I'm totally astonished, loggin in so rarely I'm getting this unbelievable news only now.... Elemental was one of my first friends on ss forum and then here, and gifted me some gourgeous magus seeds and lots of good advices on growing and making bubble hash.
I'm very sorry for his family and his beloved dog friends, as well as for all the ic friends now missing him.
It's very nice he was remembered on TY, thanks Lazy Strain!
Maybe Ele and Mr. Grace can now share some nice puffs together...
They surely share the same way to leave this world, which is called the death of the right people....only few minutes from the place they loved most!
a year has flown by brother Elemental,still sorely missed by many many people,remain in peace bro.
Thoughts are with your family and close friends at this time of the year staying strong for each other.
Can't believe it's been a year already, regular forums are still not the same without Ele's kind presence and humour. I'm sure he's watching the new series of his favourite TV show, Breaking Bad from above!
oh boy..life is crazy..
just returned from a very long hiatus to read this sad news.
my skateboard brotha gone..wtf? can't believe it..seems so unreal.
will do some bangers for you to watch from above!
need to grab me a spliff, sit down outside and think about it before the sun is gone..gonna blow some sweetness towards you - may you catch it brother!