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R+D Purple Malawi x Erdpurt


Active member
Hello everyone, hi @dubi,

I decided to try out some ACE Seeds in my little garden grow. I am a huge fan of landraces and stable genetics. Shoutout to dubi and others.

This April in my country they "decriminalized" growing of a few plants per person. I impulsively bought some autos from a dutch shop, but I am not really happy with them. 2 out of 6 are good, 3 bad, 1 in the middle. Now I decided to go for a low budget try with ACE Genetics on the side.

Thats why I ordered Purple Malawi x ErdPurt R+D Regular

I am really excited and got few questions to people who might have grown them beforehand. I know, I am a little late (around mid May sowing), but I am going for small plants, since I have limited space.

Q1: Organic soil - > Is the PMxEP heavy or light gainer? Can I give em just good garden soil or should I put in some extra fertilizer?
Q2: N ° 52-53 -> WIll it probably finish?
Q3: Anything else?

Greetings from Germany


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for your support and for your interest on R+D Purple Malawi x ErdPurt Regular @MROrganicGreenz :)
This cross accepts average to high ec levels quite well.

You are still fine to germinate in May, especially if your space is limited and your grow small-medium sized plants. Are you growing directly in the soil or in pots ?

The strain is a bit on the limit for your latitude despite ErdPurt earliness, but worth to try.
If you grow them in small-medium sized pots then then maybe you can bring them inside during the worst cold nights or rains of autumn.

My recommended soil mix is easy and works great: 80 % high quality peat, 10 % worm casting, and the rest coco and a bit of guano. Such soil mix has enough nutrients until the roots colonyze the pot, if that's the case you need to transplant or feed with liquid fertilizers such as Canna bio line.


Well-known member
Q2: N ° 52-53

Wow, you have a very large property there :D Just kidding...
I'm in 53.5N at your Country and will watch your Thread with interest as PM x EP sounds very good!
I have 4 ACE Automatics running in the garden atm und just put 2 Erdpurts, 1 Violetta and 1 Kali China in the dirt. I plan to darken the KC and the V at some point to force flowering.

Good luck with the grow!


Active member
Thanks a lot for the quick answer @dubi
yeah I am going for pots so I can put them in the garage in case its getting to cold towards the end. I hope it will like my garden.

Next year will be more structured and elaborated.

Btw. sadly I saw you won't take part in Berlin Cannabis fair in June? Maybe next year?


Hehe :D Allet zwischen Berlin und Hamburg ist meins ;D

Just kidding, nah I am at 52,5 and I hope I will kinda get them trhough. Next year I move a little lower, around N° 51. I hope for a garden so I can put a small polytunnel and try out same heirloom/landrace IBLs and stuff. I am super excited, since I waited years and years for government to get their sh*t together and "legalize" it. In the end they fck*d it up a little, but 3 plants is a start. Good luck with your grow and tag me, when u put up some pictures.


Active member
Whoop whoop, just in. Arrived in perfect shape, really happy about the carefully packaging. Imma pop a few of the R+D and hope for some strong ladies. Thanks for the great work @dubi. I appreciate your work and all you do for the genetic ressources concerning cannabis. Regards


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Soooo after a long time I can give a an update. I popped 4 seeds. One plant was a little cranky and was easily infected by powdery mildew and since I hat a high plant number, I decided to cut her. I planted another strain (Ketama from TRSC, sadly all 3 are males). The other 3 Purple Malawi x Erdpurt are awesome. Super vital nice colors. Had no problem with LST and HST. Since I'm pretty far north, I decided to do some light deprevation. Startet 1,5 weeks ago. Turns out I have some cute girls and a very strong male here. I hope I can maybe get the girls through in time. I will put them in the garage for light deprivation and when its gonna be to cold. @ dubi would you say they are leaning more towards Malawi or Erpurt? Is there some Terps that are to expected?



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Active member
First 3 pics is Girl Nr. 1, Pics 4 and 5 are Girl Nr. 2 and last 2 pics are the Boy.

First girl ist in round about 20-25l soil in a 30l bag. Black bags are just 11 liters. Had to buy those, coz my shop was out of bigger ones. But also okay since I wanted to limit their growth


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About the smell: I have one girl that smells a little bit undefinable, a little chemical and I guess it will be pretty complex. The other has something carrot like, judging from a stem rub. That is super weird, but its kinda like when you handle a carrot and smell your fingers afterwards. I will try to ask my gf for a second opinion :D


Active member
Heye they are. They are happily flowering. I am very impressed with the beginning frostyness. The big one (grey bag) lost a little bit of its carrot smell. Its still there, but just in the background. It started to get an aroma of a little bit of woody and geranium, which really surprised me.

