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Rain Water Collection/Watering System

GP, awesome setup. Please keep us posted on how it works! I've been watering my outdoor veggie gardens with rainfall for years (with poly crystals and mulch), but always feel as if I'm dissing my plants with supplemental chlorinated tap water. I find this inspiring!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
thanks DC, i will keep updating the thread...

my indoor veggies have been running on rainwater and General Hydroponic nutes for about 6 or 7 months now... it totally rocks when compared to what comes out of the tap around here...

the greenhouse is gonna thrive !!! :tiphat:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i now have a second 330 gallon water tank to collect rain in. i will be plumbing it to my first tank.

it's currently sitting next the first tank on cinder blocks.

pics to follow when i have connected it. :dance013:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
it's connected, sorry i forgot to take pics, i will get some very soon.


don't mix CPVC and PVC and use PVC glue. it does not hold. i lost almost all my water.

my new plumbing includes no CPVC and the faucet i used for an external house from the greenhouse is metal. all is good, but...

i only have about 50 gallons of water in my tanks :eek:

EDIT: trying to support a GH (with tomatoes, okra and squash), two DWC tubs with peppers and basil, two DWC tubes with Cannabis and a SWC clone tub... need rain or i am off to wally world for water !!! my capacity is there, need rain !!! tough request this time of year, but i have faith :D
Awesome setup! Thank you for sharing!

I collect rainwater as well. So far I have almost 600sq.ft. of metal roof that I collect from and another 400+ coming in the spring.

I found 250 gallon IBC totes on Craigslist for $125 each.

I did add the following:

Gutter screens (I live in the woods).

First flush diverter : http://www.rainharvest.com/rain-harvesting-pty-downspout-first-flush-diverter.asp

Water filter/purifier: http://waterfixercompany.com/

I use this for my household water as well as my garden.

Keep up the good work.


if it smells like fish
I have a lean to type greenhouse that I collect rain with..but with the very rare rain here in so cal it don't get used much....I used to have the house roof watering the front lawn and roses/garden too...took it out when remodeling roofjob ect...cali encourages collecting rain water unlike Colorado ...yeehaw... in an area with decent rainfall,,,, a filter ,reservoir,, raised and blumats would rock....yeehaw
In Washington State it was illegal to collect rainwater from your roof until they changed the law in 2009.

The water that falls on my roof belongs to the State...... Is that BULLSHIT or what?