isn't tolerated at all. You know RMS; 'world class genetics/world class attitude/world class website forums')

ps, Gypsy, you are an unusual example of 'knowing when to speak, and when not to', I applaud your self restraint.
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New member
This is my last post till I get some answers.
Who had control of that P O Box on Jan 30th ?
Who had control the next day ?
Who's got control now ?


Not to kiss ass.....but Rezdogs words are as sharp as a Hatori Hanzo.
He never dissappoints :)


If that's true, the guy who just got banned is bleeding to death...... lol


You're an acquired taste

You're an acquired taste

Rezdog said:
Jes' having a lil' fun,iz all.... :D

Seriously, Rez isn't ignorant... he's an ass. You guys don't know him very well... and quite frankly neither do I but we have had conversations here and in PM and he's quite a cool guy... he's just abrasive. Now, insult him back while keeping to the point. (BUT NOT HERE PLEASE, MAYBE IN PM) You guys may actually build a strangely stupid mutual respect.

But ignorant he is not.

Ignorance means not knowing.
Stupid means knowing better but doing anyhow.

Rez likes to act stupid sometimes. I personally think that helps him laugh at himself... while breeding seeds has its ups... it has its downs.. and the downs can be stressful.

Take care Rez and kiss my arse :wave:


Its great to hear RC is out on bail. I wish him the best going threw the courts, its going to be a long process... anyway if RC wants to sell his server ill make a bid..
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