The second (black bag) is my absolute favorite. I am really sad that I didnt take a cutting, but I dont have an indoor box anyways. BUT the aroma is super complex. I still smell some light carrot but it got a new kind of aroma. I cannot wrap my head around it but it reminds me of "shining silver haze" that I had a decade ago. Or maybe amnisia. But I tend to say shining silver haze. I am suuuuuper excited and happy. I will keep you updated.

@dubi How many weeks would you expect them to be flowering? I started light deprivation about 3 weeks ago and they are taking it really good. I would hope for end of September (~9 weeks) but I am a little scared about the malawi heritage :D

I am feeding them pretty good and they take it well. I think I lacked a little nitrogen in the stretch from light depr. start, but they are looking super healthy. I am really happy with those.



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Active member
Well well well. Got some news. Sadly I had to partially harvest them, since I got a spider mite infestion. I really thought about risking and letting them stand for a few more weeks, but I moved and am just able to see the plants every other week and can't react fast, in case they start webbing my buds. I left a few buds, since I have pollinated 2 headbuds from both plants, but most of it is cut. This is how they looked before harvest:


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Active member
And this is the finished stuff and the rest of the plants. I am still very happy about the harves. Some of the trichomes were already milky, but most pretty clear. I was just to scared about those mites. Anyways, I guess the trichomes might ripen a little bit it the next days while drying and then curing for 1 or 2 month.
Ah and the long bud in one of the pictures isnt from the malawi x Erdpurt but the afhgan landrace that I got from Afghan mix from TRSC. Had to chop that one coz we getting really wet week in Berlin coming.

I have to add, one of the malawixerdpurt got a few bananas, but thats totally my fault. I had them in a garage for light deprivation and it was opened from time to time coz I needed some stuff. Testing out their stress resistance, I would say they are honestly very stable! That was some real stress testing and it was just 2 nanas. Great work there @dubi I am very happy about the result and am stoked about a test smoke. I will absolutely try them again next year outdoors and this winter indoors, besides the Kali-China freebies I got.

95/100 for the genetics. Just a little sad about no purple, but to be honest I guess they would go for color, when its colder. At the moment we got daytime >30°C and nighttime >20°C, so I would have been suprised if they purpled. The smell is hard to define. Its still fruity but some weird terps in there. For my german friends who are a little older: It smells a little like this one https://www.salus.de/floradix-eisen-fuer-kinder-03006737/



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks a lot for sharing your growing experience till the end of the grow @MROrganicGreenz 🥰 wish you enjoyed the ride! It's much appreciated when growers provide feedback, especially on new releases or R+D genetics.

They were holding really chunky big buds and when you decided to harvest some plants looked just like 10 days from optimum harvest moment. They looked more Malawi dom during growth with their vigorous and strong branching, but shorter, more compact sized. Broad leaves, but not as much wide and broad as ErdPurt.

In flowering, both sativa and indica traits are mixed, and quite balanced in influence.
I'm also suprised they didn't show much color.

Excited to hear your smoke reports when right time comes :smoke:
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Active member
Thanks for the nice words @dubi. I was also wondering about the lack of coloration, but it was just to warm. After a few days of cold nights the buds I didn't harvest started to get some purpl-ish coloring. I guess this will increase in the next few days.

Sadly I had some mold which is probably due to injuries by pests I guess. It was just one bud of each plant and in a very specific spot, so I am pretty sure there was dmg by mites or caterpillar, that just got infected. The rest of the plants is super happy.

The drying wasn't optimal and I am very happy, that the buds kept most of its smell. I will cure them for 1-2 month before giving it a test smoke, so see you back then.

This is an absolutely lovely plant with very interesting smell! A friend of mine said he never smelled sth like this before. One has a pretty earthy smell with some rotten fruit to it. The other is more on the fruity side with a slight smell of iron in it. Its super interesting and I am stoked to see how it might change due to curing. There is some seeds in there but thats okay. Was a little cross pollination in the beginning of the grow.

Definitely giving it a try as soon as I got an indoor setup. Still got some beans so I will surely find some gold in there again.

See you in a while


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ACE Seeds Breeder
To expand on comments, Girl n1 was the one with more Erdpurt influence for the growth traits.
Girl nr2 and the boy leaned a lot to Purple Malawi.

If you let me know what are the plants in pics of post #10, then i can also try to go into more detail for flowering traits of each female.

When crossing 2 different lines with very different terpene profiles, along with some leaning to one side or other of the hybrid, or showing balanced traits, new (sometimes strange) terpene profiles can also arise.

Once dry, let the harvest cure well in jars, and around Xmas time buds will have well defined its terpenes and these and highs still vibrant, so a great moment for smoke reports of hybrids, enjoy!

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