thanks everyone.....
yeah...perpetual medicine fo sho....
lots of sick people out gig is designing meds with pure intention.....i have lyme disease myself.....lots of this is a quality of life project.....growing is pure medicine for my depression.....and my management of pain and suffering.....i have been dragged through hell with conventional meds, addiction, suicidal depression, and clinical abandonment.....i simply want to help myself, my family, and my friends, and anyone else who is needlessly and respect, nugs
kush beans cracked on 4/20....cataract, OG, MK, Sour, and pre-98.....
You can wait for three but it's not necessary. Where you topped it, once it begins to to grow, top at the next knuckle.
Check out my Dtrain thread in the my signature. I use Nugbuckets technique and came out with straight jar nug. It's good stuff.
can be done from clone but most effective from seed