Nice growing @RawNature you are living the dream
Thanks hopefully everything goes well and I do them justice.good luck with your selections, hope you find what you're looking for
Yes i see this post for Haze Mix has shown signs of life, and I’m waiting to see if it fully sheds its hull. I haven’t watered them yet, as the soil is still on the moist side.Picked up some Maxi Series I heard the Bloom can be considered as using the Lucas Formula but picked up both since the price was right. have never ph'd anything before but got a ph kit just incase since we picked up some Tupur and Kings mix which are coco and coco/peat.
The first time i grew i used Black Magic soil which is also a cocoa/peat mix and just did the lucas formula using jungle juice that was gifted to me from a friend who worked at a hydrostore and had plenty of stuff he got for free as samples from suppliers dropping into the store.
The first grow i did was outdoors and it was Cheesy Rider and Ghostrider OG. I had no idea about cloning and figured it was something really complicated. My Dad germinated the seedlings outdoors in a tray and it just happend to rain so some of the seeds did not survive the germination process. He grew before me and used some miracle grow soil on them and just watered them and was not too sucessful. one funny quote from him was " What are they some pussy plants!?" lol that just how he is.
From then on i have been really interested in studying and improving on how i can be more sucesfful with my grows.
My first expereince gardening was with roses and my mother showing me how to water them. Water the soil deeply and not too often. My uncle gifted her some Plumerias from Hawai and she has been growing them ever since.
In the future i plan on growing some Roses from bare root. and I have planted some Plumera from seed and they have yet to bloom. We had filled up a moving truck with plants from our old home to our new home but had to leave allot of the roses and plumeria. We took cuttings of some of the ones in the ground. But i didnt think of taking cuttings of any of the roses. Also had a couple trees in our front yard that i wish i had taken car wrap advertising a small cut of there branches to make a bonzai if thats possible.
Yeah I'll make sure to post some close ups of each Cooper .Yes i see this post for Haze Mix has shown signs of life, and I’m waiting to see if it fully sheds its hull. I haven’t watered them yet, as the soil is still on the moist side.